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This Man Confessed

This Man Confessed 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Malpas Jodi Ellen (EN)
Страниц: 124
Книга закончена
Символов: 777644
Серия: This Man #3
Язык книги: Английский
The Manor, the very place where their passionate love affair began, fills with guests on what should be the happiest day of Ava and Jesse's lives. She has accepted that she'll never tame the fierceness in Jesse-and she doesn't want to. Their love is profound, their connection powerful, but just when she thinks that she's finally gotten beneath his guarded exterior, more questions arise, leading Ava to believe that Jesse Ward may not be the man she thinks he is. He knows too well how to take her to a place beyond ecstasy . . . but will he also drive her to the brink of despair? It's time for this man to confess. далее
Beneath This Man

Beneath This Man 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Malpas Jodi Ellen (EN)
Страниц: 124
Книга закончена
Символов: 780191
Серия: This Man #2
Язык книги: Английский
Jesse Ward drowned her with his intensity and blindsided her with his passion, but he kept her away from his dark secrets and broken soul. Leaving him was the only way Ava O'Shea could survive. She should have known that Jesse Ward is impossible to escape--and now he's back in her life, determined to remind her of the sensual pleasures they had shared. Ava is equally determined to get at the truth beneath this man's steely exterior. That means letting herself get close to the Lord of the Manor once more. And it's exactly where Jesse wants her--within touching distance... далее

Raw 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Aurora Belle (EN)
Страниц: 68
Книга закончена
Символов: 391952
Серия: Raw Family #1
Язык книги: Английский
Growing up the way I did, you’d think I’d be more screwed up than what I actually am. Soon as I turned sixteen, I left that bump in the road I called home and took my chances on the street. Best decision I ever made. Now, at the age of twenty six, I’m educated, employed and damn good at my job. My friends have become my family. Like me, they know what it’s like to grow up unloved. But the saying is true. The world makes way for those who know where they are going. That’s me. I know where I’m going and I’ll get there eventually. On my own terms and at my own pace. But then there’s him. I feel his eyes on me. I see him hiding in plain sight. He watches me. He makes me feel. It’s unconventional. But it’s real. I’m sure you’re wondering how a person falls in love with their stalker. So am I. This isn’t a story. This is my life. далее
Новые герои (Часть вторая)

Новые герои (Часть вторая) (СИ)

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Берри Катя berry
Книга закончена
История Эмми и Дика продолжается, на их пути встают такие преграды, как ревность, недосказанность и преднареченность.Сможет ли Ричард, боец за справедливость, пойти наперекор своим убеждениям ради любви?И смогут ли дети-индиго ужиться рядом с обычными подростками? далее
Прекрасные тела

Прекрасные тела

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Каннингем Лора
Страниц: 77
Книга закончена
Символов: 517863
Роман Лоры Каннингем «Прекрасные тела» был восторженно принят американской критикой. Книгу отличает редкое для нашего времени сочетание тонкого психологизма, искренности и доброй иронии. Холодным зимним вечером шестеро подруг собрались в Манхэттене, на квартире у писательницы Джесси Жирар. Одна из них ждет ребенка. Однако, поскольку беременность Клер неожиданна и загадочна, да и личная жизнь остальных подруг тоже весьма непроста, вечер оборачивается трагикомической ночью откровений. далее
The Gift

The Gift

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Писатель: Ahern Cecelia (EN)
Страниц: 50
Книга закончена
Символов: 316258
Язык книги: Английский
f you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be? Every day Lou Suffern battles with the clock. He always has two places to be at the same time. He always has two things to do at once. When asleep he dreams. In between dreams, he runs through the events of the day while making plans for the next. When at home with his wife and family, his mind is always someplace- else. On his way into work one early winter morning, Lou meets Gabe, a homeless man sitting outside the office building. Intrigued by him and on discovering that he could also be very useful to have around, Lou gets Gabe a job in the post room. But soon Lou begins to regret helping Gabe. His very presence unsettles Lou - and how does Gabe appear to be in two places at the same time? As Christmas draws closer, Lou starts to understand the value of time. He sees what is truly important in life yet at the same time he learns the harshest lesson of all. This is a story about people who, not unlike parcels, hide secrets. They cover themselves in layers until the right person unwraps them and discovers what's inside. Sometimes you have to be unravelled in order to find out who you really are.    далее
Падающая звезда

Падающая звезда 16+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 1
Писатель: Грин Кейт
Страниц: 134
Книга закончена
Символов: 612989
В книге современной американской писательницы, впервые издающейся на русском языке, мастерски показан совершенно особый мир – мир кино: переплетения судеб, проникновение киносюжетов в жизнь и жизни – в киносюжеты, тайные интриги конкурирующих фирм за обладание наиболее талантливыми актерами. И, конечно же, любовь – сильная, всепоглощающая… далее
Женщины в его жизни

