Jan and Claire looked as if they were in shock. Jan fnally said, "Jesus!. She came! I thought it would be exciting but I had no idea it could give orgasms."

Claire said in awe, "Me either. I want to try it."

Jan said, "Me too. Let's do it together. Back to back. I have had my butt spanked. I want something new."

We helped Bobbie down and helped her to the couch. She unashamedly dug at her pussy in a futile attempt to get back her fantastic orgasm.

Jan and Claire stripped. then stood back to back with their legs at the cuffs. The strap was barely long enough to go around both ankles and their wrists. They gasped in excitement just at the stretch as I pulled up their arms. Then I began backhanding and fore handing their thighs slowly working up to their boobs to make them shudder violently then back down to give lash after lash across their pussy lips. Claire had the advantage of the mirror and came first so I moved in front of Jan and rubbed the thongs against her wet slit. She said dazedly, "Hit it. Hit it hard!" I brought the whip up from the floor to distort the lips as the center thong entered the wet gash to drag against her clit. Two more brought a scream and violent pumping of her hips as liquid drooled from her pussy.

Bobbi came over to slide her hands over their pussies as she said dazedly, "It's wonderful. Isn't it?"

Jan and claire moaned, God yes. Oh Yes!"

I loosened their rope as Bobbi dropped to her knees to unbuckle the ankle cuffs. As soon as I had the wristcuffs off they turned to kiss each other grinding their boobs and pussies together until Claire must have been embarrassed by Bobbi and my avid stares and pushed Jan away.

Jan said, "God. I need a drink!" The others agreed so I went to the bar to make them while they sat on the couch. I was amused that like me they could not resist caressing their red pussies.

When I took over the drinks I said, "I feel strange. I am the only one with clothes on."

Jan grinned and said, "You are supposed to have clothes. You are the headmistress."

They began discussing how their excitement had risen and agreed the suspense and anticipation as the lash slowly came closer to their clits had been excruciating and that they were all sorry I had stopped when I did as they were sure they might have had an even greater climax. As they talked they caressed their red bodies and Jan said, "It is good the boys will not be back tomorrow so the red can go away."

I told her it would be gone in less than an hour.

Then out of the blue Claire whimpered. "Oh God. I have been ruined. A simple fucking will be nothing after this."

I said, "Yeah. That is a problem I have been wrestling with. If I tell him I need to be whipped to cum it may ruin the image I have of only accepting his punishment out of love. Without that he may just think I am some kind of pervert and become disgusted. I would really miss his efforts to make up for punishment with gifts and entertainment."

Jan said, "Yeah me too. When he left welts on my ass he bought me an expensive gold bracelet. Somehow I am going to have to get him to hit my front. It is twice as exciting as just my butt."

"I have an idea that may get them used to that. I had this weird dream where I was playing poker with several men but while they were playing for money my losses had to be paid by lashes. I woke up just as I was being tied for a hundred lashes. I was so excited I had to finish myself with masturbation."

Jan said, "Oh Jesus. I couldn't take a hundred."

"Sure you could. It isn't the amount. It is the severity. ten hard ones with a quirt is worse than a hundred with the whip. You know a belt or whip is better than something solid like a hand or paddle."

That convinced them and they told me to set up the game. Jan said, "It looks like a no lose proposition. If we win we can go shopping and if we lose we could get fantastically excited."

Claire said, Maybe, but it is still scarey. I hope I get lucky and win."

Bobbi giggled and said, "I hope I get lucky and lose."

When Bob got home I told him what had happened. He was upset, "Shit! I can't believe was stupid enough to tell his wife. He should have known she would tell the others."

"No. It is alright. He didn't tell her everything. Just that I had done something wrong and you had let them watch my punishment. The guys followed your advice and switched to belts or whips. The girls don't hate being punished now."

I told him about the poker party which he thought was a great idea and helped me set up the rules which he typed out on his computer. We decided to set up the game on the next friday so everyone could sleep late.

They arrived about eight o'clock. Bill was carrying a whip like mine, Jim carried a broomstick with leather bootlaces atached to the end while Joe had a wide belt. Like me the girls had gone to beauty salons and were wearing their sexiest cocktail dresses. We all looked fabulous.

We made them drinks and sat them at the table then Bob passed out the rules. The guys were to buy a hundred dollars worth of colored chips for themselves and a hundred white chips for their wives. At the end of the game girls could buy back white chips with their colored chips. I had spent hours putting the initials of us girls on the three hundred chips.

Only Bill complained that this could cost him two hundred dollars. Bob said, "It could be more. If a girl loses all her chips she will have to get up and strip then serve drinks. Guys can buy more chips to give them a chance to use the whip."

We were playing "Texas Holdem" In that game you are dealt two cards face down for your ante of a dollar. If you don't like them you can throw them away and only lose a dollar or you can bet two dollars to see the "Flop." then three cards were dealt out face up for all to use. Then you bet three dollars to see another card and then four to see the last. After the last card you could bet five which could be raised by other players up to fifteen.

Claire was evidentally still scared because she played very conservatively throwing away her cards unless she had a pair or an ace with another card of the same suit. It didn't work well because when she held her cards and bet after the flop everyone except the strongest hands dropped out and then only called to keep the loss down if she won so the pots she won were small.

Bobbi and I played every hand at least until the flop. We were lucky at first and made everyone groan at the end when we would turn over a three and four or some other odd combination to make a straight or flush.

On one hand I had two fours down. I bet two dollars and Claire raised it to four. I knew she must have a high pair and should have dropped out but I called along with some other players. On the flop their was an Ace a four and an eight. I now had three fours. I bet and Claire raised. I looked again and saw the ace and eight were both spades. I thought she may have a king and queen of spades and was hoping for a flush so I called. The next card was an eight. I now had a full house so I bet no longer caring about the flush. She just called but another player raised. I just called thinking he may have an ace and eight in the hole I called anyway only to have Claire re-raise. I had so many chips in by then I decided to see the last card. Miraculously it was a four. I now had four fours. I bet only to be raised by Claire the other player groaned and said I can't throw this away and called. I re-raised. Claire and the other player called then Claire triumphantly turned over two aces to show the best possible full house. The other player had the flush and I squealed and showed my two fours.

Claire was pissed saying, "You dumb bitch. How could you stay in with those lousy fours. You know I play good cards."

I just grinned as I pulled in the huge pile of chips.