Thankfully Olga's whipping had taken off the stickers so I was not bleeding although I had welts much worse than any other whip had caused.

After a few minutes I got my breath back and worked up the courage to kneel on the large box Dan brought in to get my breasts up high enough so they would not have to bend over for the lashes sideways. The pain was too much to let me cum! My breasts danced and burned under the lashes while I cried and howled. I was so exhausted from the pain when Dan finished with his lashes that caused my tits to hit my chin I just slumped over sobbing.

It took longer to recover and even them my breasts burned and throbbed. Bill felt sorry for me and said, "This is too much. Would you like us to tie you for a hundred with a less painful whip?"

My pride wouldn't let me do it. "No! It was my idea and I'll go through with it if it kills me."

I laid back over the chair but had to be told to open my legs and told again to spread them more until the tendons in my inner thighs were bulging and my pussy lips had opened.

They must have been impressed by my bravery because none of them hit as hard. I was cumming by the fifteenth lash and continued to the end when I slumped into a faint.

When I came to I was lying on the floor with Bill's jacket under my head and Olga was being fucked in the ass by Bill while she sucked Dan.

When they came they noticed I was awake and told Olga to suck my pussy as a reward for my bravery.

She refused! "No! I could never do that! That is lesbianism! It is a terrible sin."

I was mad. I deserved a reward after my ordeal. "Yes you will! If you don't do it right now I will make you beg me to do it."

"No! You can't make me do that."

"Guys. Tie her ankles to the ceiling cuffs. Spread her legs wide and get some nipple clamps to tie her hands to."

When she was in position hanging upside down with her legs widespread I stepped in front of her and brought the whip down on her pussy hard because I just wanted her to have the worst pain possible. She kept screaming, "No! No!" while she pulled her nipples and breasts into grotesque shapes trying to get her hand over her tortured pussy until I made the tips of the whip hit directly on her clit causing an anguished scream followed by, "I'll do it. I'll do it! Please stop."

"Say, Please let me suck your pussy. I am a slutty lesbian. I'll love doing it."

"No! I am not a lesbian."

I brought another lash down with the tips digging into her ass-hole to bring blood. That must have been horrible because she ripped the clamps off her nipples to bring blood and grabbed her crotch.

"Stop! Stop!" She wailed, "I am a dirty lesbian. I want to suck your pussy."

They let her down and I made her suck until I couldn't cum anymore while her tears rolled down her cheeks."

When I let her get up she wailed, "I am so ashamed. God never forgave me. The pain just got worse and I was not brave enough to atone for this and never could be that brave."

I went too far. From then on she would not come to Dan's place if I was there. I was disappointed. It had given me a great feeling of power to make her eat me and I wanted her to do even more degrading acts but Dan and Bill didn't want to lose her.

The next day My breasts still hurt and were covered with nasty purple welts. Bill caressed them with salve and made gentle love to me all day to make up for it.

Bill had a worried look on his face so I asked him what was wrong. He said, "What you did to Olga scares me. If you hadn't stopped she would have had to go to a doctor and there would have been no way to explain how she was hurt. We could be arrested. From now on I am just going to use easy whips so I know you won't be hurt bad if I get carried away."

"But I trust you and those wimpy whips don't really excite me anymore."

"I don't care. I like hurting you. I am afraid I will really hurt you bad with the bad whips."

For the next few weeks he just gave me wimpy whipping that was not nearly enough to make me cum.

To make matters worse one of the girls was caught in the shower at home and her mother saw welts. She complained to the school and it scared them so they just whipped hard enough to redden the skin. I was totally frustrated.

I remembered what Dan had said about women coming to the shop to have his dad test whips on them. He looked really mean but I was sure he was experienced enough to cause enough pain to really get me off without the need for medical treatment.

Dan had said that business was really slow in the mornings because most of their customers did not come in until after work so I skipped school and went to his shop. I had to wait around until he opened at ten am but the wait just increased my excitement as I imagined what he may do.

I was sitting on a bus bench playing with myself under my coat when I turned around and saw the lights in the shop were on. He evidentally entered from the rear.

I went in but as soon as he noticed me he yelled, "Hey kid. Get out of here. Didn't you see the sign? No Minors!"

"Wait. I just want to talk to you a minute."

I had opened my coat so he could see my tiny cut off shorts and my tight t-shirt over my bare tits and he must have been impressed by my body.

"Well, you have the body of an adult but you can't be out here. Come back to my office."

The only thing that made it an office was a desk in the corner. The rest of the room had various whips and paddles hanging on the wall and chains coming down from the ceiling and on the walls.

I told him I was excited by whipping but the little wimpy whipping my brother gave me were not enough to get me the really great climax. I pointed out a really evil looking whip about six feet long with three small tails at the end.

"That really looks exciting. It would be like the whips they used on slaves during the civil war. I saw a picture in a history book."

"I don't sell that one. The whipper has to have a lot of experience because if not used right it can cut you to ribbons. Even used easy you would have to be worked up to it with smaller whips to get excited enough to stand it."

I shuddered in a combination of fear and excitement then asked, "I want to know what it is like. I don't mind if you work up to it."

"If you are tough enough you will get to orgasms so strong you will pass out. I doubt that you are that tough but you can think about it for awhile. There are some pictures in the top drawer of women being whipped. You can decide on the position you want to be in for the whipping. The pictures are in color so you can see the effect of the various whips. I have some work to do in the shop. I'll be back in about fifteen minutes. The pictures may convince you to go home."

He left and I ran to the file cabinet. They were polaroids evidentally taken after the whipping was over. The whip used on them was hanging by their side. Some were conscious with a totally exhausted look on their faces and some were obviously unconscious. The common denominator was a shininess on their pussies or thighs indicating the juices that had come from their cunts.

I picked out a few that had a frontal view with blossoms on the skin from knots, or lead tipped whips, the one on the wall, and one I was just curious about. This whip just had two shiny metal wires on a big handle. There were barely discernible lines on her body from the wires but her thighs were wet and she had a wild look on her face. I thought it must be one he used just to start out with but she had obviously had a fantastic orgasm.

I opened another drawer and found a scrapbook full of newspaper clippings of murders around the country from women being whipped to death. That scared me. I was still reading it when he walked in.

"What are you doing? I told you the top drawer!"