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Harth, E. 1982. Windows on the Mind. Reflection on the Physical Basis of Consciousness. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press, 285 p.

Heelas, P. 1983. Anthropological Perspectives on Violence: Universals and Particulars. Zygon, Journal of Religion amp; Science, 18, 4, 375—404.

Heidegger, M. 1947. Platans Lehre von der Wahrheit. Mit einem Brief itber den «ffumanismus». Berlin: Francke, 119 S.

Heidegger, M. 1972. On Time and Being. New York: Harper amp; Row, 84 p.

Heidegger, M. 1983. Being and Time (transl. by J. MacQuarrie and E. Robinson). Great Britain: Basil Blackwell, 589 p.

Hennecke, E. 1963. New Testament Apocrypha, v. I, Gospels and Related Writings (ed. dy W. Schneemelcher, Englich Translation edited by R. Mel. Wilson). London: Lutterworth Press, 531 p.

Hofstadter, D. R. amp; Dennett, D. C. 1981. The Mind's I. Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul. New York: Basic Books, 501 p.

Holland, J. G. 1981. Radical Behaviorism and Consciousness, 97—106, in:The Metaphors of Consciousness (ed. by R. S. Valle amp; R. von Eckartsberg). New York-London: Plenum Press, 521 p.

Holm, N. G. (Ed.) 1982. Religious Ecstasy. Stockholm: Almquist amp; Wiksell International, 306 p.

Jager, W. 1987. The Way to Contemplation. Encountering God Today. New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 144 p.

Jahn, R. G. amp; Dunne, B. J. 1984. On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness with Application to Anomalous Phenomena. With Appendix B: Collected Thoughts on the Role of Consciousness in the Physical Representation of Reality. Published by Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory Princeton University. Princeton, N. J. 08544, 146 + 86 p.; Foundation of Physics, 1986, 16, 8, 721—772.

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Joslyn, M. 1975. Figure/Ground: Gestalt/Zen, 229—246, in: J. O. Stevens (ed.) gestalt is. Moab, Utah: Real People Press, 274 p.

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Konner, M. 1982. The Tangled Wing. Biological Constraints of the Human Spirit. New York: Holt, Rinehart amp; Winston, 543 p.

Lassalle, Hugo M. Enomiya. 1988. Zen-Erleuchtungsweg und christliche Mystik, Kongress «Geist-Natur», Hannover, 21—28 May, 1988, 1^20 p. (препринт, будет опубликован в трудах Конгресса.

Legrand, Q. 1983. Dictionnaire de Philosophic. Paris-Bruxelles-Monreal: Bordas, 271 p.

Levin, D. M. 1981. Approaches to Psychotherapy. Freud, Jung and Tibetian Buddhism, 243—274, in: The Metaphors of Consciousness (ed. By R. S. Valle amp; R. von Eckartsberg). New York-London: Plenum Press, 521 p. Этот номер журнала целиком посвящен теме Psychodelics Rivisited

Lilly, J. С. 1972. The Center of the Cyclone. An Autobiography of Inner Space. New York: Bantam Boorks. 236 p.

Lilly, J. C. 1981. The Mind Contained in the Brain. A cybernetic Belief System, 169—178, in: The Metaphors of Consciousness (ed. by R. S. Valle amp; R. von Eckartsberg). New York-London: Plenum Press, 521 p.

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Maslow, A. H. 1968. Toward a Psychology of Being. New York: D. van Nostrand Company, 340 p.

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McEvoy, J. 1982. The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 560 p.

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Merleau-Ponty, M. 1962. Phenomenology of Perception. London: Routledge amp; Kegan Paul, XXI + 466 p.

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Morris, R. 1987 The Nature of Reality, New York etc.: McGrowHill, 249 p.

Moss, D. M. 1981. Phenomenology and Neuropsychology. Two Approaches to Consciousness, 153—166, in: The Metaphors of Consciousness (ed. By R. S. Valle amp; R. von Eckartsberg), New York-London: Plenum Press, 520 p.

Moss, D. and Keen, E. 1981. The Nature of Consciousness, The Existential-Phenomenological Approach, 107—120, in: The Metaphors of Consciousness (ed by R. S. Valle amp; R. von Eckartsberg). New York-London: Plenum Press, 521 p.

Murphy, M. and White, R. A. 1978. The Psychic Side of Sport. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 227 p.

Nalimov, V. V. 1981. Faces of Science. Philadelphia, Pa.: ISI-Press, 297 p;

Nalimov, V. V. 1982. Realms of the Unconscious: The Enchanted Frontier. Philadelphia, Pa.: ISI-Press, 320 p.

Nalimov, V. V. 1985, Space, Time, and Life. The Probabilistic Pathways of Evolution. Philadelphia,. Pa.: ISI-Press, 110 p. (реферат этой книги см.: /Nalimov, 1988/).

Nalimov, V. V. 1988. Geometrization of Fundamental Biological Concepts, 27—33, Lectures in Theoretical Biology (ed.: K. Kull and T. Tivel), Tallinn: Valgus, 180 p.

Nalimov, V. V. and Barinova, Z. B. 1974. Sketches of the History of Cybernetics. Predecessors of Cybernetics in Ancient India. Darshana International. An International Quarterly of Philosophy, Psychology, Psychical Research, Religion, Mysticism and Sociology, Maradabad (India), 14, April 2,-35—72.

Needleman, J. 1980 Lost Christianity. A. Journey of Rediscovery. San Francisco: Harper amp; Row, 228 p.

Nelson, R. D., Dunne, B. J. and Jahn, N. J. 1988. Operator Related Anomalies in Random Mechanical Cascade Experiment, Technical Note PEAR 88001, Princeton N. J.: Published dy Princeton Engineering Research Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton N. Y. 08544, 39 + S p.

Nielsen, H. B. 1983. Field Theories Without Fundamental Gauge Symmetries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society oof London, A, 310 N 1512, 261—271.

Nietzsche, F. The Will to Power (translation by VV. Kaufmann amp; R. J. Holling-dale, ed. with Commentary dy VV. Kaufmann). New York: Vintage Books, 575 p.

Pailin, D. 1973. Authenticity in Interpretation of Christianity, 127—159, in.: M. Pye and R. Morgan (eds.). The Cardinal Meaning. Essays in Comparative Hermeneutics: Buddhism and Christianity, The Hague-Paris: Mouton, 202 p.

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Penfield, W. 1975. The Mystery of the Mind. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 123 p.

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