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Liam stared at her, rocked back on his heels and brought his fingers to his still-healing throat. “I was attacked to teach you a lesson.”

She grabbed Liam’s hand and squeezed. “I’m so sorry. I know this doesn’t make much sense right now, but it will soon.”

“I’m starting to get some of the picture. This has to do with all of Jude’s trips, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, in part.” Addressing Jude again, she said, “I told Michael everything and he suggested we leave the country and lay low for a while. I never gave you a second dose, Jude. I swear it.”

“Then the guy who delivered my breakfast wasn’t working with you?”

“No. You got sick right after you ate?”

“As a damned dog. A lot worse than before.”

Liam clutched her arm. “Lily, on our walk, you were looking at that big guy in the resort uniform. You said he looked familiar.”

The pieces fell into place, and her fear grew. “Oh, God, I should have recognized him! He’s one of Dietz’s men. And if his men are here, we’ve got to get the hell out. Now, before they realize we’re escaping.”

“And after we get gone, someone’s going to fill in the gaps for me,” Liam said. “Jude, can you walk?”

“I don’t know. I’ll try.”

It took both of them to get Jude into the bedroom and lower him to sit on the bed. His face was white, beaded with sweat. His breathing was too fast, and he was clearly in agony.

“Liam and I will pack only what we absolutely need into one bag. A couple of changes of clothes, and leave the rest here. Clothes can be replaced.”

Lily grabbed a duffel and stuffed in some clothes for herself and Jude. Liam hurried back in, face pinched in anxiety.

“Is this too much?” he asked.

“No, that’s fine. Anything else we need, we’ll have where we’re going.”

Liam paused. “We’re not going home?”

“No. I’m phoning Michael, our boss, and giving him the heads-up that things here are FUBAR and we’re taking off for the safe house in Tennessee. Michael and some of our trusted men-the ones not working around Dietz-will meet us there for reinforcements.”

“Reinforcements,” Liam repeated, in a daze. “Groovy. Shit.”

“They’ll have our doctor come with them to take care of you,” she said to Jude.

He nodded. “How are we getting to our ride?”

“Rental. I’m going to the front to secure a car, and while I’m there, I’ll make a point to say Liam and I are going sightseeing since you’re not feeling well. Then we all make tracks. Michael will give us the rendezvous point.”

Liam, bless his heart, was trying so hard to keep calm. “I take it we’re not flying commercial.”

“No. Helicopter. Fast, efficient, and totally under the radar.”

“Fantastic. I’ve never escaped a foreign country with a posse of arch villains on my ass.”

Jude managed a sideways smile at his friend. “And you thought your life was boring.”

He snorted. “I just want it on record with the Powers That Be that I never once complained about that.”

While Liam distracted Jude, Lily used her secured, SHADO-ISSUED cell phone to dial Michael’s house. On the third ring, Simon answered.

“Ross residence.”

“Simon, this is Lily Vale.”

He sighed dramatically. “Miss Vale, I’m sure-”

“Pass a message to Michael, and I guarantee he’ll want to speak with me. It’s urgent.”

“Carry on,” he said, reluctant.

“Tell Michael that Lily Vale said Granny’s apple pies make big thighs.”

“I say! What a lot of nonsense,” he huffed.

“Just do it or you’ll be job hunting tomorrow.”

“No need to be rude. One moment.”

Michael came on the line within seconds. “Lily?”

“Dietz’s men are here. One of them posed as a resort employee and slipped Jude a second dose of the toxin. Probably meant to pin it on me. He’s in trouble, boss. We’re all in deep shit.”

“All right. I’ll send Kelly along with the copter-he and one of our pilots are in south Texas and they’ll be able to reach you within the hour. He’ll back you up until I can get to the safe house with the team.”

Blaze Kelly was a damned fine agent, and a good man to have at your back. Lily knew Michael might be slightly delayed getting the others mobilized, and she’d feel safer with Blaze there.

“All right. We’ll be rolling in fifteen. Where do we meet them?”

He gave her a location not too many miles from the resort, which was both good and bad. Good that they didn’t have to travel long to get there-bad because neither would Dietz’s men, if they pursued. While they waited on the copter, there wasn’t really anyplace to hide.

“Be careful, Lily, and tell Jude… tell him I’m so damned sorry for fucking up his life.”

“It’s not your fault.” But it was, a little. “You can tell him when you arrive at the safe house.”

“I will.”

Lily hung up, pocketed the phone, and zipped the duffel. “Ready. You guys stay here. I’ll get the car and bring it as close to-”

She turned to see Jude leaning against Liam, eyes closed. He was coughing into a tissue, the sound rattling ominously.

“Just hurry,” Liam said, voice raw with emotion. “He’s really sick.”

She nodded and hurried out, heading for the check- in building and the front desk when what she really wanted to do was throw herself in their arms and beg for forgiveness. Even if Jude believed her involvement to be what she claimed-that of an agent following a superior’s orders-he’d never forgive her for endangering Liam.

His dearest friend had nearly been killed. Because of her.

No, because of Dietz, the bastard!

But to Jude, there would be no difference.

Renting the car went smoothly and while she took care of the paperwork, she discreetly scanned the lobby. She didn’t see the big man or anyone who appeared to take too much of an interest, but then, agents were trained to blend into their surroundings.

After making sure most in the vicinity heard she and Liam were going “sightseeing,” since their lover was ill today, she grabbed the keys and moved the car to the lot closest to their suite. Then she walked back, twirling them and humming a little. As though she hadn’t a single care.

In the bedroom, Lily paused, considering how to do this. Jude was barely hanging on to consciousness, Liam’s arms around him. The tissue in his hand was flecked with blood. He was bleeding internally, the drug breaking his system down.

A wet washcloth lay on the bed, telling her Liam had tried to clean him up. At least the blood was gone from his face.

Blinking back the tears, she steeled herself mentally. If she lost it now, they’d never get out of here alive.

“We’re going to have to just support him between us,” she said. “There’s no way to finesse this. If they see us, we’re screwed.”

“I’m ready.” Liam slung the duffel bag over his back, then draped one of Jude’s arms around his shoulders. Lily got the other.

“Jude, try to help us a little. On three.”

At the count of three, they stood, hauling him to his feet. God, he was heavy. They half carried him out into the sunshine, the beautiful scenery that had seemed so perfect now surreal. Even sinister.

On the way to the car, they met a couple, who did a double take as the strange trio passed them.

“Too much to drink, huh?” the man said with a knowing chuckle.

Jerk. Why did some people feel they had to comment on things that weren’t their business? Liam said, “Yep,” and they kept going.

“Tryin’ to help,” Jude mumbled.

“You’re doing fine. Almost there.”

“Goin’ for a ride, buddy,” Liam said. “Hang on.”

“Wanna go home.”

The plaintive note in his voice got to her. She wouldn’t tell him that wasn’t an option anytime soon, for treatment of the poison alone. As an agent, he already knew.

But he would go home one day, if it was the last thing she did.
