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Giulia rose without a word, her face the incarnation of baudiness, and placed herself kneeling between the other's legs. — “Pull off your chemise.” — Seeing I was in for a voluptuous treat, off it went and bending she kissed Elise's cunt for a few seconds. — Quite suddenly then she threw herself between Elise's opened thighs and began flat-fucking. I pulled Elise's chemise up all round her neck, so that their two breasts might meet, and their plump naked bodies touch everywhere. Giulia fucked at first with a sort of wriggling circular motion, she was getting her clitoris well on to the other's, but I thought it sham. — “Your cunt is not on hers,” said I. — “Feel” — said she ceasing her movements. — Open your thighs a little then.” I pushed my fingers past her hairy bum hole, and for an instant up her cunt, then out again and lower down my fingers went a little into Elise's quim, the two made quite a mass of hair and cunt together. I felt the meeting of the cunts in ecstasy, for their clitorises were close on each other. “Turn on your side and let me see,” said I, for Giulia had recommenced her wrig- gling. She held Elise's buttocks just as a man would have done. — “Give us another bottle of champagne, — oh, look at his stiff prick,” — said Giulia getting off Elise to my annoyance. The wine was sent for, I would have given them anything in my lustful state. Both rose and drank, then both stripped naked, got on the bed together, Giulia again mounted Elise who stretched apart her thighs to receive her friend, and gave her same hearty kisses.

A woman in her lusts if she indulges in them is like a man. As years roll on fresh phases of lust occur, and each whim gratified begets another letch. Once I could not fuck before another woman, now it adds to my pleasure to have another woman assisting at my fucking — or a man even — and when H. was fucked by her lover, I am sure it added to her voluptuous pleasure to know that I was hidden and looking on at their enjoyment. She admitted that. — “Turn over and let me see your cunts together.” — Slowly Giulia heaved over to the left, Elise put her left leg high up above the bum of Giulia, her lovely backside came partly into view, and looking underneath the fair fat buttocks, and furrow of deepening brown, I saw the two cunts seemingly to-gether for almost their entire length, the anus ends excepted. Giulia's big mulberry red clitoris must have been against Elise's pretty coral button, but the bulging lips and the hair of both cunts mingling, hid those sensitive vulval projections from view. Lower down, Giulia's fat cunt squeezed into Elise's, and pushed and pouted her cunt lips up in little ridges, visible thro the mingled thicket of black and chestnut hairs which curled into each other. The inner, sensitive, delicate lining of both cunts must have been nearly everywhere close together, and every movement of their bellies and bums must have frictionized the sensitive sur-faces. Giulia's clitoris, from its size, could have been almost slid into Elise's prick hole if she had wished it, I am sure, but the seat of pleasure for two women when flat fucking is not low down. It is in the clitoris and its vicinity where voluptuous feelings are generated, and as their two clitorises were quite against each other, all their nymphae and the neighbouring surfaces of their cunts must have rubbed together. I heard the cunts rubbing, smacking and slobbering together later on, when the women had once fucked, and their cunts were wet with their spendings.

Again I put my fingers to feel between the cunts. One finger just entered Elise's, then impatiently Elise turned on her back, Giulia on the top of her, and began cunt rubbing. “Don't move,” I said. — They paid no heed. Giulia began with a funny, arse wriggling and shaking, half straight rubbing, half circular motion of her buttocks. She kissed Elise, Elise kissed her, then Giulia thrust her tongue into Elise's mouth, who now was quiet, with eyes closed. All was silent, no noise was heard but that of the movement of their bodies. Giulia began to breathe hard, and restlessly, then I pushed my hand between her buttocks to her bumhole and pressed it with my middle finger without meaning it for I wanted the cunt. “Push it up,” she sobbed in broken sentences — for she was spending. “Your arse-hole?” — “Yhes — arse — erhole” — and wriggling violently, and stretching out her legs, her body quivered from waist to knees and then she lay quiet. All of us were quiet, absorbed in voluptuous thoughts. I slipped again my hand between Giulia's buttocks and felt her cunt, which was no longer on the other's, but which I saw beneath it, gaping as if a prick had just left it. — The room was so brightly lit I could see every-thing.

Giulia rose on to her knees and resting her bum on her heels, slightly opened the lips and looked at Elise's cunt, then turned her eyes flaming with lasciviousness on me, and with a baudy sigh dropped on to Elise again, and grasping her buttocks, recommenced flat fucking, her head now laying over Elise's right shoulder. Elise began to show signs of pleasure which she hadn't done before. Both now wriggled, I looked over the back of the bed in the wardrobe glass, and saw them badly reflected, it was better to see them close. After a violent rubbing and wriggling, both sighed, and shivered, stretched out their limbs and were quiet. Then they recommenced, neither of them speaking a word, now gently wriggling, now stroking, then violently fucking. Elise with eyes shut, the other's head buried on Elise's shoulder, both with sighs and murmurs moved rapidly. — Elise brought her heels up to Giulia's fat backside, and heaved up her arse, the bed creaked and groaned. Both gave a long sighing, murmur of pleasure, down flopped Elise's legs again, Giulia's thighs opened then closed, and she lay exhausted with pleasure on the top. — I noticed what I never recollect seeing with women flat fucking before, that both opened their thighs widish when in the midst of their spend or so it seemed to me — I would give something handsome to know what passed thro their minds, when wriggling cunt against cunt for the half hour they were at it.

So they laid, their bodies palpitating with soft pleasure, when Giulia got on to her knees again. Her hair was hanging down about face and neck, her face blood red and moist, her eyes swollen and slightly watery, looked softer, as if her lust was assuaged, but still they looked fierce and lewed. “You have not spent,” I said with sham incredulity. — “I've spent three times,” said she angrily. — “Feel my cunt — feel it,” — I looked at it, and at Elise's. Both cunts were running with their spendings, with the usual pearly, thin spendings of a woman, — tho I've known some not pearly. — With one hand I covered Giulia's cunt pressing on to it, and at once it was covered with their spend. — My cock was standing. “Let's fuck you, Elise.” — Giulia put on her chemise and laid down. In Elise's cleft I inserted my penis and fucked a little, but her wet cunt seemed quite large to my prick. Perhaps it was fancy, perhaps not. I wanted then to try Giulia's, and pulling it out moved on to her. — What a strong cunted lady she was. Hers squeezed my prick like a vice, and in the seventh heaven of lust I forgot her purple clitoris, her big nymphae, and spent, feeling Elise's cunt whilst my sperm gushed into Giulia's.

All had done with sham or false modesty. — Giulia felt her own cunt, saying I had spent much. — “Most natural I should of course.” — Had I really been three weeks without a woman. — “Yes.” — Had I frigged or had I buggered a man, or boy? — “No — no spunk has come thro my prick for nearly a month.” — Oh must I not have enjoyed it then. — In this strain we talked on, they told me their life, and asked mine — yes, they flat fucked often — they slept together. — Both said they spent when men fucked them if they were very nice. — But they liked each other best. — “Why not?”