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When Ujuzi had regained her composure, she went back to the others and began to start her campaign to drive off Elanna in earnest. But how could she do it without getting her husband mad at her? She decided to find something...anything...wrong with Elanna and exploit it to its full potential. She saw one of the cubs at play and approached him with a smile. “Asuri, you like your Aunt Lannie a lot, don’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Ujuzi smiled. “She’s very pretty and very smart. I bet she tells great stories.”

“Oh yeah! There’s this really neat one about two brothers. They get into this fight over a....”

“I don’t want to know,” Ujuzi said quickly but gently. “I want to hear that story someday, so don’t tell me how it turns out, all right?” She nuzzled him gently and began to groom him as she talked.

“Maybe you can tell me something. Does she ever leave you alone? I mean, does she ever go somewhere and maybe the King goes with her--you know, for a little while, maybe?”

Asuri purred at the grooming and looked up to her, “I’m not sure. Why don’t you ask them?”

The Queen held in her tart reply. “Honey Tree, I don’t want them to know I’m asking. I don’t even want your mother to know.”

“But Mom said it’s wrong to keep secrets like that.”

“It’s OK with me, because I’m the queen. Sometimes Kings and Queens need special favors. And I’m asking you a special favor as Queen because this is an important secret, and you are my special agent. A SECRET agent.”

Asuri gasped in amazement, “Gosh!”

“I’m planning a little surprise for your Aunt Lannie. But there are some things I need to know. Now think hard. Did you ever see her sneak off with my husband for a few minutes?”

He tilted his head from side to side. “Gee, they MIGHT have, but I’m not sure. I was taking a nap. But yes ma’am, I think so.”

Ujuzi’s ears went back and her jaw tightened.

“Are you all right, ma’am?”

“Yes, Honey Tree. I have this pain in my stomach, but it will be over soon.” She kissed him. “You keep your eyes and ears open. Remember, you’re my special little boy. Only a very clever lion can do this job.”

She let Azuri go and got up slowly, wandering off. Ujuzi’s stomach had indeed knotted up. She remembered that Elanna had never been in her receptive period since she came, so that little trip into the bushes could not have been THAT bad. Still, time and nature would correct that if she didn’t do something quickly. She had to go talk to him.

Mabongo was lying down, taking one of his many naps. His head came up when he saw his wife. He smiled to her, “See...I told you it would wear off.”

“Stuff it, my king...we have to talk about that...” She held back the word she wanted to use, “Elanna.”

He cocked his head a bit. “What about Elanna?”

She moved to look at him, eye to eye, “I don’t know what you two are up to...but damn it...I don’t like it. You spending all that time with her is beginning to make the lionesses gossip.”

He looked shocked. “You don’t think...love...I would never do anything like that to you. We spend so much time together because we are friends...nothing more. Most of the time we spend together is when you are on the hunt...and there is little company here other than her. Love...I would never do anything to hurt our marriage. It’s enough to do the right thing without worrying about appearances.”

“But how about the way it appears to ME?? You better watch your step, Bobo! I’ve given you my youth and my cubs! Six years of my life I’ve put into this marriage! I’m not letting some two-bit tramp come along and steal my husband!”

He growled at her softly...apparently agitated. “She’s not a two-bit tramp! She’s a fine lady, and you could stand to learn some manners from her! She can’t steal me unless I WANT to be stolen, and I don’t! Listen to me, wife--I’m tired of the way you’ve been treating her! You’ve been nothing but hateful for the longest time, and I’m sick of it! Sick, sick, sick!! You know I’m not a tail chaser!”

“I know that, but she’s subtle. She’s stalking you, and you're standing there like a blind gazelle!”

“That’s enough! Wife, this conversation is OVER.”

The Queen was about ready to say something...until Elanna showed up to take care of cubs. She smiled at them and nodded, “My king...ma’am...” Ujuzi snorted loudly and stormed off into the savanna. Elanna looked to Mabongo, “Is something wrong?”

The King just shook his head. Elanna went over and nuzzled him softly, to which he froze and became rigid.

“Is everything all right?”

“Why shouldn’t it be??”

“Oh nothing. You just seem like something’s bothering you.” She walked back a few paces and lied down, looking at him, “I guess that the others are about ready to go on a hunt...”

Mabongo nodded quickly and rose up. “I...um...need to go also.”

Elanna looked at him, “Usually you keep me company...what is wrong?”

He shook his head, “Nothing...I just have to...uh...do my patrol.”

“But you already did it...”

He snapped quickly, “I have to do it again...all right?”

Elanna sighed, “My king...what have I done?”

He shook his head again. “Nothing...but I need to go.” Quickly he ran into the grass, leaving an astonished lioness behind.

Later that day, Ujuzi pulled Wehu aside, “My daughter...I think Elanna might be moving in on my position. I think she might be trying to steal your father from me.”

Wehu gasped, “No mother...you are wrong. I know Elanna...she would never do anything like that to you...or anyone.”

“Listen to me daughter...if you watch them like I do...it would be plain to you. She is trying to muscle in on my lion...and I won’t have it.”

“What do you suggest I do? Go and spy on her like you?”


“No mother...I can’t do that to her.”

“What are you afraid of? If you are right then you won’t mind looking in on them. If there’s no wrongdoing, there will be nothing to see.”

Wehu stormed off without an answer. Ujuzi smiled...the first part of the plan was done...now to set the trap for her prey. She found Elanna resting alone in the clearing. Mabongo had come back from his ‘patrol’ and was resting a short distance off. There was tension in the air between the two when Ujuzi walked to Elanna and within ear shot of the king. “Sweetie? You like Wehu, don’t you?”

“Yes, queen.”

“She was my first...and I have had many strong children after her.” She smiled softly, “And how many children have you had?”

Elanna sighed softly...as the memory of her dead son comes back to her, “None my queen. I can’t have cubs.”

Ujuzi just chuckled and shook her head, “That’s a real shame. You know a lioness is not a real lioness until she has her first child.” With that, she walked back to the king and rubbed up against him.

Elanna turned her head away from the two, her eyes focusing off in the distance as tears began to form in her eyes. Ujuzi chuckled softly again and walked off...knowing what would happen next. Sure enough, Mabongo rose and walked over to the crying lioness. “Elanna?”

Elanna turned her head towards him, wiping her eyes clean, “Yes my king?”

He sat down next to her, looking down at the lioness, “I heard what my wife said to you. I don’t know what got into her, it was uncalled for.”

Elanna just nodded, “She is right though...I’m not a real lioness.” She turned to look at him, “That’s why I left Kubali, because I couldn’t give him cubs. I might be a lioness in form...but not a real lioness.” More tears started to form in her eyes as she looked into the sky, “I love cubs so much! Why Aiheu? Why me?” She turned aside and started to sob. “I want to go home!”

Mabongo leaned down and nuzzled her softly, which made her jump a bit. “Dear Elanna...so much tragedy in your life. Aiheu doesn’t do anything without a purpose. You must remember that.” He smiled to her softly, “You are no less a lioness in my eyes because of your injury. You are a very welcome part to this pride. The cubs absolutely love you, and the other members, save my wife, find you very kind and caring. I hope you don’t think about leaving because of her.”