Женщины в его жизни 16+

Оценка: 10.0 (2) 2
Страниц: 126
Книга закончена
Символов: 821726
Серия: Афродита
Максимилиан Уэст – миллиардер, промышленный и финансовый магнат, живая легенда, человек, обладающий магической властью и обаянием. Загадка для друзей и родных, не всегда понятный самому себе. В его жизни было пять женщин, каждая из которых заставляла трепетать его сердце. Урсула – женщина, давшая ему жизнь. Теодора – преданная нянька, единственная, кто знала все его секреты. Анастасия – его первая любовь. Камилла – верная подруга, тайно любившая его всю жизнь. Адриана – американская «сирена» – извечная противница днем, которую ночной покров преображал удивительным образом. далее
Дом, которого нет

Дом, которого нет (СИ) 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1)
Писатель: Винтер Мара
Страниц: 45
Книга закончена
Символов: 357317
Представьте, что Время, одноглазое, в короткой юбке, живёт по соседству. Меняет образы, очки и парики. Улыбается при встрече. Каждый раз разное, но всё то же. Наше – и ничьë. Ничья, конечно: давайте расставлять окончания правильно. Шахматные фигуры уже на доске. Время – чёрная королева. Смотрите-ка, напротив неё – белая. С таким же, в точности, лицом. Кроме глаза. У неё их два. Куда ведёт эта партия? Кто играет? Причём здесь мы, и как мы оказались в чьём-то чужом сне? Представьте, что вы спите. Какова ваша цель? Понять, что происходит? Наслаждаться сюжетом? А может, проснуться? Время отпускает не всех... Об авторе: Литературная невидимка. Пишет, потому что так ей и надо. Начинала с Книги Фанфиков, где оставила свою юность и ориджинал "Когда сгорают мечты". Приснила "Дом, которого нет" в позднем детстве, записала в ранней старости, когда пришло время. Оно приходит ко всем и ко всему; главное, не ждать. далее
Счастливые слезы Марианны

Счастливые слезы Марианны

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Страниц: 114
Книга закончена
Символов: 705752
Дом Марианны и Луиса Альберто Сальватьерра — старая арена новых перипетий, происходящих вслед за событиями, показанными в известном мексиканском телесериале «Богатые тоже плачут». В этом впервые публикуемом романе помимо старых героев появляются новые друзья и враги Марианны и Луиса Альберто. Не только своим материальным благосостоянием, но и богатством своих душ делятся Марианна и Луис Альберто с теми, кто нуждается в их помощи и защите. А рядом с ними набираются жизненного опыта Бето и ревнивая Марисабель... далее

Rain 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #9
Язык книги: Английский
Nice guys finish last, but that doesn't mean they give up the fight. Sometimes it's necessary to keep trudging through the rain in hopes of finding a break in the clouds. William Townson is a good person. He's kind, considerate, and the last thing he ever wanted was to hurt anyone. Accidents happen though, and when they do, all that you can be done is to pick up the pieces. For William, this means trying to hold together a stagnant relationship while resisting the temptation of Jason Grant, a young man with eyes just as intense as his love. Only the future can promise redemption for mistakes of the past, forcing William to choose between the Coast Guard and the needs of his heart. Can he find his way through the downpour to somewhere warm and dry? Something like Rain is the latest installment of the Something Like... series, bringing shape to another character's life while checking in with those from previous books. далее

Hail 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #8
Язык книги: Английский
When life closes each door, and the world has taken away every opportunity, sometimes it’s up to us to make our own luck—and to give ourselves a second chance. Noah Westwood is tired of life on the streets, so he turns to Marcello Maltese, a man who owns a small media empire… and a few covert businesses, such as an escort service. Noah volunteers for this, but he’s playing a dangerous game. A secret from his past could turn his new friends into enemies, and he isn’t sure he can perform the duties he signed up for, especially when he’s more interested in falling in love than hopping into the beds of his clients. This is complicated further when his hunky co-worker, Harold Franklin, seems to be interested. Or is he? Noah is off the streets, but he’ll have to travel down many roads on his quest to find his happily-ever-after. далее

Thunder 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #6
Язык книги: Английский
This isn't a coming out story. Nor is it the tale of a lonely heart seeking companionship. This is about how I learned to fight. My name is Nathaniel Courtney and I m a survivor. I didn t let the cruelty of others wear me down, and I've weathered the more subtle hardships of the heart. Love is a Trojan horse, slipping past your guard and leaving you ransacked and vulnerable. I emerged from that war not unscathed but as a new man. The only mistake I ever made was letting the right guy get away. Now I ve got one more chance. This is the final battle, because if I fail now... I won't. You ll see. Just listen to my story, Kelly Phillips, and when I m done, please don't walk away. Take this weary soldier into your arms so we can find peace together. Something Like Thunder is the sixth book in the ongoing Something Like... series, shedding light on past events while leading the reader toward an exciting new future. далее

