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“Piddle and let me feel it, and I'll give you half a crown apiece,” said I, bidding high for they were not strumpets, and catching hold of one woman's arm I held it. “Well — I'm blowed” — said she staggered but not resisting. — “Get away,” said the tall one angrily, “or I'll call a policeman.” — “What for, to see you piddle or see him piddle?” — All laughed. “Well! What cheek,” said one. — “I've felt dozens of women's cunts here whilst they piddled,” said I, bolder now that they'd stood so much. “Get along you blackguard, do it if you want, and get away and let us.” — They then turned their backs to me and talked quite close together in a low tone, laughing quietly at intervals, and I supposed they were talking about me, so said, — “Let's all piddle, and we'll all go and have a glass of wine together.” — “Not I,” — said one. I could then just see in the dim light that one nudged another, and again all quietly laughed, which encouraged me. “Here's someone coming, I wish you'd go, what will they think?” — said the tall one now very angrily. But I stood still. A man and woman slowly approached, they I think had come with fornicating intent, took no notice of us and passed far away. Whether they fucked in the obscurity among the empty carts I know not, for my mind was now in a passionate ferment with my own desires which had intensified with our talk, and what seemed to me a chance of their gratifying me. I longed to feel these three women's cunts for they were not whores, and to see them piddle. The idea of doing so seemed delicious to me, and getting reckless thought I'd try even gold. — None of them evidently were quite young, yet young enough, but they were not strumpets — that seemed the special charm — I didn't reflect, had set my heart on feeling their piddle, was carried away by my letch and went on impetuously to satisfy it. Their not being strumpets gave the charm, as if their cunts were different from those of whores. With a sudden impulse, feeling my pocket full of silver I said. — “I'll give you five shillings each.” — “Get away, and don't talk like that — we're going,” said the tall one.

They walked still further, I close to them and at the very darkest spot they stopped. — “Here's five shillings,” and I chinkled some silver. — “God — what — do you take us for?” — “I can't wait” — said one suddenly, and squatted, the others standing close to her. I heard the splash, stooped, thrust my hand under her petticoats on to her open cunt, and took the stream on my hand. — “Oh don't — he — he — he — you black-guard. He — he — push him away I ane,” — she laughed and bullied at the same time. “Mrs. * * * * *, oh!” said in indignant tones the other two simultaneously as if astounded, then burst out laughing. The lady pissed long and heavily, but a woman doesn't take long to empty her bladder. She didn't push away my hand from her cunt till she rose up then. — “He — he — he — you blackguard, I hope you're pleased.” “There's the money.” — She hesitated, took it, saying again as if amused, — “You blackguard — he — he — he,” — and put it into her pocket. The other two now laughed, saying. — “Well — well — oho — oho — there he — he — he.” — Again a man and woman passed, and they stopped laughing.

The others were again laughing after silence for a moment, they saw the silver had been taken. — “Where is your five shillings?” — said the tall one. — I gave it — “I ain't agoing to do it — there,” — and as if she'd cheated me she laughed. — “All right I'll wait till you do.” — “Did yer hever know such cheek?” said she with emphasis. — “Well then” — and suddenly down she squatted. Quickly again I stooped, for a second got my hand on a gap which seemed as large as a cow's, with a stream running as if from a pump, when saying, “Don't” she gave me a push and I rolled into the gut-ter, which fortunately was dry. By the time I'd got up her stream had ceased and she was standing up. “Serves him right,” said the others laughing heartily. — All, I felt now sure, were enjoying the baudy game.

“You do it and we'll all be alike,” said the tall one to the other. — “I don't want.” — “Why you said you a were a bursting.” — “Here's the five shillings,” said I. — “Will you go that way afterwards and let us go this if I do?” — jerking her head in the two directions. — “Certainly.” — Down she squatted, pissed over my hand and finished with a fart. — “Oh,” said she rising as if much ashamed. — The other two laughed loudly. — “We'll have another glass,” — “I must get home,” said another. — “I've felt all your cunts,” said I.

“I'll piss now if I am not too stiff, and will give you five shillings if you'll all feel my prick after,” — for I was now wildly lewed and began emptying my bladder. — They looked on. “I will,” said the first one who'd pissed — “but give it us first.” — I gave it, she and the tall one felt it, then the other did, then both felt it again. “Well if ever I had such a lark in my life — well,” said one. — “Oho — hoh,” — for it got stiff in her handling. — “He — he — he,” all laughed together now. “Good night I hope you'll all be well fucked to-night.” — “He — he — he — he — he,” — I heard dying away in the distance as they went off.

Before I got to the corner going slowly in the opposite direction, I saw far off a man and a woman cross the road to the dark side where carts were standing. Slackening my pace for a few seconds, when opposite to the spot I saw they were fucking hard. They took no notice of me as I stood watching. Then I went off to the main thoroughfare and waited, guessing that one would return that way. Soon a gentlemanly dressed man came round the corner very hurriedly, and was out of sight in a minute. Back I turned and met the woman, evidently a demirep. — “Do you want me my dear?” — “I'd like to feel your cunt, it's just been fucked, and I'll give a shilling.” — “All right — oh, wait, here comes a policeman.” — We talked till he'd passed, and then among the carts I felt her for a shilling. — I've felt scores at that price, but had just paid five shillings a feel.

Afterwards going along * * * * St. filled with desire, burning with lust, thinking of what a lot I had done in twenty minutes — I saw a nice looking girl and went home with and fucked her.

[There are now double the number of lamps in the street where this piddling took place, empty carts no longer stand there, fucking and piddling is no longer so easy to accomplish without hindrance. I went recently to see, for I like revisiting the scenes of my amours.]

[This is not the only time I've felt in the streets the cunts of women not harlots. On similar occasions — tho not in that street — twice I'm sure I've felt two women when together. — In one case one of the women was much younger than the other, in both cases they were respectable, and I think married women of the humbler class. One consented first and then induced the other. Women can be made lewed by suggestion. That the money, drink, and opportunity, did it in all cases, all were a little lewed. I think the narrative of these incidents has been retained but am not sure.]

Then occurred (and soon after the Franco-German war) one of the most singular of my experiences. I was at a great German city stopping there for the night only, took a walk in the evening and thought I should like to see the bagnios there, never having yet done so. Not being able to ascertain their whereabouts, I hired a fiacre and told the coachman to drive me to the best one.

I saw five women, — there were ten in the house, and five were then ministering to male pleasures and their own profit. A tall, nut brown haired woman, with soft dark eyes and clear complexion, clad in a handsome, loose, yellow silk dress, attracted me, and soon I sat watching her take off her very nice linen. — Then she was lying on the bedside with chemise up to her breasts, and to my surprise and delight I found her secret charms were quite hairless. — For the moment I seemed under some delusion, but there was no mistake. Her motte had the slightest sprinkling of nearly invisible light brown down, which might have covered a shilling, but it did not hide her beautifully white flesh there, and as the down approached the sacred orifice for the male, it ceased altogether, and the split from one end to the other was absolutely hairless. The puffy surrounding off the indent — scarcely to be called lips — was soft, elastic, white, and smooth as ivory, with a delicate coral tinted line just peeping, which was hidden lower down by the closing of the plump white buttocks on either side.