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Rafiki scratched his head. "I don't know." But all too soon, he would have a good idea.

"Hey, your Majesty!" called a hyena voice. "I would most HUMBLY request an audience with you."

“I know that voice,” Simba said. A distant but horrible memory came back to him. “Oh gods, no! Shenzi!”


Shenzi had offered to help look for the child, but her veiled threats were all too clearly read, and they proved to be more than just a trick to gain influence with Simba. After a long and frustrating day of searching, Yolanda and Sarafina came and bowed breathless before Simba to make a startling report.

“We found Habu."

“Where is he?" Isha gasped. Her stomach knotted. "Oh God, tell me he's not dead!"

"He is alive, Isha. Aiheu forgive me for saying so, but it might be better for him if he had died. The hyenas have him."

After a moment of pain and anger, Simba roared loudly and said, "Come, Isha. Let's go get your son."

Every able body was called into the rescue operation. Only the cubs were left behind. Uzuri took charge of the team for all prey was one to her, and she took this particular hunt to heart. There could be no sudden rush, for it is likely the prey would not flee. It required something more subtle than a dash for gazelles, and she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure the safety of her pride sisters as well as that of Habusu. In the back of her mind, however, she remembered Ber, Makhpil, and several others whom she could see no evil in. She prayed they would be safe as well, and maybe that they would help her.

Quickly and silently, the ghosts of Pride Rock slinked through the grass as silently as a gentle wind, but they were a mighty thunderstorm ready to strike the enemy with lightning.

The guards posed little problem. The quiet approach caught a couple of cowardly hyenas by surprise, and within moments they were driven off into the uncertain night.

Uhuru, the Roh’mach, was making his nightly rounds before he slept. He saw the stealthy approach of the lions, and it surprised him that they came unannounced. “I’m going to have a word with Griz’nik,” he grumbled as he headed to meet them.

"Sire! What an honor!" He bowed. "No news on your missing child, I'm afraid."

Simba ran to him and snarled viscously. "What in God’s name do you think you're doing with our cub? Did you think we wouldn’t find out??"

Uhuru quailed and shrank back. "Sire?? I don't understand!"

Isha stared into his eyes. "Liar! Where is my child? What have you done with him??" She scanned the area frantically. "Habu? Habu, it’s Mom! Oh gods, answer me!" Her voice echoed, mocking her. She turned back to Uhuru, her ears laid flat in anger. "What have you done with him?"

Sitting above them on a ledge, Shenzi laughed.

Simba glared up at Shenzi. “Are you responsible for this?"

"And what if I am, cubby? What are you going to do about it? Touch me and your little babykins is going to be tonight's dinner."

Simba strode forward angrily. "What do you want?"

Shenzi laughed. "Are you that dense? I want that pathetic excuse for a Roh'mach replaced. We need someone more qualified."

"That someone wouldn't happen to be you, would it?"

"Why, dearie, I thought you'd never ask. I'd be delighted to volunteer."

"I'm sure you would!" Simba roared loudly. "I will not be dictated to by anyone, especially you. You helped Scar kill my father, and by God I either get Habusu back or I’ll rip you."

“So she helped kill Mufasa too?” Uhuru asked. He confronted Shenzi, shouting, “Let’s end this here and now. I call on the gods to witness our Shih’kal. I challenge you to fight to the death.”

Deathly silence fell as Shenzi stared at Uhuru, openmouthed. "What? You can't do this!"

Azuba stepped forward. "But he has.” She was a loyalist and hated Shenzi. She scrabbled up to the ledge and drew close to her enemy, speaking through the clenched teeth of her rage. “Accept the challenge, or forfeit forever your claim as Roh'mach.”

Shenzi looked around at the other hyenas. The challenge had been witnessed, and she faced only two paths. "Very well. I accept the challenge." She shoved past Azuba and stood before Uhuru, spitting at his feet. "Fool. You would have lost your title. Now you lose your life."

"Really?" His eyes bored into hers intently. "We shall see."


Shenzi began circling Uhuru slowly, sizing him up. He was smaller, but he was very quick and agile.

Fighting to remember all his mother had taught him about combat, Uhuru kept his head low to the ground, trying to give her the smallest target possible.

“Kill her!” Azuba shouted. “See if her Roh’kash comes to her aid! I think not!”

Suddenly Shenzi lunged, jaw snapping and claws swinging for purchase in his living flesh. Most of the lions watched spellbound as the battle raged on, but all Isha could think of was her son. She began looking about frantically calling, “Habu! It’s Mommy! Answer me, Habu! Oh gods, answer me!”

Hyenas began to gather, watching the two combatants. Ber shouted, “Bite her once for me! Make a guard out of me, will she!” Hopping mad, Ber shoved through to take a position where he could see well. “Come on, boy! I’m praying for you!”

Shenzi managed to get in a blow, raking Uhuru’s shoulder and bringing blood. A couple of adolescent females began to chant, “Shenzi, Shenzi, rule forever!” Ber snarled at them viscously and they hushed up.

Isha frantically went from one hyena to another. “Please help me! Please! Have you seen my son? I’ll do anything, just tell me where he is!”

Most of them denied any knowledge. Some of them truly did not know, and many others were afraid. But a few were obviously Shenzists and they took great pleasure in her discomfort. Isha wished she could tell who those were and kill them one by one. At last she came to Makhpil, who pawed her gently, fell to the ground and tried desperately to concentrate. All the noise and the confusing Babel of thoughts conspired to drown out her inner voice, and she whined in frustration. “Honey Tree, I’m trying but I can’t hear myself think!”

“Quiet!!” Isha roared. “Quiet down all of you if you want to live!!”

Makhpil rolled on her back, pressing her paws against her face. All the aggression and excitement flowing through her from all sides was dizzying and she could make little sense out of it.

The battle seemed to take forever as two combatants struggled to stave off death. There could be no other conclusion. Uhuru was getting the advantage, however, and it seemed likely to all the witnesses, lion and hyena, that Shenzi would lose.

Shenzi began to gasp. Her body was riddled with wounds. Jackals had gathered to watch, ready to claim their share of the action. If the enemy is respected, they would get a body snuffed with a merciful neck bite. If the enemy was held in contempt, they would get a miserable, pleading victim that would shriek as its flesh was ripped away. Either way, they would be well fed.

Uhuru's paw struck her high on the face, sending her sprawling. A paw slapped down on either shoulder, pinning her neatly to the ground. He bared his teeth, but paused a moment to think. Should he make it quick? Shenzi looked at him pleadingly. “Please show respect. Kill me quickly.” She closed her eyes and began to pray.

Skulk came in, doing his best to look grief stricken. "I am saddened by the heavy burden of the news I bring, but it is my duty to inform you, Roh'mach."

Uhuru cocked an ear toward him, but kept his gaze locked on Shenzi, wary of a trick. “Speak up, Skulk, and be quick. What do you want?”

Skulk spat a mouthful of golden fur into the circle before the two combatants. "There is all that remains of the lion cub. One of Shenzi's traitorous guards decided to have him for a snack."