Something Like Stories - Volume Two
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Something Like Stories - Volume Two 18+


Something Like

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ID: 314977
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год написания книги: 2017
Год печати: 2017
Создана 14 января 2019 13:43
Опубликована 16 января 2019 01:50


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The Something Like… series is drawing to a close! Before it ends, reunite with favorite characters and meet others for the first time in this special collection of fourteen stories.

Highlights include Something Like Champagne, in which Marcello searches for the truth behind a drunken vision. In Something Like Bunnies, a young Jace Holden struggles with his first crush. Ben and Tim return in Something Like Memories as they debate when exactly they should celebrate their anniversary, and Jason finally makes an important decision about his future with William in Something Like Sun.

Joyful reunions and tearful goodbyes await you, as do many affirmations of love, in this second volume of short stories.

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