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John knew that they must withdraw before the winter storms, and feared that they were mad enough to stay. He turned in his walk and went back toward the fort. One of the French sentries on the castle walls saw him and shouted a cheerful yell of abuse. John hesitated; then the message became clear. The sentry hauled up a pike with a huge joint of meat on the tip, to demonstrate their new wealth.

“Voulez-vous, Anglais?” he yelled cheerfully. “Avez vous faim?”

John turned and trudged back to the ill-named Triumph.

Buckingham was certain what they should do. “We must attack,” he said simply.

John gasped in horror and looked around the duke’s cabin. No one else seemed in the least perturbed. They were nodding as if this were the obvious course.

“But my lord…,” John started.

Buckingham looked across at him.

“They are better fed than us, they have almost limitless cannon and powder, they are mending the defenses and we know that the citadel is strong.”

Buckingham no longer laughed at John’s fears. “I know all that,” he said bitterly. “Tell me something that I have not thought of, John, or keep your peace.”

“Have you thought of going home?” John asked.

“Yes,” Buckingham said precisely. “And if I go now, with nothing to show for it, I can’t even be sure that I will have a home to go to.” He glanced around the cabin. “There are men still waiting to impeach me for treason,” he said bluntly. “If I have to die I’d rather do it here leading an attack than on the block outside the Tower.”

John fell silent. It was a measure of the duke’s desperation that he spoke so frankly before them all.

“And if I return home in disgrace and am executed then the prospects for all of you are not golden,” Buckingham pointed out. “I would not be in your shoes when you are asked what service you gave the king on the Ile de Rhé. I shall be dead, of course, so it will not trouble me. But you will all be hopelessly compromised.”

There was a little uncomfortable movement among the men in the cabin.

“So are we all decided?” Buckingham asked with a wolfish grin. “Is it to be an attack?”

“Torres cannot stand against us!” Soubise exclaimed. “He was ready to surrender once; we know the measure of the man now. He’s a coward. He won’t fight to the last; if we frighten him enough he will surrender again.”

Buckingham nodded to John as if there were no one else to convince. “That’s true enough,” he said. “We do know that he will surrender if he thinks a battle is lost. All we have to do is to convince him that the battle is lost.”

He leaned forward and spread out some papers on the table. John saw that they were his sketch plans, drawn when they were new to the island and his new gillyflower was heeled into his little nursery bed. Now it was rooted and putting out new shoots, and the sketches were dirty in the margin from much use.

“We bring the ships as close as we can and pound the fort from the sea, then fall back,” Buckingham said. “First one side then another, so as soon as they get our range we drop back. Then on the landward side of the fort we launch an attack. Scaling ladders to get the men to the tops of the walls. They must carry and throw down ropes. As the ships fall back from their attack they land the sailors and they support the soldiers in the attack on the walls. As soon as the soldiers are inside they open the sally ports and the rest of the sailors come off the ships and into the gate.”

“Perfect!” Soubise exclaimed.

John was looking critically at the map. “How will the ships come forward and fall back?” he demanded. “What if the wind is in the wrong quarter?”

Buckingham thought for a moment. “Can we use the landing craft as barges?” he asked. “Take the ships in tow to help them around?”

A gentleman nodded. “The wind is bound to be right for either coming in or going out.”

Buckingham looked to John. “What d’you think, Tradescant?”

“It might work,” John said cautiously. “But we could only tow one or two ships in and out at a time. We couldn’t do the big attack you described.”

“One or two would do it,” Buckingham said. “It’s to keep their attention to the seaward side while we attack on land.”

“We should do it on the turn of the tide,” John proposed. “So the tide pulls the ships out of range, helps the barges to do their work.”

Buckingham nodded. “Give the orders, John. You will know how it should be done.”

“I shall make them practice first.”

“Very well. But do it out of sight of the fort, and have them ready for dawn tomorrow, as near to dawn as the tides permit.”

John bowed and went to leave the cabin. He hesitated at the door. “And the attack on the castle?” he asked.

“A textbook attack!” one of the officers enthused. “While they are looking out to sea we attack on land. Speed, stealth. May I have the command, sir?”

Buckingham smiled at his enthusiasm. “You may.”

“What about the ladders?” John asked. “And the ropes?”

The officer turned on him impatiently. “You may leave all that to me!”

“I beg your pardon,” John said politely. “But that’s only a rough sketch I did. Someone needs to check the angle of the walls, any overhangs, the best places for the ladders. The ground beneath the walls.”

The officer laughed. “I had no idea you were a soldier of experience, Mr. Tradescant!” He emphasized the “Mr.” to remind John that he was among gentlemen on sufferance, he had no right to the title. Buckingham, leaning back in his chair, sniffed his pomander and watched John control his temper.

“I am a gardener, and a collector of my lord duke’s rarities,” John said tightly. “I’ve never pretended to be anything else. But I have seen action.”

“Once,” someone said softly at the back. “And hardly glorious.”

John did not look around. “It is in my line of work to look at the little things, to see that they are not forgotten. All I am saying is that the height and the dimensions of the walls have to be known exactly.”

“Thank you,” the officer said with icy courtesy. “I am grateful for your advice.”

John glanced at his duke. Buckingham gave a small jerk of his head to the door and John bowed and withdrew.

It was a small slight after three months of slights but it was the one conversation that John was to hear in his head, in his dreams, over and over again.

They could not make the attack when the duke wished; the tides were wrong and the moon was too bright. But two days after his final orders they launched the attack on the castle. John was on shore, watching the ships maneuver before the fort as he had planned they should. The scheme worked well. The French defenders took time to get their aim on each attacking ship, and as they got it in range, the ships dropped sail and the rowing barges and the ebbing tide pulled her out of range again. John watched for only a few minutes, to see that the ships were safe, and then turned to run to the landward side of the fort where the army was going in to attack.

The citadel was not taken unawares. They were fully armed and ready on the landward side, and they poured musket fire down the high walls onto the attacking English army. John pushed his way through the crowds of soldiers, sometimes surging forward, and then hanging back, until he was near his duke. Buckingham was at the very center of the line, dragging the men forward with him toward the musket fire.

Before him were the soldiers running with the scaling ladders. Buckingham was pushing them on, toward the deadly fire, toward the walls of the castle.

“Go on! Go on!” he was shouting. “For England! For God! For me!”

The men had suffered after three months on the island. Buckingham could not make them laugh anymore. They hesitated and went reluctantly forward. At every point in the line the officers were shouting and demanding that they advance. Only the musket fire – as dangerous for those who hung back as for those who ran forward – kept them moving.