Lightning 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #5
Язык книги: Английский
Never stop running. No matter how often life trips you up, or how many times your enemies knock you down, just get up and keep on moving until you find where you belong. Kelly Phillips has been out and proud since he was a young teenager, and thanks to the gay youth group he frequents, he's never been short on friends or lovers. But when you have almost everything, it's hard not to focus on what's just out of reach: A best friend, who would be Mr. Right if he wasn't already Mr. Straight. Or that handsome athlete at school, who would be easier to wrangle if not for his angel wings. And then there's the guy who might be a perfect fit, maybe even a soulmate... if only he wasn't convinced he didn't need anyone. Kelly has always been good at running. Now he must learn to chase, which will not only test his endurance, but the durability of his heart as well. Something Like Lightning is a new beginning in the Something Like... saga, shifting the focus to a different set of characters while also revisiting a familiar face or two. далее

Spring 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #4
Язык книги: Английский
Nothing in this world is permanent. Friends, lovers, even family, can all disappear in the blink of an eye. Without these anchors, it's all too easy to find oneself drifting. Jason Grant doesn't have much, aside from a beat-up old guitar and knack for getting kicked out of foster homes. His latest placement is set to be just another in a long line of failures. Then he meets Caesar Hubbard, a handsome guy who lives down the hall. For the first time in his life, Jason wants to stay, which means learning to be part of a family, and not letting his feelings--or his actions--ruin his first real chance of falling in love. Something Like Spring introduces a new character to the Seasons story, one with a troubled past and an equally turbulent future. Jason must traverse a winding road fraught with emotional conflicts and tough decisions... a road that might just lead to a certain couple in Austin. далее

Forever 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #11
Язык книги: Английский
Love, like everything in the universe, cannot be destroyed. But over time it can change. The hot Texas nights were lonely for Ben before he met Tim Wyman, the man he would one day marry. Now, twenty years later, everything is perfect. Isn’t it? As Ben struggles with guiding his adopted son toward happiness, he begins to question his own path in life. Tim is little help, pulled away by artistic success and faced with temptation, but true love should be able to overcome such obstacles… if only their struggles ended there. Something Like Forever is a love story spanning a lifetime and beyond as two men discover what it means to be friends, lovers, and so much more. далее
Something Like Stories - Volume Two

Something Like Stories - Volume Two 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #10
Язык книги: Английский
The Something Like… series is drawing to a close! Before it ends, reunite with favorite characters and meet others for the first time in this special collection of fourteen stories.Highlights include Something Like Champagne, in which Marcello searches for the truth behind a drunken vision. In Something Like Bunnies, a young Jace Holden struggles with his first crush. Ben and Tim return in Something Like Memories as they debate when exactly they should celebrate their anniversary, and Jason finally makes an important decision about his future with William in Something Like Sun.Joyful reunions and tearful goodbyes await you, as do many affirmations of love, in this second volume of short stories. далее
Something Like Stories - Volume One

Something Like Stories - Volume One 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #7
Язык книги: Английский
Benjamin Bentley and many other beloved characters from the Something Like... series make their triumphant return in this collection of short stories and bonus material.Something Like Yesterday travels to the past where Eric Conroy attempts to find love against a backdrop of intolerance and political upheaval. In Something Like Fall, Ben meets Jace's family and tries to cope with the many changes of the years that follow. Allison Cross finally gets her dues in Something Like Tonight, examining the relationships in her life during a girls night out. Something Like Eternity takes the series where it has never gone before as Victor Hemingway seeks out his ultimate destiny.Also included is a character guide and a timeline of key events thus far. Laughter and tears await you in the very special anthology! далее

Winter 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #3
Язык книги: Английский
There are two sides to every story. When you're Tim Wyman, sometimes there are three. Tim hoped moving to Texas would mean a new beginning, a chance to spread his wings, but he soon finds himself falling into the same tired patterns. Until he meets recklessly brave Benjamin Bentley. Suddenly a whole new world opens up to Tim--love, sex, warmth... home. Certain that society won't understand what he and Ben have together, Tim struggles to protect their relationship, even if it means twisting the truth. As his lies slowly push Ben away, Tim learns that the greatest enemy can come from within. Buried beneath a decade of deceptions, Tim must claw his way to the surface in the hopes of learning to fly. Something Like Winter, the companion novel to Something Like Summer, tells the story from Tim Wyman's perspective, revealing new private moments and personal journeys. далее

Autumn 18+

Оценка: 10.0 (1) 1
Писатель: Bell Jay (EN)
Книга закончена
Серия: Something Like #2
Язык книги: Английский
Love can appear unexpectedly: a chance meeting at a friend's wedding, the arrival of a handsome new co-worker... or while being robbed at a convenience store. For some, love seems an impossible dream. Growing up gay in small-town Missouri, Jace Holden thought his chance would never come. When he meets Victor--a wild soul and fellow outsider--his chances of finding love go from bleak to a very uncertain maybe. Bracing his heart, Jace chases after his desire, hoping for a warm hand to hold his tight. Something Like Autumn tells the story of Jace's life before the events of Something Like Summer, while also revisiting his time with Benjamin Bentley. далее
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