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“‘Oh, yes,’ I said eagerly. ‘Is that also where you saw the wordIvireanu? ’

“‘Actually, no. The Corvinus manuscript is very interesting, but for different reasons. The manuscript says-well, I have copied a little here. The original is in Latin.’

“He got out his notebook and read me a few lines. ‘”In the year of Our Lord 1463, the king’s humble servant offers him these words from great writings, all to give His Majesty information on the curse of the vampire, may he perish in hell. This information is for His Majesty’s royal collection. May it assist him in curing this evil in our city, in ending the presence of vampires, and in keeping the plague from our dwellings.“ And so on. Then the good scribe, whoever he was, goes on to list the references he’s found in various classical works, including tales of the ghost in the amphora. As you can tell, the date of the manuscript is the year after Dracula’s arrest and his first imprisonment near Buda. You know, your description of that same concern on the part of the Turkish sultan, which you detected in those documents in Istanbul, prompts me to think Dracula made trouble wherever he went. Both mention the plague, and both are concerned with the presence of vampirism. It’s quite similar, isn’t it?’

“He paused thoughtfully. ‘Actually, that connection with plague is not so far-fetched, in a way-I read in an Italian document at the British Museum Library that Dracula used germ warfare against the Turks. He must have been one of the first Europeans to use it, in fact. He liked to send any of his own people who’d contracted infectious diseases into the Turkish camps, dressed like Ottomans.’ In the lantern light, Hugh’s eyes were narrow now, his face shining with an intense concentration. It rushed over me that in Hugh James we had found an ally of the keenest intelligence.

“‘This is all fascinating,’ I said. ‘But what about the mention of the wordIvireanu? ’

“‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’ Hugh smiled. ‘I’m a bit off track. Yes, I did see that word in the library here. I came across it three or four days ago, I think, in a seventeenth-century New Testament in Romanian. I was looking through it because I thought the cover showed an unusual influence of Ottoman design. The title page had the wordIvireanu across the bottom-I’m sure it was the same word. I didn’t think much about it at the time-to be frank, I’m always running across Romanian words that mystify me, because I know so little of the language. It caught my attention because of the typeface, actually, which was sort of elegant. I assumed it was a place-name or something of the sort.’

“I groaned. ‘And that was all? You’ve never seen it anywhere else?’

“‘I’m afraid not.’ Hugh was attending to his deserted cup of coffee. ‘If I run across it again, I’ll be sure to let you know.’

“‘Well, it may have little to do with Dracula, after all,’ I said, to comfort myself. ‘I just wish we had more time to examine this library. We have to fly back to Istanbul on Monday, unfortunately-I don’t have permission to stay beyond the duration of the conference. If you do find anything of interest -’

“‘Of course,’ Hugh said. ‘I’ll be around for another six days. If I find something, shall I write to you at your department?’

“This gave me a turn; it had been days since I’d thought seriously about home, and I had no idea when I would next be checking my mail in my departmental box there. ‘No, no,’ I said hastily. ‘At least, not yet. If you find something you really think might help us, please call Professor Bora. Just explain to him that we talked. If I speak with him myself, I’ll let him know you might get in touch with him.’ I took out Turgut’s card and wrote the number down for Hugh.

“‘Very good.’ He tucked it into his breast pocket. ‘And here’s my card for you. I do hope we’ll be running into each other again.’ We sat there in silence for a few seconds, his gaze lowered to the table with its empty cups and plates and flickering candle flame. ‘Look here,’ he said finally. ‘If all you’ve said is true-or all Rossi said, anyway-and there is a Count Dracula, or a Vlad the Impaler-extant-in some awful sense, then I’d like to help you -’

“‘Eradicate him?’ I finished quietly. ‘I’ll remember that.’

“There seemed to be nothing left for us to say just now, although I hoped we would talk again someday. We found a taxi to take us back to Pest, and he insisted on walking me into the hotel. We were saying a cordial good-bye at the front desk when the clerk I’d talked with earlier suddenly came out of his cubicle and grasped my arm. ‘Herr Paul!’ he said urgently.

“‘What is it?’ Hugh and I both turned to stare at the man. He was a tall, drooping man in a blue worker’s jacket, with mustaches that would have suited a Hun warrior. He pulled me close to speak in a low voice, and I managed to signal to Hugh not to leave us. There was no one else in sight, and I didn’t especially want to be alone with any new crisis.

“‘Herr Paul, I know who was in yourzimmer this afternoon.’

“‘What? Who?’ I said.

“‘Hmm, hmm.’ The clerk began almost to hum to himself and to glance around, searching his jacket pocket in what would have been a meaningful way if only I’d understood his meaning. I wondered if the man was some sort of idiot.

“‘He wants a bribe,’ Hugh translated in an undertone.

“‘Oh, for heaven’s sake,’ I said in exasperation, but the man’s eyes seemed to glaze over, brightening only when I fished out two large Hungarian bills. He took them secretively and hid them in his pocket, but said nothing to acknowledge my capitulation.

“‘Herr American,’ he whispered. ‘I know it was not onlyein man from this afternoon. It is two men. One comes in first, very important man. Then the other. I see him when I go up with a suitcase to anotherzimmer. Then I see them. They talk. They walk out together.’

“‘Didn’t anyone stop them?’ I snapped. ‘Who were they? Were they Hungarian?’ The man was glancing all around him again, and I suppressed the urge to throttle him. This atmosphere of censorship was taking a toll on my nerves. I must have looked angry, because Hugh put a restraining hand on my arm.

“‘Important man Hungarian. Other man not Hungarian.’

“‘How do you know?’

“He lowered his voice. ‘One man Hungarian, but they speaksAnglisch together.’ That was all he would say, despite my increasingly threatening questions. Since he had apparently decided he’d given me enough information for the number of forints I’d handed over, I might never have heard another word from him had it not been for something that seemed suddenly to catch his attention. He was looking past me, and after a second I turned, too, to follow his gaze through the great window by the hotel door. Through it, for a split second, I saw a hungry, hollow-eyed countenance I’d come to know much too well, a face that belonged in a grave, not on the street. The clerk was spluttering, clinging to my arm. ‘There he is, with his devil face-theAnglischer man!’

“With what must have been a howl, I shook off the clerk and ran for the door; Hugh, with great presence of mind (I later realized), plucked an umbrella from the stand by the desk and bolted after me. Even in my alarm, I kept a tight grip on my briefcase, and that slowed me down as I ran. We turned this way and that, dashed up the street and back, but it was no use. I hadn’t even heard the man’s footsteps, so I couldn’t tell which way he’d fled.

“Finally, I stopped to lean against the side of a building, trying to catch my breath. Hugh was panting hard. ‘What was it?’ he gasped.

“‘The librarian,’ I said when I could manage a few words. ‘The one who followed us to Istanbul. I’m sure it was him.’

“‘Good Lord.’ Hugh wiped his forehead with his sleeve. ‘What’s he doing here?’

“‘Trying to get the rest of my notes,’ I wheezed. ‘He’s a vampire, if you can believe that, and now we’ve led him to this beautiful city.’ Actually, I said more than that, and Hugh must have recognized from our common language all the American variants of infuriation. The thought of the curse I was trailing almost brought tears to my eyes.