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Something Like

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Прочитал: 1
ID: 315681
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год написания книги: 2016
Год печати: 2016
Создана 22 января 2019 12:37
Опубликована 24 января 2019 01:03


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Nice guys finish last, but that doesn't mean they give up the fight. Sometimes it's necessary to keep trudging through the rain in hopes of finding a break in the clouds. William Townson is a good person. He's kind, considerate, and the last thing he ever wanted was to hurt anyone. Accidents happen though, and when they do, all that you can be done is to pick up the pieces. For William, this means trying to hold together a stagnant relationship while resisting the temptation of Jason Grant, a young man with eyes just as intense as his love. Only the future can promise redemption for mistakes of the past, forcing William to choose between the Coast Guard and the needs of his heart. Can he find his way through the downpour to somewhere warm and dry? Something like Rain is the latest installment of the Something Like... series, bringing shape to another character's life while checking in with those from previous books.

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