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On the jihad front, Lawlor also shared that not only was the Islamic Institute for Science and Technology being dismantled and all of its members interrogated, but Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah had been making significant strides in ferreting out the conspirators involved in the attempted overthrow of his country. As they were discovered, they were tried and sent to Chop-Chop Square, the parking lot of Riyadh ’s main mosque, where Saudi justice was publicly meted out each Friday. The first to go were the kingdom’s deputy intelligence minister and the two Wahhabi militants he had been so actively involved with. There was no word as to the condition or whereabouts of Abdullah’s son, Hamal. It was assumed that the Crown Prince had him somewhere under very heavy guard while he tried to figure out what to do with him.

As for Chip Reynolds, he was expected to make a complete and full recovery, at which point he planned on leaving his job with Aramco and relocating back to Montana for a full schedule of hunting, fishing, and deciding what the next phase of his life was going to be. The CIA tried to convince him to come back in-house and help them in their investigations into how Ozan Kalachka had been able to get his hands on classified DOD video, as well as the claim that the Saudis had nuclear weapons, but Reynolds turned them down. He had experienced enough international intrigue to last him two lifetimes.

Both the Whitcombs and Jillian Alcott were given special commendations at a private ceremony at the White House for their assistance in the investigation of the illness. Based on Harvath’s report, Jillian was also issued a ten-million-dollar check from the Rewards for Justice program for her role in helping to kill Khalid Sheik Alomari. The last anyone heard, she was planning on using the money to fund a full excavation of Hannibal ’s elite guard from their icy grave just below the Col de la Traversette.

At last count, Kevin McCauliff had left three messages on Harvath’s voice mail wanting to get together to start talking strategy for the DC marathon, while Nick Kampos had faxed several Wal-Mart applications to Harvath’s office for him “just in case.”

While he knew he was a hell of a long way from being a greeter, Harvath couldn’t help but wonder how soon he’d be ready to return to his old way of life. Briefly, the words of Chip Reynolds came back to him, and he knew it wasn’t a coincidence that his singleness of purpose had resulted in an actual state of singleness. With thirty-six creeping up on him from around the corner, Harvath was still a young man, but he needed to make some decisions about what he wanted going forward.

Right at this moment, though, all he wanted was to open another beer and start in on the Jay MacLarty novel he had picked up from the lending library in the hotel lobby. After that, he could start thinking about his future. Actually, after that, he was going fishing, but it didn’t matter. He had plenty of time and could always think about things tomorrow. For the first time in he couldn’t remember how long, Scot Harvath was going to relax.

Opening his book, he was halfway through the first page when one of the desk clerks stepped onto his veranda. “Señor Harvath?”

“Yes?” he replied, laying the book on his chest.

“I’m sorry to disturb you. We have been trying to ring your room, but there has been no answer.”

“I know. I disconnected the phone. “Why he bothered, he had no idea. Claudia Mueller was the only person who knew where he was, and he’d already called her that morning to get an update on Horst Schroeder’s recovery.

“You have an important phone call,” said the clerk. “A gentleman has been most insistent. He says he is calling from your office. Would you like me to bring the phone out here to you?”

Harvath began to swing his legs out of the hammock but then thought better of it. “Tell him you couldn’t find me.”

“Excuse me, Señor?”

“Tell him I’m on the beach or I walked into town. Tell him whatever you want. I don’t care.”

“Yes, Señor,” replied the clerk as he exited the veranda and headed back up to the lobby.

Whatever it is, they’ll have to find a way to survive without me, thought Harvath. At least for the next two weeks.


If you are interested in learning more about Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps and the use of chemical and biological weapons in the ancient world, I highly recommend Hannibal Crosses the Alps by John Prevas and Greek Fire, Poison Arrows amp; Scorpion Bombs-Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World by Adrienne Mayor.

Both John and Adrienne were extremely helpful in my researching of this novel, and I thank them for their generosity.


My fascination with Hannibal began many years ago when I stumbled across a book about him in the library of my grade school-the Hardey Prep School for Boys in Chicago. I can’t remember the title of that book, but I do remember that I couldn’t put it down. While the teachers at Hardey always encouraged us to read, doing so while they were trying to teach class was usually frowned upon. I suppose there are worse things to be caught doing than reading, but when I was found out, my argument that Hannibal’s journey was much more interesting than what was currently being taught earned me a one-way ticket to the office of Sister Mary McMahon, RSCJ. In the intelligent and compassionate manner that is the hallmark of the nuns of the Sacred Heart, Sister McMahon imparted to me one of the most valuable pieces of wisdom an author could ever hope to acquire-it’s not necessarily what you say, but how you say it.

In that spirit, I hope my words do justice to the efforts of the people who helped me write this novel. In particular, there were two very important people who worked tirelessly to make this book a reality. The first is my beautiful wife, Trish. Not only did she find ways to constantly challenge me to make Blowback the best it could be, she gave birth to our second child. Honey, you are beyond incredible. Thank you for your support and for our beautiful baby. I love you more than you will ever know.

The second person is someone who brainstormed with me at all times of the day and night and was always there as my sounding board when inspiration struck. He also came up with a lot of great ideas of his own. With such a wonderfully devious mind, I’m glad my good friend Scott F. Hill, Ph.D., is on our side.

Knowing their nature, the following gentlemen will undoubtedly downplay their contributions to this novel, but I am grateful not only for their assistance, but also the service they have rendered and continue to render our country: the real “Bullet Bob, “Chuck Fretwell, Rudy Guerin (we’re going alphabetically here), Steve Hoffa, and Chad Norberg.

As always, the Sun Valley crew continues to provide me with the latest and greatest intelligence and intelligence contacts. My deep gratitude goes to Gary Penrith, Frank Gallagher, Tom Baker, and Daryl Mills (we’re going by golf scores here-which direction I won’t say).

Tom Whowell gave me my first summer job, and now I have put him to work reading my galleys. Tom, your eye for detail is amazing. Thank you for joining the team as my newest sharpshooter and for such a thorough read.

From the very top on down, the Drug Enforcement Administration was a wonderful group of people to work with. My thanks to everyone there, especially the folks out at Quantico and the Firearms Training Unit.