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Swiss Guard and

Twisted Cross staff and

Pavelic, Ante “Anton,”

Pecorelli, Nino


Penitential Bede

Petawa Residence

Peter, Saint

Philip IV of France (the Fair)

Philippe, Pierre Paul

Pietà (Michelangelo)

Pike, Albert

Pius IV, Pope

Pius VI, Pope

Pius VII, Pope

Pius IX, Pope

Pius X, Pope

Pius XI, Pope

Pius XII, Pope (Eugenio Pacelli)

Nazis and Hitler and

Soviet Union and

UFOs and


Politi, Marco

Pontius Pilate

Pope Encyclopedia, The (Brunson)

Popes, list of

Popham, Peter


Printing press

Processus Contra Templarios (Papal Inquiry into the Trial of the Templars)

Pro Deo

Propaganda Due (P2)

Protestant Reformation


Ratzinger, Joseph. See Benedict XVI, Pope

Rauff, Walter

Reading, recommended

Reagan, Ronald

Real estate holdings

“Red tape,”

Rentschler, James M.

Rerum Novarum (Of New Things)

Richard I of England (the Lionheart)

Rodino, Peter

Roide, Russell J.

Roman Empire


Romanian Intelligence Service (DIE)

Romero, Gladys Meza

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rosone, Roberto

Rossellino, Bernardo

Rowling, J.K.

Ruggiero, Ivan

Sacramentum Poenitentiae

St. Peter’s Basilica

Sakharovsky, Aleksandr

Salviati, Francesco

San Girolamo degli Illirici

Santos, Lúcia

Sapieha, Adam Stefan

Saric, Ivan

Savini, Thomas M.

Scarafoni, Paolo

Scheler, Max

Sclafenato, Giovanni

Scorsese, Martin

“Seat- 12,”

Second Coming of Christ

Second Vatican Council

“Secretum Omega,”

Secret World, A (Sipe)

Seper, Francis “Franjo,”


Sereny, Gitta

Sergius IV, Pope

Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes (Doyle, Sipe, and Wall)

Sexual abuse

Sexual misbehavior

Shea, Daniel

Sicilian Mafia

Silvestrini, Achille

Sindona, Michele

Sipe, A.W. Richard

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Secrets, The (Blech and Doliner)

Sixtus IV, Pope

Smith, Trevor

SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta)

Socci, Antonio

Sodano, Angelo

Soldiers of the Pope (documentary)

Solidarity (Polish trade union)

Somalo, Eduardo Martínez

Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)

Soviet Union

Spies in the Vatican (Alvarez and Graham)

Spinola, Giandomenico

Stalin, Joseph

Stanford University

Stangl, Franz

Starry Messenger, The (Galileo)

Stephen VII, Pope

Stephen IX, Pope

Stepinac, Aloysius

Sterling, Claire

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Summi Pontificatus

Swift, Jonathan

Swiss Guards

Taylor, Myron

Templars. See Knights Templar

Tenet, George

Terror Network, The (Sterling)


Thompson, Dorothy


Time of the Assassin, The (Sterling)

Tornay, Cedric

Toth, Laszlo

Truman, Harry

Twisted Cross

UFOs (unidentified flying objects)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)

Unholy Trinity (Aarons and Loftus)

United Nations World Magazine

University of Notre Dame

Urban II, Pope

Urban VIII, Pope

U.S. Federal Reserve Bank

Ustashi (Ustase)

Valentinian II

Varisco, Antonio

Vatican Bank

Vatican Billions, The (Manhattan)

Vatican Exposed, The (Williams)

Vatican Gendarmerie

Vatican Library


Vatican Museums

Vatican Secret Archives


Vergès, Jacques

Verkaik, Robert

Vicarius Filii Dei

Vicars of Christ (de Rosa)

Villa Giula

Villot, Jean-Marie

Vittor, Silvano

Wagner, Gustav

Wagner, Robert F., Jr.

Walesa, Lech

Wall, Patrick J.

Wall Street Journal

Walters, Vernon

Washington Monthly

Weizsacker, Ernst von

Westfield Residence

Wiesenthal, Simon

Willan, Philip

William of Tyre

Williams, Paul L.

Willows School

Wilson, William

Wilson, Woodrow

Windmoor Residence

Windswept House: A Vatican Novel (Martin)

Wingren Residence

Wojtyła, Karol. See John Paul II, Pope

Wolf, Hubert

Woodward, Kenneth

World War I

World War II

the papacy and the Nazis

spooks and rats

Wurstemberg, Hugues de

Wyszynski, Stefan

Yallop, David

Yalta Conference

Ziemann, George Patrick

H. Paul Jeffers

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