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“I know...I mean nothing against her....it’s just....”

Kiesi was interrupted when, noticing that they held up, the queen joined the group, “Are we, or are we not going to hunt, Wehu?”

She turned to her quickly and nodded. “Sorry mother...just trying to...um...get our strategy set for the hunt.”

Ujuzi just snorted. “Were you not going to include me...or am I just not useful enough for you?”

Wehu shook her head, “No mother...we were just going to call you over when you came...”

Ujuzi frowned. “Fine...now start acting like a hunt mistress and take charge of this...GROUP.”

Wehu nodded...then thinking quickly said, “OK...normal semi-circle. Mother...you are the beater.”

She could sense her mother’s grumble as she walked away from the others. She glanced to the other three. “No more discussions about Elanna right now. Who knows what my mother would do.” The lionesses nodded to her as they continued through the grasses.

Sometime later back at the pride’s resting grounds, Elanna was among the cubs when they heard the huntresses’ roar. She was in the middle of a story when the cubs all jumped up, gave her a warm nuzzle of thanks, and dashed after the sound and the meal it promised. Elanna chuckled, watching the mob of cubs take off as she rose and followed them. As she topped the ridge, she could see the five lioness dragging a large gazelle behind them.

It was common for the beater to carry the prize home since she did the least amount of work in the hunt, so behind Ujuzi followed the carcass.

She saw Elanna top the ridge and cried out to her, “Get your butt over here, sweet cheeks, and help me tug this carcass...or are you too proper to do that?” Elanna sighed and hurried to her aid. When she got close enough the queen said, “You grab the butt and I'll get the neck--we can do this--that is, if you feel up to it, dearie.”

Elanna could feel the blood rush to her face in embarrassment. She shook it off quickly. “Yes ma’am.” She grabbed the haunch on the prey and, along with the queen, drug it up the hill to the pride’s resting area.

Elanna said little, and she tried to avoid eye-contact with the queen. Wehu did not sit next to her, but Elanna understood and was not upset. Wehu sat next to her mother, engaging her in chit-chat to ease her raw feelings.

But after the meal and a good nap, Wehu approached Elanna. “Come on...I want to teach you more so you can join in on the next hunt.” Elanna got up slowly and stretched out, following after Wehu as they disappeared from the rest of the pride.

After a short walk, Elanna looked at Wehu. “Is she always that crude?”

Wehu chuckled, “Who...my mother...yes, unfortunately she gets like that.” She frowned softly, “It’s quite embarrassing at times.”

Elanna just shook her head, “I’m sure it’s nothing. I only knew two queens myself, Sarabi and Akase. I guess I can’t expect all queens to be like them.” Elanna looked at her, “What does your mother think about me...really. Yesterday it almost seemed she suspected me of trying to steal your father.”

Wehu shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her. You’re the first one I’ve seen her react like this with.” She smiled softly, trying to change the subject. “I can say that you have impressed the other lionesses in the pride...and the cubs just love you. Even Darky says that she wishes she was just a cub...so she didn’t have to miss your stories.” She thought for a moment. “Some even wish you were the queen.”

Elanna was taken aback. “I hope I haven’t given that impression. All I want is to be loved. I don’t care about being queen, and truthfully I don’t want to be. I know what it’s like.”

Wehu nuzzled her softly, “No, no...it’s all right. You haven’t given us that impression, at least not me. It’s just that sometimes mother can be rather embarrassing as you saw. You seem much more cultured than her. And you’re younger. She’s trying to compete with you, and she knows she can’t win.”

“But I’m not competing with HER!”

“Honey Tree, I know that. She’s just apprehensive. Now I know for a fact that my father loves her with all his heart. He would never take a new queen, even if she died.” She smiled. “Now come on. If you want to join in the next hunt, you must learn the lay of the land. And your signals, too!”

Elanna dropped her head in embarrassment.

Wehu made several sweeping gestures with her paw and then tapped the ground twice.

“What does THAT one mean??”

Wehu imitated her mother’s accent. “It means ‘I think wildebeest is good for one’s constitution. It stimulates one’s enduring if properly mitigated with other circumstances.’”

Elanna laughed. “Just don’t let HER hear that!” She pawed Wehu. “Thank you! You have really made me want to stay.”

Wehu chuckled and nuzzled her. “It’s good to finally see someone that my mother can’t scare off.” She smiled. “Now come on. I know you’d rather hunt than sit cubs.” The two lionesses disappeared into the grass, Elanna eager to prove herself.


Mabongo was resting, something he was very accomplished at as a lion, but even more since he was older. Ujuzi came and nudged him with a paw. “Wake up, Bobo!”

One eye opened. “I wasn’t asleep. I was resting my eyes.”

“Then you won’t mind having a go at it?”

Both eyes opened wide and he sniffed the air. “Ujuzi, could it be that I didn’t notice? Is it that time for you?”

Ujuzi laughed merrily. “I meant wrestling, you old fool!”

Mabongo rose slowly and stretched. “Do you know how long it’s been since you asked me that?”

“Too long,” Ujuzi said, unwilling to speculate. “Now let’s see you work off some of that fat.”

“Fat? Me??”

Ujuzi snickered at him. She popped his thigh with a paw. “Fat little legs.” She ducked and touched his belly. “Check out that flab!”

“That’s muscle!” Mabongo said, getting into position.

“Put on much more muscle, you won’t fit in your cave!”

“That did it!!”

Mabongo stood ready for all comers. Ujuzi sprang at him, laughing. She sought to bear him to the ground.

Mabongo easily ducked her. “So I’m fat, am I??” He whipped out with a paw as she passed under him and grasped her shoulder. Coming down on her, he bore down with his weight. But she would not be easily won. Despite her age, she was a huntress, not the hunted. And she squirmed away, wrapping her paws around his neck. A few thrusts of her back legs got her the purchase on the grass she needed, and she shoved him over.

Ujuzi tussled with him as he lay on his back. Mabongo laughed, then reached up with both arms, not to wrestle, but to draw her face to his. He rubbed her cheek and kissed her. “My golden treasure. Oh, I love you, girl!”

“I need to hear you say that sometimes.”

“Am I old? Am I stodgy and no fun?”

Ujuzi said, “Heavens, no! You’re wonderful! I pledged to you once. I’d renew my vows if you wanted it.”

Mabongo rolled on his side, taking her with him. As they lay panting in the grass, looking deeply into each other’s eyes, he said softly, “You know, there’s no shame in growing old, not if you have someone that loves you to grow old with. Oh girl, I’d die if you left me!”

She stroked his mane. “No chance of that, Bobo! No chance of that! Nothing, and no one will come between us, my love!” Ujuzi kissed him, then got up and trotted away as quickly as he came. Mabongo closed his eyes and went back to sleep, a happy smile on his face.

For her trouble, Ujuzi ached all over, even in muscles she forgot she had. She would never let HIM know that, and she headed to see her friend, Uzima the Shaman.

Ujuzi had been walking quite a distance and her muscles were beginning to protest every step she took. She knew it was only a little bit longer. Finally...she reached a solitary tree in the open savanna. Uzima...come down here!” she cried out.