Reframing. Neuro–Linguistic Programming™ and the Transformation of Meaning
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Reframing. Neuro–Linguistic Programming™ and the Transformation of Meaning

Писатели: ,
Страниц: 60
Символов: 392508
ID: 125645
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 1983
Издательство: Meta Publications
Город печати: Moab, Utah
Создана 1 декабря 2010 18:01


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The meaning that any event has depends upon the «frame» in which we perceive it. When we change the frame, we change the meaning. Having two wild horses is a good thing until it is seen in the context of the son's broken leg. The broken leg seems to be bad in the context of peaceful village life; but in the context of conscription and war, it suddenly becomes good.

This is called reframing: changing the frame in which a person perceives events in order to change the meaning. When the meaning changes, the person's responses and behaviors also change.

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