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Pushing that aside as best he could, Stafford turned away from Hayden and walked back across the room to Jasmine.

As he reached her, he held out his hand. Jasmine hesitated, but rose to her feet, placing her hand delicately in his. With his one hand trapped alongside Hayden’s, it was practically useless. He had to let go of Jasmine’s hand before he could brush her hair back to reveal her throat.

“You know how vampires feed?” he asked her.

She nodded.

Stafford tucked her hair back behind her ear, completely exposing her neck. There was no mark where a vampire had fed from her before. Against all his expectations, she was truly fresh blood.

“The bite does not hurt,” he told her. “Most women find it very pleasurable.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

Stafford leaned in and kissed her neck, very gently. An expectant shiver ran through her body. He smiled against her skin and trailed his lips over her neck. Hayden was right, she wanted this, and she wanted the bite too. He could always tell once he was close enough to feel the tremors of building desire running though a woman’s body. Her breaths sped up. Her muscles tensed. She was waiting for it now, waiting rather impatiently if he was any judge.

Stafford trailed his lips back to her mouth. The first kiss was important. A brief brush of lips to start with-just a little something to tell her what was to come, to make her crave a real kiss. By the time he allowed her the real kiss she was leaning eagerly into his touch. She whimpered as he finally slid his tongue between her lips and tasted her properly.

He opened his eyes as he broke the kiss, so he could guide her backwards onto the mattress. As she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed, he pushed his clothes off, dropping them onto the floor around his feet. There was nothing that could be done with his shirt except to rip the sleeve so it could be torn from the handcuffs. He tossed the ruined garment away as he joined Jasmine on the bed.

Hayden got onto the bed next to them, and settled himself comfortably, watching them both with obvious curiosity. The damn werewolf had no sense of decency. Stafford tried to turn his attention away from the man, but he was just there, just watching him.

“Do you have to stare like that?” he demanded.

The wolf rested his elbow on his knee. “Why shouldn’t I watch you?” Hayden asked. “Jasmine is very beautiful. I will enjoy watching her pleasure. Don’t vampires like to watch too?”

Stafford frowned across at him, but he was damned if he would waste any more of his time with him when Jasmine was so ready to offer him her body and her blood.

“Just try to ignore him,” he told her. Leaning close in to her, he whispered in her ear. “He is not important. Pretend it is just you and me.”

She nodded and he guided her to lie back on the bed. Leaning over her, he kissed her again, trailing his kisses over her neck once more. She relaxed back so easily for him. “So beautiful,” he whispered. “A vision of Aphrodite.”

“Who’s she?”

Stafford looked over his shoulder at Hayden. “What?”

“Aphrodite, who is she?”

“It’s not polite to interrupt people when they are having sex,” Stafford said through gritted teeth.

“It’s not polite to call one woman by another woman’s name during sex either. You’re going to end up getting slapped if you make a habit of it.”

“Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of beauty,” Stafford said and pointedly turned his back on the other man to look down at her. She didn’t lift her eyes and meet his gaze. If Hayden had upset her, he was going wring the wolf’s neck right then and be done with it.

Brushing his lips against hers, he whispered, “He’s an idiot, but he’s harmless.”

She nodded and leaned up for another kiss. At that moment he was sure there could have been an auditorium full of people watching them, and all she would have registered was their lips brushing together.

He moved his right hand to touch her, but the cuffs rattled-he wasn’t going to have Hayden’s hands anywhere near her if he could help it. It was far better to leave his own right hand out of the equation and make do with his left.

Shifting on the mattress to free his other hand, Stafford trailed his fingers down her neck and to her breast. Her nipple peaked eagerly under his touch, pleading for his attention. He allowed his attentions to linger there for several minutes as he manipulated the nerve endings with practised ease.

Jasmine whimpered her frustration, arching her back to push her breast into his hand. He studied each reaction before he trailed his fingers further down her body, caressing her skin every inch of the way. She spread her legs for him, quickly inviting him to slide his fingers down between her thighs and Stafford was not about to refuse such a generous invitation. She moaned her appreciation as he slid his fingers against her slit and up to her clit to tease the tiny swollen bud, his fingers slicked with her moisture so they slid perfectly against her.

She pressed herself against his hand as he worked her slowly to a peak of frustration, never letting her have quite enough stimulation.

As hard as he tried, it wasn’t long before he couldn’t wait any longer. “If you want this, Jasmine, you have to tell me. You have to say yes for me.”

“Yes,” she said, very loudly.

Stafford grinned down at her. A movement from the side caught his eye. Hayden shifted uncomfortably and probably very frustratedly on the bed next to them. His smile changed and became more calculating.

“Does it bother you, Hayden watching us?” he asked her.

She shook her head, and looked into his eyes for a moment. If that was the case then it was about time someone showed the wolf how a real man made love to a woman.

“I want you to ride me.”

Jasmine immediately pushed herself up onto her elbow, ready to get into whatever position he wanted. Stafford knelt on the bed behind her and gently guided her to spread her legs so he could put his knees between them. She leaned forward putting her hands on the mattress, as if she thought he wanted her doggie style, like the damn wolf inevitably would. Sitting back on his heels, Stafford pulled her back close to him instead, so she would be able to ride him.

She hesitated for a moment, and then she seemed to realise what he wanted and she nodded her understanding. “Yes, sir.”

“That’s right,” he soothed, as she he guided her to lower herself down onto the full length of his erection. Stafford pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck as she settled onto him.

Looking across at Hayden, still watching their every move, Stafford met his eyes as he bit down on her neck.

His teeth sliced neatly through her skin. She threw her head back with a pleasure filled gasp as her muscles clamped down around him.

Hayden tilted his head to the side, frowning as if he only then realised Stafford told the truth when he said human women enjoyed being bitten by him. Stafford smiled against the cut and teased it with his tongue as blood began to seep into his mouth.

She was so sweet, so perfect, and he didn’t need Hayden’s sense of smell to tell him she wasn’t afraid anymore-he could taste her pleasure, hot and eager on his tongue. He rocked his hips, pushing his cock deeper into her slit as she rode him and he felt her pleasure grow and double.

Reaching around with his free hand he teased her nipple between his thumb and forefinger the way she seemed to like so much. She seemed to appreciate a rougher touch than other women in his experience. A sharper pinch of his fingers, a scrape of his nail across the nipple and she gasped and writhed around his cock for him.

He closed his eyes and sucked at the small wounds on her neck, coaxing the blood to flow more freely as his fingers danced across her breasts. Jasmine shakily took up the rhythm he set for her and she began to ride him properly. She took control of the movements, leaving him free to concentrate on the feeding while she worked hard and fast for both their pleasure. All of a sudden she faltered, gasping and bucking as her rhythm deserted her.