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Jasmine stopped turning her head to look from one man to the other as they argued across her. Her eyes dropped closed. Instant pleasure coursed through her. Part of the bliss from the previous night seemed to have lingered inside her body, it only took the lightest touch to rekindle the spark into a blaze.

“When you know what you’re talking about you’ll find those ‘pleasure spots’ are actually called a G-spot and a clitoris.”

Hayden shrugged, his fingers pressed more firmly against her clit with the movement. “Don’t need to know what it’s called to make sure Jas feels good.”

Jasmine blinked her eyes open, looking from one man to the other, trying to work out what the hell she was supposed to do now. “How may I serve you, sir?” she asked both of them.

Her question trailed into a low throaty moan as Stafford pushed Hayden’s fingers out of the way. “Like this,” he corrected the other man. His fingers played her clit to perfection, trailing the moisture gathering at her slit up to slick his carefully orchestrated movements. Jasmine bit down on her lip, desperately trying not to show favouritism for one man’s touch or another man’s technique.

She glanced at Hayden, but the werewolf didn’t seem to be the least offended, merely curious. Turning to Stafford, she saw the triumph in the vampire’s eyes.

Turning back to Hayden, she was ready to reach out and reassure him, when he smiled and ducked his head to push Stafford ’s hand out of the way with his cheek. Replacing Stafford ’s finger tips with an amazingly versatile tongue, he lapped enthusiastically at her clit.

A whimper escaped from between her lips, but that was as close as she could get to real words right then. Jasmine reached for the back of his head, trying to wordlessly beg him to stay where he was and to keep doing exactly what he was doing forever.

Stafford caught her wrist before her fingers touched Hayden’s hair. She turned to him, blinking her confusion as he pinned her wrist against the mattress. Moving slightly, she tested his hold, not trying to free herself, but wondering what he would do if she tried.

Her gaze met Stafford ’s and was instantly trapped. Hayden stopped licking. Without thinking she pulled at the wrist in Stafford ’s grip. He wouldn’t allow her to reclaim her hand, but he made no objection to her moving her other hand and tangling the fingers of that hand into Hayden’s hair.

“Don’t do that,” Hayden said. Blond eyebrows almost met as a frown descended on his normally happy continence. “You’ll hurt her.”

Stafford dismissed his objection. “I know what I’m doing.”

“If you have to hold her down, you’re doing something bloody well wrong,” Hayden growled.

“Do you like being held like this?” Stafford asked her, turning all his attention away from the werewolf. “Do you like to be held tight so you know that the man you’re with will always keep you safe and close to him?”

Jasmine looked back and forth between the two men, trying to work out what answer would please both of them.

“The truth,” Hayden ordered.

“I like it, sir,” she whispered.

Hayden’s frown remained as he took hold of the hand she’d wound into his hair and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. Looking back to her eyes, he offered her a small smile and licked the skin next to his grip, giving the pleasure she took from being held his blessing.

She smiled tentatively back at him, and then at Stafford.

“You like this too, don’t you?” Stafford said as his free hand caressed her breast, his finger tips quickly making her nipple peak and plead for attention.

Hayden watched for a few moments before he lowered his head and lapped at her other nipple, sucking the tiny nub into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. In different ways each man’s touch was exquisite, each man’s hold on each of her wrists was perfect.

When Stafford lowered his head to her other nipple, she wanted nothing more than to reach out for them both, but hands tightened around her wrists and stopped her. An extra shot of arousal coursed through her body with the knowledge she belonged to them both more and more thoroughly with each moment she spent in their bed.

As Hayden’s lips left her breast and began to kiss his way back to her clitoris, Stafford ’s teeth scraped against her nipple. She arched and bucked against the bed as somehow the two young men she was caught between began to work together rather than against each other.

Hayden licked at her clit, murmuring his enjoyment of her taste against her. At the same time, Stafford nipped at her nipple again, letting her craving for a real bite, and the pleasure that could bring, bubble and peak inside her.

Jasmine squirmed against the mattress. “Please,” she whispered, right on the edge of her orgasm.

No longer able to distinguish which jolts of pleasure that raced through her body were given to her by each of the men, she only knew that it would take just the smallest extra little bit of stimulation to push her right over the edge.

“Please,” she gasped again.

The hotel bedroom door swung open and crashed against the wall.

Jasmine let out a small cry. The men on either side of her practically launched themselves vertical and off the bed at the first click of the lock.

The handcuffs didn’t seem to bother them at all right then, Stafford reached back and tossed the blanket up over her. Hayden was already half crouched next to him, as they stood at the bottom of the bed, ready to throw himself at whoever stepped into the room.

A low growl rumbled in the back of his throat. A shiver ran down Jasmine’s spine. That wasn’t the grumbling sound he made at Stafford when the vampire wouldn’t let him have his own way. This version had a primal chill to it which no human would forget once they heard it.

Mr. Washington strode into the middle of the room. Stafford and Hayden seemed to hesitate when they recognised him. They slowly morphed from the predators at the top of the food chain back into young men who wouldn’t be a match for Mr. Washington for several years to come.

Jasmine met Mr. Washington ’s eyes and held his gaze for several seconds. As soon as she saw his expression change at such a huge breach of protocol, she looked down. As the other members of the council trooped in behind them, she kept her gaze on the bed and forced herself to stay still and silent as she felt all their eyes trail over her.

Her hair was a ruffled mess, her skin flushed with arousal, her breaths came in pants. There was no way they couldn’t smell their scent of their combined arousal still hanging in the air.

Jasmine quickly tried to push aside the idea that the council were intruding upon something private and intimate right then. She was there to serve, she reminded herself again. They’d screwed her, not made love to her. They weren’t her lovers, and they weren’t her masters either.

“It seems finding a common interest has helped them after all.”

Jasmine cast the briefest possible glance at the two men standing at the bottom of the bed. It wasn’t just the handcuffs keeping them together right then. Their very postures showed they were presenting a united front against anyone who walked into their space unannounced and uninvited.

“I trust this little venture has got your petty disagreement out of your system?” the female vampire asked.

The two young men glanced at each other. Jasmine knew it had worked just as the council wanted it to. She doubted many things would break the bond she saw growing between them. The safety of the council’s future was reasonably secure already. But she doubted either of them was willing to admit as much yet.

She wondered if failing to bring them to understanding in one night would gain her another night in their bed, lying snugly, happily, between two strong bodies or if it would just lead to her bring replaced by another submissive.