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Man: Could you go over that again?

You want to get some part of you, or your unconscious, however you think about it, to analyze the fantasy. What I'm saying is «Look, in the fantasy you used a strategy that worked. You want the part that you are building to use the experience of that fantasy as a foundation, and to operate out of that strategy.» This is not what you would tell a client, by the way. You use whatever metaphors you need to with a client. Whichever way you think about it, whether you call it a strategy or a part, you say «Look, go in there and get what you need to know.» This is what I would tell a client. «Get what you need to know from that fantasy to be able to build a part of you that can do this exquisitely and easily, and at every moment that it needs to be done.»

I want you to go ahead and run through the rest of the steps. If you get stuck, let me know. Then I want to demonstrate to you some ways of testing… .

Are you done with that step? OK, now we get to the most important step of all: step seven. We have to test the part to make sure it's there. There are several things you can do. You can go inside and ask «Are you in there?» That's always a good first step. You can also do things behaviorally that would engage that part and find out what happens. You should also add lots and lots of future–pacing activities to your testing phase, especially when you do it with other people.

Now, how is your part going to work? Tell me something about what it would do. When would it be apt to do something?

Teri: Well, if I were to get on the scales and weigh two pounds more than what I want to weigh, it would let me know that I need to stop eating so that I can get back down.

So it would put you on a diet. Will it design the diet for you, or is there another part that does the dieting?

Teri: I already have a part that does that.

OK. You have another part for that. This part's job is to say «The time is now.» What else would it do?

Teri: When I get to the weight that I want, it will give me a picture different than what I looked like when I was crazy.

What would it be apt to do right here?

Teri: Ah, it would allow me to go into the dining room and be with people while they are having dinner, and only eat what I really want to eat, and not allow me to eat everything.

It will disconnect the automatic hand–arm–mouth sequence? OK. How would I know if that part were active, Teri? If I walked into the dining room, what would I see?

Teri: You'd probably see some food left on my plate, depending upon whether it's something that I like or not. Visually, I'm not too sure that it would show for a while.

Is this part in a hurry to lose weight or does it do it slowly?

Teri: Slowly. I'd only agree to doing it slowly. I've already worked it out with my husband. If he wants to eat, he can eat, and I don't have to.

All right. Who else is done?

Bill: My part is going to wait until at least—

Shhhh! (with disdain) I didn't call on you… . Well, what happened? I was just testing the part. You built a part to help you respond to criticism, right?

Bill: Well, I'm recalling what… I was amused … and responded in a way that … helped me.

As opposed to?

Bill: Feeling that I have just done something awful, and I should be embarrassed, or ashamed of myself, or coming back with an angry response.

OK. Anybody else?

Pat: I have a new part, and I even made it grow, so that it is now about twenty–five years old.

Ah. I like that. OK, you built a part. What's it going to do?

Pat: It lets me know what I know, and to act on it when I know it. And my test is now to tell you that I have this part, and I also know that I know—

Give me an example of an outcome. If you were going to build another part, what would be an example of a function that—

Pat: I am going back home and I am going to use it everywhere. I am going to teach it; I'm going to—

That's what this one does. Now, give me another one. If you were going to build another part, what function would it have? If I were going to bring you up and have you demonstrate building a whole new part in another area of your life, what would you build? What would its function be?

Pat: Its function would be to utilize my unconscious mind as much as it can, as it did just now.

OK. Now, is that a function or is that a behavior?

Pat: Its function is to extract everything of value from my unconscious.

OK. Is that a function or a behavior?

Pat: I think it's a function.

OK. Are you sure, though?

Pat: It has to do it in action.

Yeah. I'm just asking you if you are sure, if you want to commit yourself to this. Pat: I am sure. It's a function.

OK. Are you all learning how to test these things, by the way? … Anybody else? Man: I think I got it.

What was the part you built? What does it do?

Man: It's a part that says «Go out and try something that you think you know. Try to do it, and see what happens.»

So that part will get you to do it, to find out whether you really know it or not. That sounds like a good idea. That's what you built the part for, and you finished, right? OK, what do you think you know but you're not sure if you know it?

Man: Just now I wasn't sure I could tell you that I thought I had succeeded in building that part without getting in trouble.

Did you?

Man: Yes.

OK. Well, what else did you learn to do that you are not quite sure you can do?

Man: I learned to elicit a strategy completely enough so that I know that one step of the strategy moves logically to the next step.

Good. I'd like you to teach a group about that tonight for people who don't understand it, here in this room at 7:30.

Man: All right.

OK. Anybody else?

Man: I have a part that allows me to speak in a group situation. This is the first time I've heard from him! How did it feel to talk? Man: Fine.

I recommend that each of you try building a part for someone else at least once before you leave this seminar, to find out what happens. There are a lot of people in the seminar who weren't here in this session. Go and test this model on somebody during lunch and find out how it works.

Creating a New Part: Outline

1) Identify the desired outcome, the function of the part. «I want a part that will achieve X.»

2) Access any historical experiences of doing X, or anything similar. Step inside each experience and access all aspects of doing X or parts of X. Go through each memory in all representational systems.

3) Create a detailed set of images of how you would behave if you were actually demonstrating whatever this part of you is going to have you do to achieve the outcome X:

a) First create a dissociated visual and auditory constructed movie.

b) When you see a whole sequence that you're satisfied with, step inside the image and go through the whole sequence again from the inside, feeling what it is like to do these behaviors.

c) If you are not satisfied, go back to 3a and change the movie. Do this until you are satisfied with that fantasy from the inside as well as from the outside.

4) Ecological check. «Does any part object to my having a part which will be in charge of making that fantasy a reality?» Make sure you check in all representational systems to find all objecting parts. For each objecting part:

a) Ask that part to intensify the signal for «yes» and decrease for «no.»

b) Ask «What is your function for me?» «What do you do for me?»

c) If the function doesn't tell you what the part's objection is, ask «What specifically is your objection or concern?»

d) Make a complete written list of all the parts that object and their functions.