That gave me mixed feelings. I was afraid they may hurt me more but Bill's compliments of my nude body made me proud and I wondered if they would like it too.

Monday I went to the new school. It was a lot different than the public school. Even with two classes to the room there were only twenty students. I thought it was a little strange that although it was a girl's school all the teachers were men.

At my interview with the principal I was told the school went from nine AM to four thirty with a half hour lunch. This was an hour and a half longer than the public school. I was to wear a uniform consisting of a blue jumpsuit and rather than regular gym classes we would learn ballet, modern dance, and swimming. We were to maintain our weight according to our height and if we got too fat or thin we would be put on a diet. Then he said sternly." We believe in corporal punishment and so do your parents. Do you know what that means?"

"Yes sir. If I am bad I will be spanked."

"Not just that. You will be spanked for disobedience, late work and poor work."

He sent me to class. I felt real out of place because everyone but me were in jump-suits. My mom had sent mine to a tailor and they had not come back in time.

The teacher said that since I was coming in late I would be doing extra homework till I caught up. If I wasn't caught up by Friday I would be penalized for late work. Then he gave me the rules on grades. "You will never get less than twenty spanks. Each point under one hundred counts a spank. If you always get hundreds you will never get spanked but if you get eighty every day you will get spanked every day. Then he gave me a ton of homework to catch up. He said I should be able to do it with three hours of study each night.

I could see that I would learn a lot more here than in public school. The teacher was always around to help and told us if we wanted extra help he would stay after school to help. We never had to read entire chapters. He had marked all the important stuff in our books.

"During lunch period I met Mary. "Hi. I'm Mary. You are obviously Lena the new girl. Why aren't you wearing the uniform?"

"My Mom is having it tailored."

"You must be a rich girl. There are only two kinds here, rich girls or delinquents. I am a rich girl too. I suppose both your parents have careers."

"Yes they are both lawyers."

"Dad's a doctor and my mom is a hospital administrator whatever that is. They are happy to pay the big bucks to have this school babysit me all day and make me obedient. I have told them about the beatings but they just say that if I am spanked I must deserve it. Speaking of that. get serious about your study they aren't kidding about punishment and believe me you won't like it. You can't avoid it altogether. I just hope to keep it down to once a week."

I said, "It should be pretty easy to get good grades. The teacher helps a lot more than in public school."

"Yeah you get more help but there is a lot more work too. Don't forget the homework grades count too. For God's sake don't sass the teacher. I made that mistake. I was sent to the principal. He is so mean it is unreal."

We talked some more then arranged to meet for the weekend.

Gym class was much better than the dumb calisthenics and games in public school. On Monday it was ballet, Tuesday was aerobic dancing, Wednesday modern dance, Thursday gymnastics, and Friday swimming. It was embarrassing at first since we just wore white leotards that became transparent when they got wet from perspiration and they always got wet. In the swimming class we were naked because the teacher said it caused less drag so we could swim faster. Since everyone but the teacher was naked I got used to it. Unfortunately we were graded on that too and it took a while for me to learn to be graceful. Our teachers had to have many talents. The same teacher taught all our classes. At first it seemed strange for him to be in the shower room with twenty naked girls but he said if he didn't supervise we might horseplay and slip and fall hurting ourselves.

At three thirty we were tested on the daily work. I was really pleased to get an overall score of ninety seven. With the ten points I had lost in ballet I only owed thirteen so I was alright for today and I thought I would do better tomorrow.

Two girls weren't so lucky. The teacher announced one had a seventy eight and the other had a seventy six. I was really curious about whether he would take them over his knee for a hand spanking or use a strap bent over his desk. I decided neither would hurt much over that thick uniform. I was wrong on everything.

I found out there was a regular ritual. The girl with the least spanks coming was first. She began sniffling as she got out of her chair. His desk was a step up from the main floor. He sat on the edge of the desk while she went to a closet and brought back a whip with a handle about a foot long and four leather belts coming out of the end a little smaller than Dad's dress belts.

She went over in front of him, got on her knees then held up the whip in both hands and said with a quaver, "I have been a bad girl. Please give me twenty two lashes with this whip."

When he reached out for it she kissed his hand then began taking off the uniform. She took off her panties too. He gave her a couple of pieces of rope. She pulled two rings out of the floor then spread her legs to tie her ankles to the rings. Meanwhile he pushed a button and a flap opened in the ceiling and two ropes with what looked like dog collars except they were lined with sheepskin slowly began to descend. She held out her hands for him to buckle on the collars then he pressed another button and the ropes began rising till her heels were pulled off the floor.

He stayed in front of her and brought the whip around her side to have the ends of the belt hit her butt until it was awful red then began wrapping it around her thighs just below her crotch. Finally he stepped closer to her and it was obvious the ends were hitting the front of her body. One must have been especially bad because she kind of "Yipped". He stopped and said, "Remember that we don't want to make a fuss. If you scream you will be gagged and get ten more. "She sobbed,"I'm sorry. That one hit my pussy!"

He had no sympathy for her, "It won't be the last time that happens."

He went on to give her the last four lashes. He must have aimed for her pussy because she made little "Yips" with each one.

Her body shuddered with her sobs as he lowered the rope to unbuckle her wrists. When she bent over to untie her ankles I saw red lines crossing her hairless pussy.

The next girl was about the same except she didn't have to go to the closet for the whip. She was braver though. she didn't cry. she just made little moans at each lash.

After the whipping was over we were to use the remaining time to help each other in our studies, or read. It was hard to concentrate on anything after seeing them whipped. It was strange. Seeing that should have horrified me but at the same time I was excited at the idea of being tied helpless and naked for a whipping that I knew could be more exciting than painful.The teacher left the room shortly after the whipping telling us to leave when the bell rang.

When I got home I found my jump-suits had been delivered. I went up to my room to try them on but before I put them on I could not resist standing in front of my mirror with my arms raised and my legs spread to try to imagine what the girls felt like being tied that way. With my legs spread I could see how easy it would be for the lashes to hit my pussy. I shuddered at the thought. Bill had just hit it easy and it had stung, as hard as they hit it would really hurt. I was sure it would not cause the excitement I got from Bill.

The jump-suits fit okay so I left it on to show Mom.