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When Monkey heard this he thought for a long time before saying, “The Wonderful Crag Palace in the uttermost East is where the Heavenly Honoured Saviour of the Great Monad lives. Yes, he does have just such a nine-headed lion under his throne. Protector, Jias,” he ordered, “go back with the local deity and keep a secret watch on the master, my brother disciple, the prince of the city and his sons. The city god must guard the wall and moat. Off you go.” The gods all took up guard as instructed.

The Great Sage set off his somersault cloud and traveled through the night till it was about the last watch, when he reached the Eastern Gate of Heaven, where he ran into the Heavenly King Virupaksa with his retinue of heavenly soldiers and warriors, who stopped, put their hands together in greeting and asked, “Where are you going, Great Sage?”

“I'm off to the Wonderful Crag Palace,” Monkey replied when he had returned their greetings. “Why have you come to the Eastern Heaven instead of following your road to the Western Heaven?” Virupaksa asked. “When we reached the city of Yuhua,” Monkey replied, “the prince of the city entertained us and told his three sons to take us as their teachers of martial arts. We had a most unpleasant surprise: coming up against a gang of lion monsters. Now I'm going to ask the Heavenly Honoured Saviour of the Great Monad, the chief monster's owner, to subdue him and save my master.”

“It was because you wanted to be a teacher that you provoked that trouble with the lions,” said the heavenly king. “How true,” replied Monkey with a smile, “how true.” The heavenly soldiers and warriors all raised joined hands in greeting then stood aside to let him pass. Monkey went in through the Eastern Gate of Heaven and was soon at the Wonderful Crag Palace. This is what could be seen:

Coloured clouds behind coloured clouds,

Purple mists and rich, green vegetation.

The roof-tiles are a surge of golden flame,

And at the gates are imposing beasts of jade.

Flowers grow between gate towers, round which red mists drift;

The sun shines on turquoise vapors rising from the woods.

All the immortals pay their respects,

And a thousand sages make everything flourish.

The halls of the palace are like layers of brocade;

Windows and pavilions open on all sides.

Azure dragons glow with sacred clouds;

Golden beams of brilliant light come from the magic mists.

This is a land of splendor and eternal joy,

The Wonderful Crag Palace in the uttermost East.

There was an immortal boy wearing a rainbow mantle standing at the palace gates, and as soon as he noticed the Great Sage he went in to report, “My lord, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who made havoc in Heaven is here.” When the Heavenly Honoured Saviour of the Great Monad heard this he ordered all the immortals in attendance on him to go out to welcome Monkey and bring him into the palace. Here the Heavenly Honoured One was sitting on a nine-coloured lotus throne amid countless rays of auspicious light, and when he saw Monkey he came down from his throne to greet him while Monkey bowed to him from below.

“Great Sage,” the Heavenly Honoured One said, returning his bow, “I haven't seen you for years, but I did hear that you have abandoned the Way for Buddhism and are escorting the Tang Priest to fetch the scriptures from the Western Heaven. I presume that you have now succeeded.”

“Not yet,” Monkey replied, “but near enough. I have escorted the Tang Priest as far as Yuhua, where the prince told his three sons to take me and the other two as their teachers of martial arts and had copies of our three magic weapons made. The weapons were, to our surprise, stolen one night. When I searched for them the next day I found that they had been stolen by a spirit turned by a golden-haired lion from Tigermouth Cave on Mount Leopard Head. I tricked them back from him by cunning, whereupon the spirit ganged up with some other lion spirits to give me a tremendous fight. One of them is a nine-headed lion with enormous magic powers who carried my master, Pig, the prince and his three sons to the Ninebend Twisty Cave on Mount Bamboo. When Friar Sand and I went to look for them the next day we were carried off too. He had me tied up and hit so often I lost count. Luckily I was able to make my get-away by magic, but they're still suffering there. When I questioned the local deity I found out that you were his master, Heavenly Honoured One, which is why I'm here to ask you to subdue the lion and rescue them.”

As soon as the Heavenly Honoured One heard this he sent his immortal officers to the lion house to call out his lionkeeper slave and question him. The lionkeeper slave was sleeping so deeply that the officers had to push and shake him before they could wake him up and drag him into the main hall. Here the Heavenly Honoured One asked him, “Where is the lion?”

All the slave could do was to kowtow with tears streaming down his face, pleading, “Spare me, spare me.”

“The Great Sage Sun is here,” the Heavenly Honoured One replied, “so I won't have you beaten just yet. You must explain this instant your carelessness in letting the nine-headed lion escape.”

“My lord,” the lionkeeper replied, “I stole and drank a jug of wine I saw in the Sweet Dew Palace of the Great Chiliocosm. Before I realized what had happened I was dead drunk. It must have slipped its chains and got away.”

“That wine was given me by Lord Lao Zi of the Supreme Ultimate,” the Heavenly Honoured One replied. “It's called Cyclical Nectar, and after drinking that you would have slept for three days. How many days has the lion been gone?”

“What the local deity said was that he went down there the year before last, which would mean two years or more,” the Great Sage said.

“That's right,” the Heavenly Honoured One said with a smile, “A day in the palaces of Heaven is a year in the mortal world. Get up,” he said to the lion-tamer. “I'll spare your life. Come down to the lower world with the Great Sage and me to recapture him. You immortals can all go back. None of you need come with us.”

The Heavenly Honoured One, the lion-keeper slave and the Great Sage all went by cloud straight to Bamboo Mountain, where the Protectors of the Four Quarters and the Centre, the Six Dings, the Six Jias and the local deity of the mountain all knelt to greet them.

“Has my master been harmed while you people have been protecting him?” Brother Monkey asked.

“The evil spirit was so angry that he went to sleep,” the gods replied. “He didn't torture them any more.”

“That Primal Sage of mine is a true soul who has long cultivated the Way,” the Heavenly Honoured One remarked. “A single call from him will go up to the Three Sages and down to the Underworld. He wouldn't kill anyone lightly. Great Sage Sun, go to his gates, challenge him to battle and draw him outside for us to catch.”

As soon as Monkey heard this he sprang towards the mouth of the cave, brandishing his cudgel and shouting loudly and abusively, “Damned evil spirit, give me my people back! Damned evil spirit, give me my people back!” He shouted several times, but the old demon was fast asleep and nobody answered. Monkey lost his patience, swung his cudgel and smashed his way inside, still cursing.

Only then did the old demon wake up, rise to his feet and yell with great fury, “I'm coming for you!” He shook his heads and opened his jaws to pick Monkey up.

As Monkey turned and fled the evil spirit chased after him till they were outside the cave, shouting, “Where do you think you're going, you thieving ape?”

“How dare you go on behaving so dreadfully!” said Monkey with a grin from where he was standing on the top of a high cliff. “You haven't even got the sense to realize that your life's at stake. Don't you see your master's here?”