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THIS ISJUNEMONROE.Are you the reporter who’s going to help my son?”

Her son. Oh hell, I thought, my mouth suddenly dry. I glanced over my shoulder to see Rachel and Lisa watching me intently. I hunched closer to the phone, took a deep breath. “I need to talk to you, Mrs. Monroe, but I’d rather speak to you in person.”

“Hmm. This sounds like trouble to me. Have Lucas call me, then maybe I’ll talk to you. But I need to talk to him first.”

“I’m afraid-I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

“Why not?” She paused, then added, “Don’t tell me he’s fallen off the-” She caught herself, but I knew what she had started to ask.

“No,” I said. “He hasn’t been drinking.”

“Oh? Then what’s making you sound so nervous?”

“Could you hold on, please? I need to switch phones.”

I excused myself from my guests for a moment; Cody followed me back into the bedroom, where I picked up the extension. I waited while Rachel hung up the kitchen extension.

“Mrs. Monroe?”

“I’m still here.”

“I need to talk to you about Lucas, but I don’t want to do it over the phone. It’s late now, but-”

“Late to you, maybe. I work nights. This is the middle of the day.”

Cody jumped up onto my lap. I stroked his fur, trying to steady my nerves, while my mind frantically sought a way to gently handle this situation. “You’ll be up for a while, Mrs. Monroe?”

“Yes. Why?”

“I’d like to drive out to see you.”

“Now?A white woman planning on coming all the way to Riverside from Las Piernas at eleven o’clock at night, just to talk to some old black woman?” She paused, but before I could reply, she said, “What has happened to Lucas?”

I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t make my voice work.

“I asked you,what has happened to him?”

“Please, Mrs. Monroe-”

“Don’t you ‘please Mrs. Monroe’ me. You’ve got me worried past all reason now. I don’t like it. You drive out here, it will take you at least an hour to get to my place. What am I going to do all that time except worry?”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

There was silence on the other end of the line. Cody batted at the phone cord.

“Just tell me,” she said, but her voice was softer now.

“I’m a stranger to you, Mrs. Monroe. I knew Lucas many years ago-”

“He’s told me all about you. You were one of his students. You don’t know me, but he’s been telling me a lot about you. Lucas trusts you. He leads a lonesome life now; he doesn’t trust many people. But he trusts you. That’s good enough for me.”

“I don’t deserve it,” I whispered, and never meant anything so sincerely in all my life.

“God will be the judge of that, as He will be of all of us. My son may have a few problems, but he’s smart. I’ve never seen a child so smart as he was. He’s straightening out now, getting himself on the right path. Just like I knew he would,” she said. “I have always known it. Charles-his older brother-thinks I’m crazy, but he just doesn’t know Lucas like I do.”

“I didn’t even know he had a brother,” I said. Oh, yes, I thought. Let’s talk about his brother, his uncles, his cousins-about anything but what has happened to your hopes.

“Well, now, never mind that. Let’s just talk about Lucas,” she said, taking up the reins as if she had heard my thoughts and feared I would bolt.

“I wanted to find Lucas,” I began, voice unsteady. “I don’t think he was ready to talk to me yet, but I needed to ask him about a photograph.”

I paused, but she didn’t offer any comment on the photo, so I went on.

“I was also worried about him. He hadn’t been to the shelter for a few days. I called a friend of mine who-well, let’s just say she works with the homeless every now and then. We asked around; talked to a lot of people who knew him, men who live on the streets. No one had seen him since Thursday.”

Silence. Cody’s purring not enough of a comfort.

“Eventually someone gave us some information that led us to an abandoned hotel. We found Lucas there.”

“Was he hurt?” she asked, and I knew she wanted that to be the problem, knew that she had already somehow heard the truth before I spoke it.

“No. He was-he was in one of the rooms. Up high, one of the highest floors. He was lying there, very peacefully.”

She made a short, high-pitched keening sound.

“His heart,” I managed to choke out.

“No…not Lucas. Not Lucas!” she said, again and again and again.

When I thought June Monroe might hear me, I said, “You shouldn’t be alone. Is there anyone who can be with you tonight?”

“You’re going to be with me. I’m coming down there right now, you understand?”

I did. Perfectly. I wasn’t going to be able to sleep, anyway.

“I’ll call Charles. He’ll take me down there. You’re going to take us to see my boy. I’ll call you right back.”

She hung up. I sat there numbly until the phone rang in my hand.

As I held up the receiver, an angry voice came from it. “What the hell is wrong with you, calling my mother up and telling her something like that on the phone?”

“Your mother called me. And I didn’t want to tell her-”

“All I got to say to you is, this damn well better be my brother. If it’s anyone else, you’re gonna find yourself in so much mess, you’re gonna wish you were in a refrigerated drawer right next to Mr. John Doe.”

“Listen, I’m sorry about your brother-”

“Save your ‘sorry,’ bitch.”

I was on the verge of hanging up in his ear when I thought of his mother. I owed it to Lucas and to her to keep my mouth shut. I only half-listened as he spouted off a mixture of anger and abuse; it occurred to me that a lot of it was predicated on the assumption that I must have misidentified the body. If my sister, Barbara, had been lying in a faraway morgue, I probably would have held on to a similar thought-as fiercely, if not in quite the same way.

When it looked as if he would not wind down any time soon, I said, “I can give you directions, or I can let you figure it out on your own. But while you sit here giving me a hard time, your mother is alone. Either way, I’m off this phone in about another thirty seconds.”

He used about five of those seconds to brood, then said, “Give me the damned directions.”

WHENIEMERGED from the bedroom, Lisa was at the door, just waiting to wish me a final good night before going home. I apologized for being tied up on the phone so long.

“Was that Lucas Monroe’s mother?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said, surprised.

“I saw Roberta today. She told me Lucas had died of a heart attack, and that she didn’t even know how to contact his family. That seemed so awful; I’m so glad you were able to help. Hard on you, though, isn’t it?”

Her face was full of sympathetic concern. “I didn’t know you knew Lucas,” I said.

“He worked with my father. He was an unforgettable person. Very bright, always concerned with others. He was always very kind of me-used to stick up for me with Andre. No matter what has happened since, that’s how I’ll choose to remember him.”

If only the rest of the world would be so kind to his memory, I thought. She secured a promise to get together again soon and left.

“HOW WILL YOUrecognize them?” Rachel asked as we waited outside of the county morgue.

“I don’t think I’ll have much trouble figuring out who they are,” I replied, twisting a tissue to shreds. “Won’t be too many people coming down here this late.”

Rachel had insisted on keeping her promise to Frank to keep an eye on me, and wouldn’t let me meander through town on my own. She asked me to page Frank to let him know where we would be. This set off an electronic chain reaction: Frank called back, called the morgue, and then paged Reed Collins, who then asked the coroner’s office to page him when the Monroes arrived.