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Thanks to my two Washington insiders, David Vennett and Patrick Doak, who always find a way to make sure my visits to DC are exciting, intriguing, and downright unforgettable.

If it speaks German, eats sushi, or flies, I never write about it without running it by my dear friend Richard Levy with American Airlines. Servus to you and Anne.

Thanks to Bart Berry of Aquarius Training and Development for the mountaineering assistance. I’ll see you when the tuna start running.

Jane Buikstra was kind enough to introduce me to Dr. Mary Lucas Powell, who opened the doors of paleopathology to me and gave me a fascinating education.

Captain J. Philip Ludvigson, Captain Armando Riveron, and Tammy Reed were very gracious in teaching me the ins and outs of the U.S. Army’s amazing Stryker Brigade Combat Teams.

When you have two people who are so equally important in your career as my terrific agent and my unparalleled editor are, you never know whom to thank first. I took the chicken’s way out, and since I thanked my editor first last time, it’s now my agent’s turn. Heide Lange, it’s ironic that as an author I cannot find the words to tell you how much you mean to me. Your friendship and guidance make all of the hard work worth it. After marrying Trish, the smartest thing I ever did was asking you to be my agent. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Now I get to thank Emily Bestler, my fantastic editor. You are one of the most talented people I have ever had the good fortune of working with. They broke the mold when they made you. I look forward to many, many more successful years together.

As an author, to have two publishers like Louise Burke and Judith Curr, whom you like and admire professionally, is a blessing, but to like and admire them even more personally is a gift. Thanks yet again for everything.

There are only about a hundred other people at Pocket Books and Atria Books I would like to thank-from the sales force to the art, marketing, production, and PR departments, and while I can’t thank all of you by name, I want each of you to know how much I appreciate all that you do.

Esther Sung, Sarah Branham, and Jodi Lipper, thanks for all of your contributions and for everything you do every single day. None of it goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

Scott Schwimer, my dear friend and colossus of entertainment law, you make Hollywood fun. Thank you for everything, and here’s to airbags and crumple zones!

And last but certainly not least, I want to thank you, the readers. You have my deepest gratitude not only for buying my books, but also for telling so many people how much you enjoy them. At the end of the day, it’s good word of mouth that really builds an author.


Brad Thor

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