I was so excited I couldn't keep my hands off my pussy as I ran to room three. I thought group sex would mean two or more couples but to them it was two guys and one girl or two girls and one guy. I was lucky to be so horny because that day it was two guys and I was fucked standing up in my pussy and asshole at the same time. or fucked by one while I sucked the other. Between times it was up to me to get them hard by licking their balls, dicks or assholes or holding my tits out to them to be whipped or my pussy lips open so they could spank my clit.

Bill was disappointed when I got home because I was so tired I just wanted to take a nap till he woke me for dinner.

When we got back to my room he wanted to know what had happened to me that day but I wouldn't tell him until my homework was done. When we finished I told him about my day. He wasn't very impressed about my fucking but when I told him about holding my tits up for them to spank he really got excited. "You're kidding me! You mean you just held them out for them? You weren't tied or anything?"

"No I wasn't tied anywhere and it is strange. Being tied I don't seem to have any choice and I can pretend I don't want it to happen. Untied there is no doubt It gets me excited and I want it to happen. That makes me feel a little perverted. They made me feel proud by saying only a few girls could do it. I like it both ways but I think it is a little better to be totally helpless.

He wanted to try it so we got undressed. I got on my knees and grasped the bottom of my tits with my hands to pull them out and up. He got Mom's whip off the wall and I cried, "No. Please don't use that. It will bruise them."

"Relax. I am just going to use the end of one thong. Say, 'Please whip my tits, Master"

It seemed to add to my excitement to ask for them so I went even further saying, "Please whip my tits till they are striped, Master."

Between the pain, watching red lines slowly covering my tits and his throbbing dick in front of me threw me into a glorious orgasm and I grabbed his butt-cheeks to pull his dick in my mouth and swallowed till it was in my throat and my nose was bumping into his crotch hair. My orgasms continued till he flooded my mouth with cum and he sunk to the floor.

"Oh Jesus! That was fantastic. You satisfied one of my fantasies. It was just like you were my slave."

"I guess I am, kind of. I know I will let you do anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt so much I can't cum."

"Oh yeah. I am sorry but you drained me so much it may be a little while before I can get hard so I can fuck you for your orgasm."

"Are you kidding. I came like crazy. I don't need to be fucked any more today. Let's just go to bed. I am exhausted."

I left my table lamp on so I could trace the lines on my tits with my fingers till they began to fade and I fell into a deep sleep.

When I took my shower in the morning all the lines had faded. It seemed I had just dreamed it.

The next day no-one needed to be punished. I had mixed feelings about it. I would have liked to be excited when I went downstairs but now there would be more time for fantasy.

I was down there first so I had time to look around. It was a big room with all kinds of strange furniture, leather harnesses to hold you in the air in all kinds of positions. The wall had every kind of whip imaginable. I shuddered to think how much some of them would hurt especially some made of wire and paddles with the points of nails sticking out of them. I realized that all this stuff was a result of some girl's request and began to think I was not as brave as I thought. One thing was really weird. It looked like a dress form except it was made of barbed wire. It was hinged on one side so a girl could be put in it to have her whole torso encircled by the wire. Three strands of wire were hanging from the bottom strand at the back. I was still looking at it when the first grade teacher walked in so I asked him about it.

"That has not been used for quite awhile. A ninth grade student requested it about four years ago. It was so wild all the teachers came to see it used. As you probably guessed the girl was put inside it then the wires were tightened till the barbs just touched her skin and then the loose strands were brought through her legs to press against her crotch and pussy. When she was in it the wires were touched by a cattle prod. Every time the electricity hit she would jump and drive the barbs into her skin. We couldn't do it very long because she began bleeding. To our amazement she didn't want to be taken out of it."

I shuddered at the thought. I didn't know what a cattle prod was but I thought it must take a lot of electricity to make her jump into the barbs.

He asked me for my fantasy sheets. I only had three. One was my brother's idea. It involved putting bowls of red ants on my tits to wear while being fucked. He discarded that for the time being since they had no red ants.

The second had me lying on my stomach on a bed of rose branches while I was fucked in my ass. This was also put aside because they had no roses.

The third request was that I be fucked in my pussy, my ass, and my mouth all at the same time until they could not get hard anymore. This they could do.

The second grade teacher, the janitor and a girl a little older than me came in. Her fantasy must have already started. She was naked and had iron manacles with big chains on her wrists and ankles. There were tears coming down her cheeks. I couldn't understand that since she was coming to satisfy her own fantasy.

The janitor read our fantasies aloud. Her fantasy was to be hung up by iron manacles and to be whipped till every bit of her was red from her armpits to mid thigh by two men at the same time then she was to suck them off and they were to shoot their cum in her face. That did not appeal to me at all. It looked like the men would be the only ones to enjoy it. If I had not known it was her idea I would have assumed the men had come up with it.

Since she already had her manacles on she was first.

She cried and moaned, "No. Please no." and "I hurt. I hurt" till it was over. The men ignored her and it took a long time as they stopped to locate white or pink areas to hit. Then they loosened her arms enough to let her rest on her knees and took turns getting blow-jobs. She got a look of ecstasy on her face and kept it even while her face was covered with cum.

Now it was my turn. They tied my arms loosely to the ceiling then sat on a bench till she was able to get them hard again by alternately stroking two of the dicks while sucking the third. When they were hard the janitor was seated on a swing and lifted to the level of my face. I was glad to see his dick was skinny enough to go down my throat then they all began feeding their dicks into me at once. It was as excited as I had imagined when I thought up the fantasy and I had several great orgasms.

On the way out I asked the girl why she had picked that fantasy since she seemed to be really suffering under the whips.

She said, "I do hate being whipped. It really hurts but my mother and my church lecture me all the time about sex being a sin so the only way I can avoid guilt is to be punished for the joy I get."

"Yeah but you weren't fucked. You just gave the men pleasure."

"I know, I don't understand that either. It is just that the more humiliated I am the better the orgasm. My boy friend leads me around on my hands and knees with a leash going to clothespins on my nipples till I beg him to whip me and let me suck his dick."

When I got home Bill was not there. I remembered what she said about the clothespins so I dug around till I found a couple then went upstairs to undress and try them. They hurt! They kept hurting for about ten minutes then I guess the nerves got numb so they just ached. I was amazed at how strong they were. I could pull my nipples way out and stretch my breasts with them without having them pop off. When I took them off there was another sharp pain then they ached until I rubbed them to bring back the circulation.