I screamed and fell back to cause the log to bite into my tailbone, I rocked forward which gave him the opportunity to hit my ass causing me to go forward to feel terible pain on my clit.

The men began walking around the stage lifting and dropping the log to force the sharp edge and slinters in my pussy while the barbed wire made long bloody stripes on my body. It was too much and I passed out.

I woke up on a cot in a room with the other girls who were sleeping. A woman was wiping blood off my body with a wet cloth. I moaned, "I hurt awful am I going to die?"

"No. You just need some time to heal up. You will be alright. I don't think you will even have bad scars."

I lifted my head to look at myself, I almost fainted again. The whole front of my body and my legs were covered with blood.

I laid back again enjoying the feel of the cool cloth on my burning body.

Finally she had mopped up the blood and lifted my head to show me the hundred of small punctures on my tits and stomach that were still oozing a little blood. She said, "See it isn't so bad. In a few days there will be only a few bruises and it will be hard to believe you went through this."

"Oh but I still hurt awful especially my nipples and clit. They are on fire."

"Yes. They check to make sure you are not faking a faint by burning your nipples and clitoris with a cigarette. If you had faked it they would have tied you upside down to keep the blood in your head so you couldn't faint then did something even more terible to your pussy. Here take these pills. They will stop the pain and make you sleep. While you sleep I will pull out all your splinters and disinfect your wounds. You couldn't stand that pain awake.

The pills began to work in seconds and the pain began to fade. Just before I slipped into sleep I said, "That bastard told us we wouldn't need medical care."

"No. He tells the girls they won't need a doctor. I am just a nurse with access to medication."

I slept until nearly noon the next day. I woke up to hear moans from Linda in the cot next to me. I said, "Oh God Linda, It was just awful. Are you alright?"

"Alright?! Look at me!" She threw off the sheet covering her and stood up shakily to show me that her breasts and pussy were solidly covered with ugly purple bruises and were still swollen."

She began to cry blubbering, "As a finale they hung me upside down and gave me a hundred lashes on just my tits and pussy with a rubber hose. It was awful I wanted to faint but I couldn't and then had to give them blowjobs until my time was up."

"Oh God I am sorry, Linda."

"You should be. You talked me into this. When I am stronger I am going to kill you."

"Please don't hate me. They hurt me too."

I told her what they did to me between sobs and she admitted that having to ride the log while being lashed with barbed wire was worse than what they did to her.

"Except for the last thing I was mostly humiliated. I was just whipped with a thong whip at first which was not too bad but then they made me beg to let me suck off a big dog and to fuck a burro or else be whipped with steel cable. He hit my stomach with it once and it tore into me and brought blood. After that I begged them to let me do anything."

The nurse came in to give us more pills that we took gratefully then she rubbed salve into my ripped pussy. It really felt nice and I was relieved when she said, "It is healing nicely. Take this tube of ointment and put it on to keep scabs from forming. When you wake up again you can go home."

She told Linda that she would be bruised for some time but that the pain would go away soon. Then she tended the other girls. One was really bad as they had whipped her ass with the cable and there were deep cuts. The nurse decided she should sew them up once she was asleep.

We woke up late that afternoon and the nurse gave us our clothes. Neither of us wanted to wear bra or panties on our sore skin.

I told the nurse that this was the worst experience I had ever been through and asked her how the owner could keep getting victims.

"It is easy. There are a lot of poor girls plus some are forced into it by their family or pimps. He actually turns down girls who are not pretty enough. And there are always a few thrill seekers like you."

"Well he won't be able to continue. I am going to the police."

"That is not a good idea. The police chief is our best customer. The owner would give him your confession and you would go to jail for even worse torture. Some girls have died in there."

That stopped that and we took a cab back to our hotel lying back to keep pressure off our bruised pussies.

Kay was delighted to see us. "Jesus! Where have you guys been? We were worried sick. We have been checking with the police and all the hospitals even the morgue. You are going to have to be punished for this."

We told her she could not punish us any more than we already were and stripped to show her our wounds then explained how we got them.

To our chagrin our story just excited her and she said, "God that is fantastic. Where is this place? I have never seen anyone hurt that bad. I want to see it."

We gave her the directions warning her not to be a participant but she said that Beth had misplaced our return tickets and they had wasted a day looking for them. They could enter the amateur contest and possibly make some money as well as giving her the punishment she deserved.

They killed time by deciding how Beth should be punished. To my surprise Beth just looked excited as they came up with different positions she could be bound and what they should use for whips.

They asked us if we wanted to go along but we had decided we wanted nothing to do with pain for the rest of our lives.

We didn't see them until the next morning when Kay got up and came into the kitchen where Beth and I were sitting naked enjoying the cool breeze on our bodies now seeming even more sensitive having coffee.

She was ecstatic as she pulled Beth into the room. Beth won! She has $250.00 she can piss away on anything she wants and we had a great time.

I thought they must have done terrible things to her to win and asked Beth if she was alright.

"Sure. They got me real red but I just look as if I have a little sunburn now and even that is fading. See!"

She dropped her bathrobe and her skin from her shoulders to her knees was glowing pink.

Kay said, "We really made a production of it. The three of us took off Beth's clothes then we stripped too and had her go around on her knees to kiss our pussies. We didn't hurt her nearly as much as the other contestants. What impressed the audience was her total submission. She held poses to be whipped without being tied. They loved it when she got between my legs and brought her head back to eat my pussy while I whipped her breasts and were amazed when she held her pussy lips open for Jan to spank her pussy with a strap. I think what really did it was the end when I told her to say 'Yes' when she was ready to be whipped and she stood there with her legs apart and her hands on her head yelling 'Yes!' louder and faster as all three of us hit her until she collapsed and dug at her red and swollen pussy."

Beth said "Oh God that was exciting! I came so herd the girls had to help me off stage and we just stayed naked in our beanbag chairs fondling each other as we watched the rest of the acts."

"Yeah! We missed part of it because our faces were buried in 69's when something really turned us on."

"Some of it was pretty terrible and I feel a little guilty now that it just excited me at the time. I guess I shouldn't. Even though the girls were obviously in a lot of pain they were paid a lot and knew what they were getting into."

"You are wrong. We talked to those girls. Most of them were forced to do it."