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Taming the Atom (von Baeyer)

Tasmanian tiger

Tattersall, Ian

taxonomy; animal world, categories; class; classification of bacteria; classification of plants; disagreements, arbitration of,; family; field of; genus; humans, classification of; life; Linnaean system; magnitude of classifying; number of taxonomists; order; phylum; primates, classifying; species; works of

Taylor, Frank Bursley


temperature; Earth’s changes of; Fahrenheit and Celsius

Terrible Lizard (Cadbury)

Theory of the Earth with Proofs and Illustrations, A (Hutton)

thermodynamics; entropy; Gibbs and; laws of; Second Law of

Thomson, J. J.

Thorne, Alan

Thorne, Kip S.

Thorstensen, John

time, general theory of relativity and

Time’s Arrow (Gould)



Titans of the Deep (film)

Tombaugh, Clyde

Trans-Neptunian Objects

Trefil, James



Trinkaus, Erik

Tryon, Edward P.


Tsurutani, Bruce

Turkana, Lake, Kenya



Uncertainty Principle

U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona

universe: age of; birth of (Big Bang theory); cosmic background radiation; curvature of space; dark energy (vacuum energy, quintessence); dark matter; edge of; emptiness of; end of; expanding; Goldilocks effect; gravity in; inflation theory; ordered self-assembly in; parsec (vs. light-years); planets in, number of; planets, life-sustaining; theory of many universes; size of; visible

uranium; decay rate into lead


Urey, Harold

Ussher, James


Valéry, Paul


Venus: conditions on; lack of tectonic activity; transits of

Vermeer, Jan

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Chambers)

Vine, Fred


Vogel, Shawna

volcanoes: Ashfall Fossil Beds, Nebraska, and; Bruneau-Jarbidge, Idaho; climatic consequences,; Deccan Traps; Galeras, Colombia; caldera; hypertrophic pulmonary osteodystrophy; Krakatau, Indonesia; lack of preparedness; predicting; pyroclastic flow; St. Helens, Washington; supervolcanoes, superplumes; Tambora; Unzen, Japan; Vesuvius, Italy; Yellowstone Park

von Baeyer, Hans Christian

Voorhies, Mike

Voyager 1 amp; 2 craft

Vreeland, Russell


Walcott, Charles Doolittle

Walker, Alan

Wallace, Alfred Russel

Walsh, Don

water; chemical formula for; fresh; frozen, qualities of; humans, percentage; lake or ocean, length of time in; molecules; molecules, as rain; oceans, percentage of Earth’s water in; seawater; surface tension; weight of, pressure of,. See also oceans

Watson, James.

Watt, James

weather and climate; cloud types.; evaporation; Holocene period; hurricane; ice ages; lightning; jet streams; meteorology; Milankovitch cycles; oceans and; rain; storm cloud, anvil shape; Tambora eruption, 1816; temperature, measuring; thunderstorms, energy; variables of climate; weight of air in front; wind. See also ice ages

Wegener, Alfred

Weinberg, Samantha

Weinberg, Steven,

Weitz, Charles

whales; ambergris

Whewell, William

White Cliffs of Dover

White, Nathaniel

Whittaker, R. H.

Whittington, Harry

Wickramasinghe, Chandra

Wilberforce, Samuel

Wilford, John

Wilkins, Maurice

Wilkinson Microwave Anistropy Probe

Williams, Stanley

Wilson, Allan

Wilson, Edward O.

Wilson, Robert

Winchester, Simon


Windows into the Earth (Smith amp; Siegel)

Wisdom of Bones, The (Walker)

Wistar, Caspar


Witzke, Brian

Woese, Carl

Woit, Peter

Wonderful Life (Gould)

Wren, Christopher


X-ray crystallography

X rays


Yakima, Washington

Yellowstone Park; earthquakes,; Emerald Pool; geysers; Hebgen Lake quake; hydrothermal explosions; rockfall, Gardiner Canyon

Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory


Zwicky, Fritz


Bill Bryson is the author of numerous works of travel literature. In addition to his bestselling books for Broadway, including A Walk in the Woods, I’m a Stranger Here Myself, In a Sunburned Country, and Bryson’s Dictionary of Troublesome Words, he is the author of Mother Tongue, The Lost Continent, Notes from a Small Island, and Neither Here Nor There. He lives in Hanover, New Hampshire, with his wife, Cynthia, and their children.