Morgan's Woman
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Страниц: 57
Символов: 353884
ID: 126324
Язык книги: Английский
Создана 2 декабря 2010 07:00


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Proud, iron-willed Tennessee widow Tamsin MacGreggor is wanted-dead or alive-for a crime she didn't commit. But out West the law is shoot first, ask questions later. So she's running for her life-with notoriously handsome bounty hunter Ash Morgan in hot pursuit.

Tamsin is Morgan's match, shrewd and strong enough to escape his capture. Twice. But catching her now is more than Morgan's duty-it's personal. For somehow she has slipped past his defenses and stolen his well-guarded heart. Their passionate love erupts in the wilds of a harsh, unforgiving land where a bounty hunter must finish his job-and an innocent woman will do whatever it takes to save herself from a hangman's noose…

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