I turned to see the rug had been pulled back to reveal the rings with cuffs attached and the wrist cuffs swaying ominously from the ceiling. I walked to him dazed by being so close to orgasm.

When I got to him he said, "You allowed strange me to fondle all your private parts and worse you enjoyed it. You deserve to be punished. Don't you?"

Yes Master. I deserve anything you want to do."

"Fine. Prepare yourself."

I spread my legs to buckle on the ankle cuffs realizing the wide spread had opened my pussy lips by coolness as the liquid in it dried in a breeze. then I put on the wristcuffs and reached up looking over at the men. They were staring awestruck as Bill said, "Jesus. She is making herself helpless!" Joe made me proud by saying, "God. That takes a lot of courage."

Bob pulled down on the rope to stretch me then tied it to a hook on the wall. Jim made me proud by saying excitedly, "Jesus. Look at her! The stretch makes her body look fantastic." The others agreed pointing out my tiny waist made even smaller and my lifted boobs.

Then Bob brought over a whip with leather thongs about two feet long and said, "What needs to be punished?"

"Every place they touched, Master."

Jim said "Oh Jesus. We felt her tits and pussy."

Joe revealed his meanness by saying, "Yeah. I can't wait to see those big boobs jumping under that whip."

Bill said in awe, "Imagine how her pussy lips will squirm."

Bob moved to my side then there was a terrific sting as the lash went across both my ass cheeks. It made me gasp then tremble as the sting began to radiate through my body.

Jim said excitedly, "God that must have hurt but she just gasped!"

That seemed to signal them to jump out of their chairs to circle around me to get a better look.

Bob hit slowly to let me feel the sting radiate from my butt until Bill said, "God. Look! All of her lily white ass has turned red!"

Bob began forehanding and back handing my right thigh with the tips hitting the tender inside. I gasped and shuddered as the sting radiated into my pussy then squealed as the top thong on the last one ripped open my slit.

Bill grabbed his dick as he yelled, "Shit! Did you see that? Her gash opened up!"

Bob moved to my other side to do my other thigh as I continued to moan and gasp with the last one again grazing my pussy lip to give me a taste of what was to come.

He stopped to watch my body pulsate with the other men as it began to glow from my perspiration.

Joe said, "God. She is getting a workout. Look at her sweat!"

Bill said in awe, "Yeah her body is glowing. This is awesome!"

Bob stepped back and hit the center of my tummy to increase my excitement followed by two more just above and below the first to let me anticipate the movement towards my breasts and pussy. On the fourth one he brought the lash upwards at the bottom of my breasts to make them jump violently along with my excitement.

Joe yelled, "Yeah! that's the way. Make them jump!"

He hit down diagonally to cover the whole face of my pussy and I went into orgasm only to reach stronger ones as he alternated lashes between my boobs and pussy until I reached the ultimate orgasm when he stepped in front of me to bring the whip up iinto my slit to sting my clitoris. I let my head fall as my body heaved from my hard breathing to see my red breasts move as I felt them throb.

Bill said, "Wow. That was some show. Is she alright?"

Bob said, "She is fine. Just some red skin. She is sweating because it makes her hot. Feel her."

Then there were hands all over me again. The caresses felt good and relieved the last of the stinging sensation. Joe stuck his fingers into my pussy and exclaimed, "Jesus. This excited her. She is sopping wet."

Bob said, "Yeah. Isn't that great. I don't have to feel guilty for hitting her."

Then the rope to my wrists began to loosen. I just let myself sink to the floor still trying to catch my breath while they unfastened my cuffs. They watched me curled in the foetal position a moment then Bill said, "Christ. I need a drink."

They went to the bar to make drinks and talk about me. I felt proud when Jim said, "She is awesome. You are a lucky man but my wife may be a little like her. I gave her a birthday spanking and she got real excited."

Joe said, "Maybe I am doing it wrong. I only spank my wife when she has overdrawn her checking account and she says it is humiliating to be treated like a child."

Bob said, "Hand spanking may bruise her and cause resentment and it really isn't connected to sex unless you fuck her right afterwards."

Jim agreed, "I always fuck my wife afterwards. She says that makes her forget the pain."

"The instrument makes a difference too and it helps if it is connected to sex. When you fuck her take your belt to bed with you and have her get on top. When she begins to get really excited slap her butt and breasts with your belt. Dee loves that."

He went to our bedroom and came back with our array of punishment instruments. Bill picked up a leather quirt and swung it around finally slapping it down on the bar top. The loud snap made me cringe as he said, "This would make great stripes on an ass." Jim picked out the willow switch and said, "This brings back memories. My Dad used to use this on my ass. It really stung even over my shorts." Then Joe picked up a thin springy bamboo cane and said, "I saw this used in a German porno movie. They made her sit on the edge of a chair with her legs spread and holding on to it's arms while they beat her pussy. I wished I could understand German to know what they threatened to do to her if she closed her legs because it must have taken great courage to keep them open while it was beaten until it was red and swollen." I made a little sob remembering how sore my pussy had been after being in the sex show."

I sat up and caressed my throbbing boobs noticing the redness was fading. Bob noticed and said, "Good. She is alert." He brought me a tall rum and coke I drank it greedily then handed him my glass for a refill. While he was getting it the men came over. I started to get up but Jim said, "No. Don't get up. Just rest for awhile."

I put my hands on the floor behind me to brace my upper body and looked at them fearfully since they were still carrying their instruments of torture Bob had agreed not to use on me unless I was bad since they hurt so much more than the whip.

They were staring at my still red pussy so I selfconsciously straightened my legs to clench my thighs together to hide it.

Bill said, "No. No. No. Don't hide it. I love shaved pussies. Especially red ones." as he put the guirt between my legs to tap on my thighs. I opened them afraid he may hit hard. he kept tapping alternate thighs until I had them widely spread. I don't know why it embarrassed me. They had seen it for a long time but it seemed different to display it that way. Then they began to play with me by lightly tapping their instuments on my boobs and pussy. It began to reawaken my excitement just as Bob returned to hand me my drink and say, "Is she being good?" Joe said, "Yeah. She made a mistake but she corrected it."

Bill began sliding the quirt between my pussy lips to make it drag on my clit as he said wistfully, "I suppose she has been punished enough but I would love to see how this may leave stripes on that nice round butt." Bob said, "Oh I am sure she could take more. She was just excited by the whipping. Wouldn't you like to prove your courage Dee?"

That wasn't true. The first part had really hurt and it was only toward the end my excitement let me ignore the pain besides I was tired and sure more pain would never get me to the orgasm I just had.

I said softly, "It wouldn't be fair. I haven't done anything wrong."

Bob grinned and said, "I suppose that is true. Bill. Why don't you ask her to do something. If she refuses it would be reason to punish her."