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Isha shrieked. She hurried forward and scented the tuft of fur, then rolled on her back in agony. “Oh gods!” she sobbed. “They killed my baby! My son, my son!” She took the small furball in her paw and held it against her chest sobbing. “Why?? Why did you want to hurt him?? He was an innocent little boy! Why??”

Makhpil fell moaning by her side and lay across her trembling body, kissing her and stroking her with a paw. “My koh’met! My poor little koh’met! You can be my mother. I will find the guilty ones and bring you their hearts! You will grow fat on their hearts!”

Kako wailed and Uzuri leaned against her. “So close!” Uzuri sobbed. “We were so close! Uhuru, don’t finish it! Leave her to the jackals--I want to hear her scream, and every time she does, I’ll laugh!” She looked at the jackals and cried loudly, “Don’t rush it! I promise you a gazelle if you do a good job!”

The jackals nodded greedily. “Leave it to us!”

Uhuru looked at the fur disbelievingly. "You mean..."

Skulk nodded sadly. "I'm afraid so. I'm afraid that once the combat is complete, you will have to be executed, milord. You did swear with your life to redeem the cub."

Shenzi glared at him, a smile on her face. “I didn’t think you had it in you!”

“Slow and painful!” cried the jackals. “Leave it to us! Leave it to us!” They began to edge closer, their eyes glowing red with anticipation. “We eat well tonight!”

Suddenly, a small cub gamboled past. “Hey, Shenzi! Hey, Uhuru!"

"Shut up, Habu," she snarled. Freezing, she did a double take. "Habu?!!"

Habusu ran to his mother who wept and rolled on her back, hugging him to her warm stomach and kissing him. “Oh, I could eat you up!” she stammered, and kissed him repeatedly, uttering little cries of joy and rubbing his small golden body. Makhpil wept with joy, kissing the cub. One of Isha’s large paws caught her and drew her near. What Taka and Shenzi could not achieve through force, Uhuru and Makhpil accomplished through love. The dark days were over and all was set to rights under Uhuru’s watchful eye.


Sarafina was settling down for her nap. Uzuri and Isha were together, as they tended to be, asleep side by side. Life was returning to normal, and they did not have to spend hours every day on the hunt anymore. Life was good.

When Zazu flew excitedly overhead shouting, “Great news!” Sarafina glanced up for a moment and muttered, “That’s nice.” She snuggled into Kako’s side and drew in a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh.

Under the warmth of the sun, the world moved at a slower pace. No one was expected to do anything important at high-sun, and it was an unspoken rule of leonine society that you let sleeping bodies lie. With one exception, of course, and that was an emergency.

Simba roared. Sarafina’s eyes popped open abruptly. “What the devil??”

“Pride meeting! Come to me!”

Sarafina half closed her eyes. “This had better be good.”

“It’s happening!” Simba said, standing over her.

“What’s happening??” Sarafina asked

“You’ll see!”

Something about the infectious excitement in his voice made Sarafina’s heart light. She lost her scowl and followed him eager to see what the mystery was about.

Isha came over and Simba nuzzled her warmly. “Isha, I want you, Habusu and Miss Priss to come with me. We’re having a Pride Moot at the eastern meadow. And your family will sit by me.”

“I’m honored.” She looked at him worriedly. “Is today the day I lose him? I’m supposed to get two days notice.”

“You will never lose him. I swear.”

“But the gods?”

“The gods will rejoice!”

“It’s him, isn’t it. He’s come back for me?”

Simba kissed her. “I’ll give you two guesses.”

Isha’s face beamed with joy. She nuzzled him back, tears in her eyes. “Bless you. Bless you!”

“Now now, you don’t want to smell like another lion when your husband comes!” He smiled slyly. “I don’t think he’s going to want to share you with me.”

When the Pride had assembled on the eastern meadow, the lionesses began to speculate on what was happening. Some said Simba planned a special mantlement for Habusu. Others thought Rafiki had found a reason for Habusu to be adopted or stay as Prince Consort. “What’s wrong?” some of them asked. “Couldn’t he produce a strong heir?” But others said, “I don’t think he’d look so happy if there was something wrong with him.”

Several minutes passed, but it felt more like an eternity. Simba waited patiently, and as long as he sat there, no one would stir. A few cubs played in the grass, but as long as they kept it quiet no one seemed to mind. But the adults and older youth sat stock still, waiting for Simba to give the word to begin.

An hour passed. Many of the lions were very restless. Sarafina began to wish she had stayed on her rock and napped.

Then Zazu shouted. “Here he is!”

Several of the lionesses took in a gasp when a large, shapely lion came out of the trees. “Isn’t he handsome!” one of the lionesses whispered.

“What a catch!” another one answered.

The stranger looked at Kako and quietly said, “Mother.”

Kako stared for a moment, her heart full to bursting, then she sprang to her feet and rushed to him, putting her arm over his shoulder and nuzzling him. “My son, my son!”

Sarafina started. “Mabatu??”

The stranger nodded, and a wave of shocked delight spread through the pride. They all remembered the adolescent that skulked away with ears and tail drooping. This was a lion.

Kissing his mother, Mabatu gently led her aside, then went to Simba. Falling down before him, he said, “I touch your mane.”

“I feel it.” Simba nodded to Mabatu and fought to keep a straight face as the other lion rose. “And what brings you to my kingdom?” He half laughed and winked.

Baba glanced over at the row of lionesses that flanked Simba on one side. “I come to claim what is mine—if she still wants me.”

“Yes, yes, YES!!” Isha sprang forward and raising on her hind legs wrapped her arms around his neck, pawing him and nuzzling him. “I’m yours forever!”

Sarafina cried, “Big boy, you’re in for some loving tonight!”

“I’m the real Isha!” Ajenti yelled. “She’s an impostor! Take me, take me!”

“Enough of this,” Simba said. “Can’t you see they have unfinished business?”

“Can we watch?” Sarafina said.

“Shame on you, Fini.” Simba chuckled. “Remember, you’re the queen’s mother.”

Mabatu greeted Isha warmly, but he clearly had some unfinished business. He went to the adolescent lion that bore a certain resemblance to the one that was driven out long ago. A smile spread across his face, and Habu brightened. “Dad?”

“So this is Habusu.” Mabatu’s jaw trembled, his eyes brightening as he lifted a paw to touch the face of the youth before him. “My son....” He looked around. “He is my son, and the one true heir.” He nuzzled Habu gently and added, “It is a small kingdom. I share it with an old lion who lost a challenge. We are a matched pair, a sunrise and a sunset. But he is a dear friend, and you will grow to love him.”

Lisani came up and nuzzled Isha.

“And who is this? My daughter?”

“Lisani, but we call her Miss Priss. She is Beesa’s daughter--my sister died some time ago.” Isha looked at her compassionately. “What do you want to do, Miss Priss?”

“Auntie Isha, you’re my family. I want to go wherever you go. But the nickname stays here, OK?”

Mabatu smiled. “Fair enough, Lisani. I guess that makes five of us.”

“You’re taking two of my best lionesses, and a second son,” Simba said. “You better leave before I change my mind.”

“Three of your best lionesses,” Kako said with little modesty but great effect. “Someone has to make sure my son is eating right....” She glanced at Isha. “....and my daughter.”