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Thus the visitor from the east went back the way she came. Many of the lionesses watched Isha’s departure wistfully, especially Uzuri. “There go some of my best friends,” she said.

“Don’t you think of leaving too,” Simba said, nuzzling her. “We love you, Zuri.”

“Oh, you can’t get rid of me that easily,” she said, kissing his cheek.


Mabatu grunted softly as he shifted position, trying to ease the ache on his flanks where Umande lay, her head pillowed comfortably in the curve of his haunch. Mabatu loved his daughter dearly, and enjoyed the moments they spent together more and more--of late she had spent more time with her young friends, leaving the old lion feeling very alone since Baba had left. With a smile he reached back and caressed her cheek, drawing a sleepy smile and a purr of contentment. She was his daughter, and would make some lion a fine mate one day....

....But right now, she was putting his leg to sleep.

He laid back and tried to relax. A botfly settled on his side, seeking blood. He flicked his tail, but it only disturbed the insect which fluttered a bit and settled right back. Another try met with the same result, and he began to wonder if the thing was going to explode before it quit feeding.

Without opening her eyes, Umande reached up with a paw and swatted his side firmly, splashing his fur with a crimson stain.

Mabatu eyed it with distaste. “Messy.”

“But effective, and SO satisfying.” She opened an amber eye and smiled.

“For you, maybe.” He rubbed his sore ribs gently.

“Poor old lion! Aren’t you glad I’m here to take care of you?” She giggled and stood, moving forward to nuzzle his cheek.

“Absolutely. I feel better already, now that the blood can get to my leg again.” He chuckled softly.


His smile fell as a deep roar cut the air. “This land is mine! Mine!”

Mabatu’s ears pricked up and he answered with a roar of his own. “Who land is this?? This land is MINE!” He struggled to an upright position despite his tingling leg. Cursing his aging body, he staggered forward and roared back, “This land is MINE!”

The challenger’s voice was much nearer. “Then all is still as Aiheu wills it, then.” The grass parted to reveal Baba’s smiling face. “Hello, Father!”

“Baba! Welcome home!” Mabatu breathed a relieved sigh and trotted to greet his son, nuzzling the fragrant softness of his mane. “I’m so glad to see you!”

“I’m back, and I have the family!”

A lioness emerged from the grass. Baba’s face beamed with pride as he nuzzled her and looked back at his father.

“This must be Isha!”

“Yes, Dad. My wife and the mother of my son!”

The lioness rubbed against the King and kissed him. “You have cared for my husband. I owe you more than I could ever repay.”

“My son has chosen well, I see. You are even more beautiful than he said you were. Darling daughter, I welcome you with a full heart.”

Isha smiled at him. “Baba’s told me a lot about you.”

“Only the good parts, I hope?”

She laughed. “Are there any bad ones?” Isha cocked her head and grunted softly at the grass behind her. “Come on, kids.”

Two gangly adolescents emerged, one an attractive female, the other a young male with the first hints of a mane showing on the nape of his neck. “Sire, this is Lisani, my niece, and Habusu, our son.”

Mabatu craned his great head down and nosed Habu gently, his eyes shining. “You never told me you had a son, Baba.” He grinned and wrapped a paw around the young cub, pulling him close. Habusu smiled up at the friendly embrace and nuzzled the old lion.

“I didn’t know myself until I went back.” Baba looked at his son proudly. “Look how big he’s grown--I can’t believe it!” He glanced back and motioned with a paw, then turned, smiling, to his father. “There’s someone else I want you to see. You said you knew my mother once, and here she is!”

Mabatu nodded and sat quietly, waiting as the last newcomer pushed her way out of the grasses and stood before him. His eyes locked on her lithe, graceful form, and his breath caught, his heart speeding up in his chest until he thought it might burst.

The King swallowed and nodded once. “Kako.”

She made her way forward slowly and tensely. Drawing close to Mabatu, she saw the way his eyes regarded her and how his chin trembled. “I touch your mane.” She reached out and slowly, sensuously traced the curve of his cheek and throat with her paw. Then she drew close and kissed his face. “Oh gods,” she whispered. “He didn’t tell me it was you.”

Her breath in his ear made him shudder. “Steady, old girl. Keep your composure.” He nuzzled her quickly and straightened up. “Note well, all of you. This is Kako, mother of the Prince. She will be living with us from now on.”

Baba nosed Isha softly. “Come, let me show you our home. Come on, kids!”

Habusu and Lisani trotted off behind them, leaving Kako and the King behind. Several of the pride lionesses made their way over and fell before Kako’s feet. Shenannii touched her with her tongue. “My sister! God has sent you back to us!”

“Yes, Nani! Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” Kako rubbed her old hunt mistress’s cheek warmly. “I wondered if you were still as good at chasing gerenuk as you used to be.”

“Yes, and still quicker than you are, just like I was then.” Shenannii’s jaw quivered and she lowered her head. “Welcome home, My Lady.”

Kako shuddered. “No! Never call me that. Please!”

“But why?”

“For ALL our sakes. Please address me by name only. At least in front of Baba and his family.” She straightened and looked away. “You know the rules. I’m just a Pride Sister now, nothing more.”

Shenannii bit her lip and nodded. “As you wish, Pride Sister. But you know how I feel inside. Gods, I love you, Sis!” Shenannii rubbed heads with her and pawed her shoulder and throat. “When the children are around, that’s one thing.” She bowed her head to the ground. “When we’re alone, that’s different. Bless me, my Queen.”

Kako touched her forehead with a paw and said, “Aiheu abamami,” then kissed her. The other lionesses lined up for a blessing, each one bending low before her with love and joy as she touched them and kissed them softly. “It’s good to be home.”


Isha was amused at all the new attention she received as wife of the prince. It was sweet revenge for all the humiliation she had suffered when her cubs were born. Still she turned away the respectful titles thrust on her, insisting with a disarming laugh that she was not a “Mistress Isha” or a “My Lady.” With a casual nod, she would say, “I’m just plain old Isha.”

Her husband smiled. “Plain old Isha, eh?”

She padded over and flopped down next to him. “And what’s wrong with plain old Isha?”

“Oh, nothing! It fits you, actually...” He rolled over and absorbed himself in watching the stars overhead, hiding a sly smile behind a paw.

She shoved him in the ribs. “It fits me?”

He nodded. “Dependable, predictable.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Is that a challenge, big boy?”

He chuckled. “So is that the constellation of N’ga and Sufa, or Mano and Minshasa?”

Isha rolled over and put her paws on his chest, pinning him to the ground. “Who cares! Are you going to just watch the stars or soar to them?" She rubbed her face against his and kissed him.

"Isha!" he stammered. He pawed her face, running his pads softly over her mouth. She parted her lips and softly mouthed his paw, then lay her face against his chest, listening to his pounding heart, nuzzling his mane and drinking in his masculine fragrance.

Mabatu wrapped his arms about her and grunted with pleasure. "I forgot how good you felt next to me. I’ve missed you so much--every day, every minute, every second. On the long lonely nights I would dream about the soft curves of your beautiful golden body....” He looked at her apprehensively. “Nip me--am I asleep?”