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Seeing that she sat up and caught hold of my prick. — “Come on, what are you afeared for.” — “You've got the money” I began. “Yes and I've got your cock” (with a laugh). “Do you want to be poked?” — “Yes, be quick.” — “Your husband will do it.” — “Right you are, but be quick.” — She was too much for me and I put my prick into her. — She felt the stretch and friction — soon, “aha — Hoh — Harr” she sighed, her cunt clipped tight and she spent. — I was not so quick, and her cunt loosened directly — some women's do — but at length I spent with much delight. She did not uncunt me, and we stood copulated looking at each other. “You'd best go before the men's dinner time,” at length she said. — Out I pulled it, she stood up and laughed. “You're a blooming old swell, why did you say you could not do it, I knowed yer could.”

I looked at my watch — it was still nearly ten min- utes to twelve, wiped my prick, went to the water closet and pissed. She followed. “Are you going to wash your cunt?” — “Yes if there's water.” — There was, and I watched her operations. — “Are you all right?” said I. “What do yer mean? Oh, I've nothing the matter with me.” — “You're not married.” — “I am tho.” — Then she took out the half sovereign, spat upon it and put it back into her pocket. — My lust being over, I noticed what a big, coarse, but healthy looking bitch she was, felt her hard thighs and buttocks again, scratched the wig on the motte, and letting her at her request go out first, soon after went away in an-other direction.

I had gone some distance, when reflecting on the funny incident and feeling curious, I walked to that end of the street where they were building. It was just twelve o'clock and workmen were coming out. She was standing there and I saw a workman join her. They were coming my way when, seeing me, she apparently said something to him, they turned and went off in the opposite direction. Her eyes opened wide when she saw me — tho a little distance off I noticed that.

It was a nice morning's adventure. I fancy that she had been a harlot and had slightly the manners of one.

Free and easy as her virtue seemed, was she the work-man's woman, or was she married? What matters? — I and she enjoyed fucking immensely. I was amused at her sluicing out her cunt in the watercloset. Several times I have washed my ballocks in one, but never saw a woman do it before. — In empty houses there frequently is no water on. I recollect feeling the cunt of a girl in one, and found no water in the closet to wash fingers in afterwards.

Chapter V

H.'s protector. • His absence. • Her voluptuous needs. • A donkey-prick'd lover. • Caution advised. • Her excuses. • Donkey prick exercising. • The pleasure given by large pricks. • Harry's first sight of a pudenda. • Masturbated by his master. • Protector impecunious. • My visits permitted. • A looking-glass bought. • Miss Def, the ex-harlot. • About Magdalenes. • Foot frigging. • A garden party. • The swing. • A frisky spinster. • Baudy books lent. • Free and easy conversations. • Donkey prick in the garret. • His limp tool. • H.'s anger and objurgation. • She on him. • Energetic buttocks. • They in the best bed room. • The trick with the door. • Mutual pleasure in the lubricated channel. • The aesthetic aspects of fucking.

H** had still two servants, but who were changed often now for some reason or another, I guessed to facilitate intrigue. More frequently than otherwise her female relative — the scout — in whom she had great confidence, together with some very young girl and a charwoman, did the work of the house, this looked also suspicious, and the arrangement as if made to favor intrigues. Indeed H. laughingly admitted almost as much. She now was assumed to have quitted gay life for good, and to have consecrated her temple of love to one sole worshipper. I certainly believe that she was inaccessible to men (myself and a lover excepted) was never seen at the haunts of the frail ones, nor at theatres or other places of amusements, and she had cut nearly every Paphian acquaintance of old days. I enquired of women, and at places when they ought to know, but none had seen her. One thought she was ill, most that she was being kept.

H*** spoke well of her protector. She was proud of his personal appearance, of his being a gentleman, an Oxford man, well born and so on, all of which he was. She said she loved him. She was fond of her home and even of domestic duties. She was a very active woman, was very clean, and those duties and reading occupied her. She was very clever, and indeed had most of the qualities which go to make a good wife. She was a gourmet, and most extravagant in her food, liked cooking it herself, would give five shillings for a pint of green peas or other choice food, even if she had to borrow the money to pay for them — but she much preferred going into debt. This is an illustration of I believe her sole extravagance. She could write well, compose charades and even write rhymes which were far from contemptible.

But her nature was luxurious, her sexual force so great that it conquered. One man could not satisfy her. Altho when with her protector he fucked her twice daily, and she frigged herself twice or thrice as well — did it even before his eyes she told me — and I who saw her weekly fucked her twice or thrice and between our love exercise often times she frigged herself — no sham, not done to excite me, there was no object in that — such was her strong appetite for voluptuous de-light, the craving of her flesh. She delighted in baudy MY- SECRET LIFE books and pictures, and generally in all voluptuousness — yet for all this she was not a Messalina quite.

Sometimes now she was left alone for a week or two or longer by her friend, tho he idolized her, — but he couldn't help his absence. Then the strong promptings of her carnality placed her in great temptation. Frigging did not satisfy her, her cunt yearned irresistably for the male. My talk, she averred, so excited her, that when she thought of that alone it led to her giving way to her passions. That I don't believe, tho it might have added fuel to the flames. — She took a fancy after a time to another man. This came about through going to see a dashing gay woman whom she'd not seen since she'd been in keeping. The man there-fore was a mere chance acquaintance. He was known in Paphian circles for his physical perfections, and the desire for his very big prick really was the reason of her wishing once to see him, and then for a time her taking to him. But more of this hereafter.

I afterwards witnessed him using his tool. It added greatly to her pleasure to know that I was a spectator. The deed done, he gone away, she came to me, her eyes humid with recent pleasure — still lustful. We fucked, and talked. The idea of my prick being in the avenue his had quitted increased the pleasures of us both when fucking — hers I think more even than mine. Soon after our eroticism entered on even a higher phase of luxuriousness.

When she had thoroughly made the acquaintance of the man with a bigger prick than that of her lover — the biggest she had ever known, she said — she described it rapturously and the delight she felt when it was up her. The gentleman with whom she lived as already said poked her twice daily when there, her poor lover fucked her frequently, I gave her my doodle then once a week, besides gamahuching her which I never failed to do, and in addition to all this she frigged herself nearly every day. — Yet all this did not give her an excess of sexual pleasure, with all her fucking, frigging, and gamahuching, she looked the very picture of health and strength, and had both.

She had met as said this man by chance, was told about him, and it was the idea of his size which affected her sensuous imagination. — He was, she found in the long run, a mean hound, who enjoyed her lovely body yet was often half fucked out before he had her, and scarcely made her the most trifling presents. The size of his prick had made him notorious among gay women, she discovered at last, and he got more cunt than he wanted for nothing. I often advised her to cut him, for she told me all about her affairs with him; not that I preached morality but saw that it was a pity to risk an evidently good chance of being settled comfortably for life. Yet if she wanted another man — if variety was essential, “Have him but beware,” I used to say.