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Jude looked pleased. “What about here, at the resort? You’re out late every night.”

“I’ve partied, had a great time, but I haven’t fucked anyone. Not even a blow job.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“Because I just wanted to feel wanted. I’ve done my share of fooling around, but the four of you are special to me,” he whispered.

Lily was touched by Liam’s loyalty to his lovers, and she hoped Dev and Geneva came to their senses soon. Reaching between Liam’s cheeks, Jude slowly withdrew the plug and laid it aside. Slicked his length with lube.

When he mounted the younger man, his big cock taking control, parting the tender flesh, Lily thought she’d never seen anything more erotic. She had a perfect view of Liam’s hole stretching impossibly wide, hugging the shaft as it sank deep inside him.

“Ohh, Jude,” he said, voice breaking. “God, yes, that’s so good. Love you inside me.”

“Beautiful man. I love being inside you.” He seated himself to the balls. “Filling you, fucking you.”

“Making love to me?”


Jude began to move, shafting him with long, sure strokes. Playing the body underneath him like a fine instrument. Owning him down to his soul. His ass muscles flexed as he drove faster into his lover, head thrown back, auburn hair drifting around his shoulders.

Gradually their moans elevated in volume, passion carrying them away. Liam began to hump frantically, pulling on his own cock.

“Jude, let me come! Please!”

“Oh, yeah,” he said, reaching around Liam. He peeled off the cock ring and tossed it aside. “Come with me. Let me feel you.”

Liam stiffened with a cry and began to spurt rope after rope of milky white cum against the side of the hot tub. Jude went next, slamming deep and holding him close, pumping into his ass. Finally, he slumped over Liam’s back, kissing him between the shoulder blades.

“You were so good.”

“We’re good together.”

Jude smiled. “Yes, we are.”

He pulled out and as Liam turned, he pulled the younger man in his arms for a kiss full of passion. They licked and suckled tongues for several moments before breaking reluctantly apart.

“Wow,” was all Lily could say. “That rocked.”

“Anybody up for round three?” Liam quipped.

She and Jude laughed.

“See, he’s a total horn dog,” Jude said. “I’ll never be able to keep up with him.”

Liam touched his face in affection. “You keep up with me just fine. Don’t ever change a thing.”

“Not a chance.”

Lily joined them and they soaked together for a while, none of them in any hurry to get out.

And that was fine by Lily.


From the heavy foliage, Tio frowned at the clueless trio, adjusting the bulge in his jeans.

Too bad this assignment was so pressing. He’d love to hang around this place for a few days of wild pussy. But he had his orders and though Tio considered himself a tough son of a bitch, Dietz was the one in control. He was fully capable of making Tio disappear from the face of the earth with one phone call.

So he’d do his job, tomorrow. A pathetically easy job at that. Glancing at Agent Vale and the boy toy, he discounted the dude. He wouldn’t matter in the long run.

All that mattered was that St. Laurent would not leave Mexico alive.

And Vale would take the fall.


Jude awoke with the familiar pressure in his head, crushing his temples in a vise. God, he’d prayed the migraines were gone for good.

The nightmares had been worse. More blood and death, and, just as bad, the feeling of how dead he was inside. Like he was putting in time on the planet, waiting for his expiration date. Tired and jaded.

The pressure grew worse and with it came the sickness. He rolled onto his side, curling into the fetal position to try to escape the agony. No use.

In bed beside him, Lily stirred. “Jude? Are you having one of your headaches?”

“Yeah,” he rasped. “Medicine’s in my overnight kit. Haven’t needed it.”

“I’ll get you a pill.” Shortly, she was back. “Oh, sweetie. I’d hoped those were gone, since you hadn’t had one in so long.”

“Me, too.” He sat up, taking the pill and a glass of water, and downing the medicine. “All I need is a nap and I’ll be good as new.”

She stroked his hair, kissed his temple. “I was going to take a shower. Will you be all right?”

“Go ahead, I’ll be fine.”

Jude heard the water running, voices in the bathroom. He wished he could join them, suggest a group shower.

Wasn’t happening this time. All he could do was lie there and fight the nausea until the medicine kicked in.

He must’ve drifted. The next thing he knew, Lily was bent over him asking if he wanted them to bring back anything for breakfast. The idea of food made him ill.

“No, thanks. I just want to sleep. You guys have fun.”

“We’ll check on you in a little while,” Liam said, sounding worried.

He muttered something and they left. He was asleep before he knew what hit him.

When he awoke next, he felt a little better. No more nightmares. The headache wasn’t as bad and he thought he might be able to sit up. Perhaps order something to eat and have it delivered to the suite.

His stomach rumbled, glad about that plan, and he pushed out of bed. His legs were steady, the slight dizziness bearable, and he padded into the living area to use the phone, leading with his cane.

Since he hadn’t learned to read Braille, even if the hotel had had a menu for the visually impaired, room service read him some of their most popular options over the phone. In the end, he went with an omelet, toast, and juice. He wasn’t sure coffee would settle.

After his shower, he found a pair of clean shorts and pulled them on, followed by a T-shirt. Recalling a snippet of his nightmare, he went to his duffel and fished until he found his grandfather’s lighter. For some reason, he hadn’t wanted to leave it at home.

Tapping his way back into the living room with the cane, he located a large chair and sat down, holding the Zippo.

Lifting it up, he used his thumb to flip the old lid up, and back down with a brisk snap. Up, and down. Up. Down.

He’d done this before, many times. But not at home in Cortlandt. Everywhere else he went. Flipping the cap, trying to talk himself out of smoking. All those places in his nightmares, whether a faraway sandy hell or a dense jungle. Always flipping.

A sense of foreboding began in his gut. Crept in and ate at him like acid. Something was very, very wrong with him. Wrong, period. He didn’t know himself. Wondered if he ever had.

Was Lily right? Did he have some sort of secret job?

A knock interrupted his dark musings and he made his way to the door, calling out. “Yes?”

“Your breakfast, Mr. St. Laurent.”

He opened the door. “Great, I’m starved,” he said, being friendly.

“Well, this ought to hit the spot,” the man said. “I’ll put it on the table over there for you. Want to charge it to your room?”

“Sure.” Digging in his wallet, he pulled out a marked bill for the tip. After the man set his tray down, he held out the money. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, have a great day.”

The waiter left and Jude went over to the table, famished now that his migraine was under control.

The omelet was excellent, but the juice was a little sour. Maybe they’d given him something made out of exotic fruits rather than the average orange juice he’d ordered. He took another sip. Nope, not orange, but what the hell.

He polished everything off and felt pretty darned good.

For about five minutes.

His stomach did a slow roll. Suddenly, his skin felt clammy and hot by turns. Then agony gripped his gut and twisted. Like the day he’d gotten sick from the bug he’d picked up. Only this was much worse.