Indigo Slam
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Страниц: 58
Символов: 358578
ID: 99683
Язык книги: Английский
Создана 24 октября 2010 07:52


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An action packed, razor sharp thriller featuring LA private eye Elvis Cole. Meet Elvis Cole. Vietnam Veteran, private eye who carries a.38 and is determined never to grow up. 15 year old Teri Hewitt has been left holding the babies now that her dad, Clark has disappeared without trace. She wants Cole to find him. The search reveals a chronically unemployed drug addict caught up in counterfeiting scams and mixed up with the Russian mafia and Vietnamese Gunmen. As the action heads towards a gunfight in Disneyland and Cole dodges his almost girlfriend's husband, Indigo Slam shapes up into the most entertaining and exciting American crime novel for years.

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