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“They've both been made Buddhas,” Pig shouted, “so why am I only the Altar Cleanser?”

“Because you have a voracious appetite, a lazy body and a huge belly,” the Tathagata replied. “Now very many people in the world's four continents believe in our teachings. I will ask you to clean up the altars after all Buddhist services: your post is of a rank that provides plenty to eat. What is wrong with that?”

“Sha Wujing, you used to be the Curtain-lifting General until you were banished to the lower world for smashing a crystal bowl at a Peach Banquet. You fell into the River of Flowing Sands where you sinned by killing and eating people, until, thank goodness, you were converted to our teaching, sincerely relied on our support, and won merit by protecting the holy monk and leading the horse up the mountain. Your reward will be elevation to high office as the Golden Arhat.”

Then he said to the white horse. “You were originally the son of Guangjin, the Dragon King of the Western Ocean. Because you disobeyed your father you were punished for being unfilial until you too were converted to the Dharma and to our faith. Every day you carried the holy monk to the West, and after that you carried the holy scriptures back to the East. For these achievements you will be rewarded by being made a Heavenly Dragon of the Eight Classes of Being.”

The venerable elder and his three disciples all kowtowed to express their thanks, and the horse showed its gratitude too. A protector was then ordered to take the horse straight down to the Dragon-transforming Pool by the precipice at the back of Vulture Peak and push him into the pool. At once the horse stretched itself out, shed all its hair, and acquired horns. Golden scales grew all over its body and a silver beard sprouted on its cheeks and chin. Then, shining all over with auspicious aura and with clouds of good omen in every claw, it flew up from the Dragon-transforming Pool to coil itself around the Heaven-supporting Winged Column. All the Buddhas expressed their admiration for the Tathagata's great magic.

“Master,” Monkey said to the Tang Priest, “now that I've become a Buddha just like you, surely I don't have to go on wearing this golden band. Do you plan to say any more Band-tightening Spells to tighten it round my head? Say a Band-loosening Spell as quickly as you can, take it off, and smash it to smithereens. Don't let that Bodhisattva or whatever she is make life miserable for anyone else with it.”

“It was because you were so uncontrollable in those days that this magic was needed to keep you in order.” Sanzang replied. “Now that you are a Buddha it can of course go. There is no reason for it to stay on your head any longer. Feel there now.” When Monkey raised his hands to feel he found that it had indeed gone. The Candana-punya Buddha, the Victorious Fighting Buddha, the Altar Cleanser and the Golden Arhat had all completed the true achievement and reached their proper places. The heavenly dragon horse had also come back to its true self. There is a poem to prove this that goes:

All of reality turns to dust;

When the four appearances combine the body is renewed.

The substance of the Five Elements is all void;

Forget about the passing fame of fiends.

With Candana-punya comes the great awakening;

When duties are completed they escape from suffering.

Great is the blessing of scriptures spread abroad;

Within the only gate five sages dwell on high.

When the five holy ones had taken their places all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, holy monks, arhats, protectors, bhiksus, lay people, deities and immortals from every cave and every mountain, great gods, Ding and Jia gods, duty gods, guardians, local deities, and all teachers and immortals who had achieved the Way-all of whom had originally come to hear the preaching-resumed their own places. Just look at it:

The coloured mists surround the Vulture Peak;

Auspicious clouds are massed in the world of bliss.

Golden dragons lie at peace,

Jade tigers all are quiet.

Black hares come and go at will;

Tortoises and snakes coil all around.

Phoenixes red and green are in high spirits;

Happy the dark apes and white deer.

Throughout the year amazing flowers bloom;

Immortal fruit grows in all four seasons.

Lofty pine and ancient juniper,

Blue-green cypress and slender bamboo.

Plums of every color, in blossom or in fruit,

Eternal peaches, sometimes ripe and sometimes new.

A thousand kinds of fruit and flower vie in beauty;

All of the sky is filled with auspicious mists.

They all put their hands together in front of their chests in salutation and recited together:

“Homage to the ancient Dipamkara Buddha.

Homage to Bhaisajya-guru-vaiduryaprabhasa Buddha.

Homage to Sakyamuni Buddha.

Homage to the Buddhas of Past, Present and Future.

Homage to the Pure and Happy Buddha.

Homage to Vairocana Buddha.

Homage to Ramadhvaja-raja Buddha.

Homage to Maitreya Buddha.

Homage to Amitabha Buddha.

Homage to Amitayus Buddha.

Homage to Buddha Who Leads to the Truth.

Homage to the Imperishable Vajra Buddha.

Homage to Ratnaprabhasa Buddha.

Homage to the Nagaraja Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of Zealous Goodness.

Homage to the Precious Moonlight Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha Free of Stupidity.

Homage to Varuna Buddha.

Homage to Narayana Buddha.

Homage to Punyapuspa Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of Meritorious Talent.

Homage to the Good Wandering Buddha.

Homage to the Illustrious Candana-punya Buddha

Homage to the Manidhvaja Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of the Torch of Wisdom.

Homage to the Buddha of Great Virtues.

Homage to the Brilliant Buddha of Great Compassion.

Homage to the Maitribala-raja Buddha.

Homage to the Wise and Good Leader Buddha.

Homage to the Vyuharaja Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of Golden Splendor.

Homage to the Buddha of Brilliant Talent

Homage to the Buddha of Wisdom.

Homage to the Buddha of the World's Calm Light.

Homage to the Sunlight and Moonlight Buddha.

Homage to the Sunlight and Moonlight Pearl Buddha.

Homage to the Supreme Buddha King of the Banner of Wisdom.

Homage to the Sughosa Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of the Banner of Unceasing Radiance.

Homage to the Buddha of the World-watching Lamp.

Homage to the Supreme Dhanna King Buddha.

Homage to the Buddha of Sumeru Light.

Homage to the Buddha Prajnabala King.

Homage to the Brilliant Buddha of the Golden sea.

Homage to the Buddha of Universal Light.

Homage to the Buddha of Illustrious Talent.

Homage to Candana-punya Achievement Buddha.

Homage to the Victorious Fighting Buddha.

Homage to the Bodhisattva Guanyin.

Homage to the Bodhisattva Mahasthama.

Homage to the Bodhisattva Manjusri

Homage to the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra.

Homage to the Bodhisattvas of the Ocean of Purity.

Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Lotus Pool Assembly.

Homage to all the Bodhisattvas of the Utterly Blissful Western Heaven.

Homage to the Three Thousand Protector Bodhisattvas.

Homage to the Five Hundred Arhat Bodhisattvas.

Homage to the Bhiksu, Bhiksuni, Upasaka and Upasaka Bodhisattvas.

Homage to the Bodhisattvas of the Boundless Dharma.

Homage to the Holy Vajra Bodhisattvas.

Homage to the Altar-cleansing Bodhisattva.

Homage to the Golden Arhat Bodhisattva of the Eight Treasures.

Homage to the Bodhisattva Heavenly Dragon of Eight Classes of Being.

Thus it is that all the Buddhas of every world