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Suddenly, she heard a rush, and what she thought was a signal. Wehu shouted, “Stay still! Don’t move!”

The rumble of hooves was all around her. Suddenly the hunt mistress was bounding down the wadi after Elanna with Tetesi behind her. Wehu had been hit on the side by one of the animals and was bleeding a bit.

“Oh thank Aiheu! You’re all right!”

“Why? What happened?? Did I mess things up??” She looked at her friend, “Oh Wehu, your bleeding!”

“No, Sweetie! You didn't mess up! I did!” She didn’t seem to notice the bleeding or care for that mater.

“You did?”

Wehu looked down at Elanna’s paws and suddenly burst into tears. Elanna looked at her curiously and nuzzled against her. Wehu looked up and into her eyes, “Forgive me! I love you, Elanna! Forgive me!”

“For what?? I’m all right! So you made a little mistake on the hunt--who am I to be upset with you?? Why are you acting like this??”

Wehu looked up quickly, the fear showing in her eyes, “Run, Elanna! Don’t ask why, just run. Run far away! Or the queen will try to kill you again!"

Elanna was shocked, but before she could react Ujuzi came running into the wadi, snarling. “Wehu, are you all right??” She noticed the blood quickly. “Did Elanna almost get you killed??"

Wehu growled back at her mother, “You know good and well what happened! I couldn’t carry out your orders! Not and stand before Aiheu when I die!"

The Queen growled, "I don't need a trick to kill a dirty little adulteress!" She turned viscously on Elanna but before she could advance, Wehu bodily blocked her mother.

"Out of my way, brat!"

"No! You'll have to kill me first!"

"I am your queen!"

"I thought you were my mother! You're not! I don't even know you!"

"You're not hunt mistress anymore! You disgraced the one who bore you!"

"You disgraced yourself! Elanna and I are leaving together."

"No we're not!" Elanna shouted, which instantly silenced the Queen, her daughter, and the other lionesses in the pride. Elanna turned on the queen. "You think all I dream about is making it with your husband!"

"Watch your mouth!" she screamed balefully at Elanna.

Elanna snapped back, "I've just gotten started, Missy! And do you want to DO something about it??" Elanna stepped forward. "I'm not afraid of you, you overstuffed, backbiting, treacherous loud-mouthed hussy!"

The queen silenced, backing back as she saw Elanna for the first time. No longer was she a timid little mouse, but a mighty hunter.

"Mabongo is like the brother I never had, and Wehu is like the daughter I never had. Personally I don't care if you live or die, but they love you--no matter what you think--and I don't want to see them hurt. If you want to hold on to that husband of yours, start by showing him a little respect! Now by your leave, YOUR HIGHNESS, I will leave you and your ‘pride’ alone!"

Elanna turned away from the queen, catching her breath. Instantly, her gaze fell on Wehu.

"Where will you go?" she asked, moving towards her.

Elanna nuzzled her gently, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Where I belong. I'm going back to my sister to face my past. If I can face Sarabi, you can face your mother. Honey Tree, it doesn't seem like it now, but you will work this out with your mother. It's all right. I want you to."

Wehu kissed Elanna, then went to the Queen. Embarrassed, Ujuzi looked down.

Wehu began to weep softly, and Ujuzi gently but urgently began to clean the cut on her side.

"Ujuzi?" Elanna called. The Queen looked up and tried to meet her eyes with her own. "He never loved any lioness but you. I’ll admit I found him attractive, but I never tried to act on it. I swear to Aiheu. He loves you, Ujuzi. I hope the two of you have a good life. Sometimes dreams do come true--not always, but I hope yours do."

"You too, Hon," Ujuzi said. "But somewhere else, please?"

Elanna nodded, turned, and walked away.


Elanna felt that she would be home by nightfall--either home with Sarabi or Taka. She sought the advice of Rafiki. If anyone could help her know what to expect, it would be him. True, her husband had brutalized him and kept him locked away. Still, inside she felt that if anyone could forgive her, it would be him.

She stalked quietly up to his baobab. She was not certain if he would still be there after the rigors of his long confinement. In fact, she did not even know if he was still alive.

She saw something that made her heart race. A lioness was playing with a young mandrill under the tree. Could that be Rafiki’s son? She could not be sure, and yet she finally recognized the lioness. Uzuri!

What luck! Uzuri had always been willing to stand by her! She felt a tremendous urge to break cover and rush to her, pawing and kissing the one who had been so kind! Still, she remembered the hyena’s warning. She had been told that death awaited her at Pride Rock.

Her conflicting emotions of fear and love made her tremble. The battle within her made her huntress’ concentration lapse, and she didn’t notice which way the wind was blowing for some time.

A quick gust of wind swirled about her ears and tickled her whiskers--and headed straight for Uzuri. Elanna panicked and chills wracked her as the young mandrill turned and pointed directly at her.

“Please, Aiheu,” Elanna silently mouthed. “If I must die, let it be quick and merciful.”

With her heart in her mouth, Elanna rose and stepped out of the tall grass. Trembling, her gaze locked on Uzuri’s startled expression. She saw the lioness quietly mouth, “Oh my gods!”

Makaka glanced nervously from one lioness to the other. The tension was so strong it fairly rustled the grass.

“Lannie! I thought you were dead!” Uzuri took a step forward.

Elanna took a step backward. Her heart pounded. She heard escape from her lips, “Don’t hurt me!” It was almost as if someone else was speaking inside her. Fear had weakened her, and her knees nearly buckled under her weight.

Uzuri paused and lowered her head a bit. “Hon, I won’t hurt you. I’m your friend, remember?”

Elanna wanted to believe that. She wanted to trust her more than anything. For one awful moment, she wondered if this might be a trick to bring her back alive to justice. But Uzuri’s eyes were kind and sincere. There was pity and love in their hazel depths, enough to heal a world of hurts.

She crept toward her old huntmistress, trying to summon some dignity from her past. Her head was erect and her shoulders were square, though her heart was pounding like a hammer.

When she was but a length away, Elanna rushed the last couple of steps into a desperate nuzzle. She rubbed her face against Uzuri’s soft cheek. She took an ear between her lips and mouthed it lovingly, stroking it with the tip of her tongue. Then she rubbed full length down her warm, lithe body, feeling the familiar comfort and mixing the fragrance with her own. “Oh gods!” she murmured, tears filling her eyes. “Uzuri, I’ve been so alone!”

Her friend purred and gave her a gentle touch of her tongue. “Not any more, dear. Not any more."

Elanna thought about her sister Sarabi. Would she be as quick to forgive? Could she forgive the mate of her husband’s killer? She sighed deeply. "I can't come back. The others--they hate me. I just know it. They'll never let me stay." She started to cry, looking down at the ground. "Uzuri, I don't know what to do! I've been alone for the longest time. I can't stand it anymore! I tried to join Mabongo's pride but his wife is insanely jealous. She tried to kill me!"

"Oh honey tree!" Uzuri nuzzled her again.

“It was in the hunt. She said it was an accident, but I know better! I almost ended up like Avina!”

"Poor thing!” She stroked Elanna’s cheek with her paw. “You remember my sons Togo and Kombi, don't you?"