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Da Silva, Maria Candida

DaVinci Code, The (Brown)

DaVinci Code, The (movie)

De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam (Of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications)

Defoe, Daniel

Dellacha, Giuseppe

Dell’Acqua, Angelo

Del Monte, Innocenzo Ciocchi

De Luca, Maurizio

De Mailly, Jean

De Modo Provedendi di Causis Crimine Soliciciones (On the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of the Crime of Solicitation)

De Molay, Jacques

Demonic possession

De Paolis, Velasio

De Payens, Hugues

Deputy, The, a Christian Tragedy (play)

De Rosa, Peter

D’Herbigny, Michael

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo)

Di Carlo, Francesco

DiFonzo, Luigi

Diotallevi, Ernesto

Discipline (cord-like whip)

Doliner, Roy

Donovan, William

Doomsday prophecies

Doyle, Thomas

Draganovic, Krunoslav Stjepan

Durant, Will

Dziwisz, Stanislaw

Edict of Milan

Eichmann, Adolf

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Elling, George

Elmbrook Student Center

Entity, the

Escrivá, Josemaría


Estermann, Alois

Etsi Nos (On Conditions in Italy)

Eugene IV, Pope




Extraterrestrial life


Fabbrica di San Pietro

Farnese, Giulia

Fátima, Portugal

Ferigle, Sal

Fessard, Gerald

Fierz, Jacques-Antoine

Filippi, Giorgio


First Things

Flamini, Roland

Fleetwood, Peter

Flynn, Janice

Follain, John

Forbidden books


Foundations of National Socialism (Hudal)

Fourth Secret of Fatima (Socci)

Foxman, Abraham

Frale, Barbara

Franco, Francisco

Franklin National Bank of New York

Frattini, Eric


Freethought Today

Friede, Johannes

Fucci, Pietro

Funes, José Gabriel

Galileo Galilei

Gallagher, Charles R.

Gasparri, Pietro

Gelli, Licio

Gennaro (Januarius), Saint

Genovese, Vito


George V of England

Ginzburg, Carlo

Gioia, Francesco

Giordana, Mario

Giuffrè, Antonino

Godefroid (Geoffrey) de St. Omer

Godfather, The (movies)


Goldstein, Laurie

Good Catholic Girls (Bonavoglia)

Gowen, William

Grab, Amédée

Graham, Billy

Graham, Robert

Gravity, and Galileo

Gray Wolves

Greeley, Andrew

Green, Elizabeth W.

Gregory V, Pope

Gregory IX, Pope

Gregory XVI, Pope

Grillini, Franco

Gruner, Nicholas

Gugel, Angelo

Guicciardini, Francesco

Gutenberg, Johann


Haig, Alexander

Hanssen, Robert

Harry Potter novels

Harvard University

Heights School

Henry IV of France

Henry VIII of England


Heydrich, Reinhard

Hitler, Adolf

Hitler’s Pope (Cornwell)

Hochhuth, Rolf

Holy Alliance

Holy Cross Chapel


Horobet, Gheorghe

Howard, Ron

Hudal, Alois

Humanum Genus

Il Messaggero

Il Quarto Segreto di Fatima (Socci)

Imperial Library


Index Congregation

Index Librorum Prohibitorum (The Index of Prohibited Books)

In Eminenti Apostolatus

Infessura, Stefano

In God’s Name (Yallop)

Innocent II, Pope

Innocent III, Pope

Innocent VIII, Pope


International Association of Exorcists

Into That Darkness (Sereny)

Ipekci, Abdi

Istituto per le Opere di Religione (IOR). See Vatican Bank

Jablonski, Henryk

Jagiellonian University

Januarius, Saint (San Gennaro)

Jesus Christ

Joan, Pope

John of Patmos

John Paul I, Pope

John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyła)

Agca assassination attempt

Cardinal Stepinac and

demonic possession and

election of

Fátima secret and

on Galileo

on the Harry Potter novels

on heresy

Opus Dei and

Pius XII and

Poland and Solidarity movement

Reagan and

Swiss Guards and

Twisted Cross staff and

UFOs and

Johnson, Lyndon

John VIII, Pope

John X, Pope

John XII, Pope

John XIII, Pope

John XIV, Pope

John XXIII, Pope

Julius II, Pope

Julius III, Pope

Keating, Karl

Kennedy, Joseph P.

Keys of This Blood, The (Martin)


Khrushchev, Nikita

Knights of Malta

Knights Templar

Kuby, Gabriele

Kvaternik, Eugen

La Civiltá Cattolica (The Catholic Civilization)

Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence)

La Repubblica

Last Temptation of Christ, The (movie)

Lateran Treaty of 1929

Leiber, Robert

Leo I, Pope

Leo IV, Pope

Leo V, Pope

Leo X, Pope

Leo XI, Pope

Leo XIII, Pope

Leon, Donna

Letter of Christ and Abgarus

Lev, Elizabeth

Levy, Jonathan

Lexington College


Lincoln Green Residence

Livingston Masonic Library

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.

Loftus, John

Lombardi, Federico

London Daily Telegraph

London Guardian

Lorenzi, Diego

L’Osservatore Romano

Luciano, Charles “Lucky,”

Lucius III, Pope

Ludwig III of Bavaria

Luther, Martin

Luzi, Enrico Sini

McAllister, Matthew

McCrabb, Donald R.

Mäder, Elmar Theodor

Madre di Deo (Mother of God)

Magee, John

Magli, Ida

Malachy, Saint

Manhattan, Avro

Marcinkus, Paul

Maria Laach Monastery

Marquette University

Marrone, Gianluigi

Martin, James

Martin, Malachi

Marto, Francisco

Marto, Jacinta

Mary Magdalene


Mazzullo, Giuseppe

Medina Estévez, Jorge Arturo

Mein Kampf (Hitler)

Meir, Golda

Michelangelo Buonarotti


room at the Vatican (“Stanza di Michelangelo”)

Sistine Chapel


Mit brennender Sorge (With Deep Anxiety)

Montini, Giovanni Battista

Montrose School

Morlion, Felix

Mountin, Susan

Mueller, Heinrich


Museo Pio-Clementino

Mussolini, Benito

Muzquiz, Joseph

Myths and rumors

Naples Cathedral

Napoleon Bonaparte

National Catholic Reporter

National Review Online

Navarro-Valls, Joaquin

Nazis (Nazism)

Neuhaus, John

New American, The


New York Newsday

New York Times

Nicaean Creed

Nicholas V, Pope

Northridge Prep School

Nothing Sacred (Alvarez)

Oakcrest School

Of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications (De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam)

Oliveiro, Antonio de

Opus Dei

Opus Dei Awareness Network

Origin of the Species, The (Darwin)

Orsenigo, Cesare

Ortolani, Umberto

OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

Ostpolitik des Vatikans

Ottaviani, Alfredo

Our Lady of Fátima

Owen, Mark

Pacepa, Ion Mihai

Palatine Library

Papal Tiara

Paul, Saint

Paul II, Pope

Paul III, Pope

Paul IV, Pope

Paul V, Pope

Paul VI, Pope

Draganovic and

Fátima secret and

homosexuality of

Johnson and

Martin and

St. Peter relics and

Second Vatican Council and