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This baudy exercise I suppose lasted for nearly twenty minutes. I could have fucked twice in the time. When near spending, fatigued Nelly ceased at times her rolling friction, and my sperm then refused to mount up from my balls. — “Damn it, go on, or I must fuck through your feet, or fuck your cunt,” — I cried. “No don't — do it this way.” — Nelly like myself was curious to see me spend between her feet. The rolling went on, but still I could not spend, tho feeling my spunk almost boiling in my ballocks, and I got so excited, so determined to discharge, that I seized her feet, put the soles closer together, and bending down my pego pushed it between them, making her frictionize in that position. — Then pulsations in my prick, heralded the approaching delicious discharge and then she stopped again.

Then came — as usual to me now after long excitement — a rush of baudy ideas and wants each jostling the other in my brain, each on the instant wanting to be satisfied. I pushed my left hand fingers up Sophys' cunt, making her pull the lips apart and frig Nelly with her other hand, whilst Nelly held the lips of her own dark fringed gap apart, and her feet kept on doing duty. “Closer Nell — closer — harder — ahar — ahar — my spunk's coming — higher up — rub the tip. — Ahar.” — By a sudden inspiration, I emptied all the saliva in my mouth on to my prick tip and the soles of her feet, the lubrication refined the friction. “Now Nell — quicker — I'm coming — quicker. Ahar — hr — hr.” — I saw both black haired and flaxen haired splits at a glance, wished I could fuck both at once, all our fingers, thighs, backsides and cunts, prick, and Nell's feet were now in gentle motion. What movement, what quivering of flesh and limb! I grasped Nelly's feet, pressing them on my pego, fucked thro them and out welled my sperm. It lingered after the first throb and gush then squeezing her feet still tighter on the tip, thrusting quickly with fucking motion, the remainder of the latent life giving essence welled out, the viscous fluid lay between her feet soles, and lubricated my softening pego stem.

As it welled over, “Frig yourselves, frig on, spend — frig yourself — Nell — aha — frig yourself Sophy,” I cried. The girls (who had not been fucked the day before) who were ready for a spend, curious, excited by this pedal onanistic performance, by the sight of each other's cunts, frigged themselves whilst still I cried out. “My spunk's on your feet Nell — frig — spend — Sophy.” — Both their fingers quickened the frig — their bellies quivered, and both spent, whilst still I held Nell's feet round my shrinking procreator.

Sophy, almost before her pleasure was over, got up and looked at the mucilaginated condition of Nelly's feet, then wiped them. Nelly then washed them, each washed her cunt, Sophy washed my prick, and all start naked got into Nelly's bed, where we were squeezed together. — How delicious it felt to me to be surrounded with warm flesh. We indulged in amatory frolics till both had sucked my cock, I had put my prick in and out of each cunt, had fucked each, and at last gamahuched Sophy. Four hours had run away when I left them. [I have never since had similar exercise, tho I have put the soft soles of one beauty's pretty feet to my prick for a minute, when I'd told her what I did with the two girls.

[When about twenty-four years old, I recollect having two sisters named Nelly and Sophy, who were quite young, and one of whom I ravished in a field shed. Strange that I should again have two women together of the same names and thirty years after. But the first were field labourers — the second London whores.] Thinking of the worshipful pudenda, I had a recurrence of my letch one evening for seeing a variety of quims together, and went off to N**ly L**l*e who then lived in an unusually big house, where ostensibly the business of an engraver was carried on on the ground floor, but the house was really full of gay women — mostly French — from roof to basement. After I had seen N's fat lipped, black haired quim for the hundredth time, I said I'd give to each woman in the house a little present, if they would come to her room, and stripping naked show me their quims without sham or reserve. — “No humbug mind, or no pay. — I shall hold the light, in front of their cunts, see them from before, behind, sideways, and in any attitude that pleases me.”

She objected, her rooms were not very good, she only knew two of the ladies, she didn't like French women — and so on — I told her that if she wouldn't do it, I would got to the first floor, introduce myself, and induce that lady to get me the treat. — “Only for about a quarter of an hour each woman, they are just dressing, and will all be glad to come, and get a little tip before they go out prick hunting, it will please them I know.”

Down stairs she went on her mission and called two, who called others, and soon they came to Nellie's room, young, and middle aged and little and big. Nelly lighted her five light standards, all was bright, and naked I saw the women from bum to belly, standing and sitting, kneeling bum outwards lying with thighs open on the bedside, and in other attitudes. I saw cunt after cunt, and studied their aspects. Three women were in my room first, and I compared them with each other and with Nelly. They were all French but one, and liked I am sure shewing their cunts. — All women I believe like shewing them to men when they have been a little time well fucked. It makes them lewed to show them to a man. It's nature in them.

Then came the other old letch. — “Pissez ma belle et je vous donnerai.” — “Oh — Voila.” — Another. — “Mais je ne puis pas — deja j'ai pisse.” — “Try then.” — Some could, some couldn't. — A knock at the door. — “Who's there?” — “Is Mademoiselle * * * * here?” — “Yes.” The speaker was let in and saw my game, she was on a visit, but soon her cunt was exhibited. — Altogether I saw a dozen women, that evening, those who retired sent up friends. There were but five women living in the house. — In this cunt exhibition I spent many hours happily.

My pego insisted on its share of pleasure, and keeping three women with the handsomest backsides, I put them kneeling on the bed bum to the front — whilst with her bum also towards me at the bed side, I fucked N. — who, rather too short, had to stand on two ottomans to bring her cunt to a convenient level. — “Oh — aharr — I'm spending. — Come nearer girls — push your cunt close up to my prick N**ly — Ah, my God” — and as Nelly and the two obeyed, I left off holding her haunches, rammed my prick hard up her cunt, slapped her arse violently for a second, and burying a thumb in each of the other's cunts and grasping all I could of their cunt lips with my fingers, I spent.

I had done much more than I had gone to do, but into my fertile brain came new desires, fresh letches were provoked. Concupiscence reigned supreme in me, neither cost nor consequences occurred to me. The three naked arses, the cunts I had felt were there, and whilst my prick was yet moist with sperm, my fingers yet moist from their quims, “Fetch your dildo Nell, stop ladies longer,” I said.

She took one out from the cabinet, I agreed fees with the three women for further amusement, put the dildo into one's cunt, made one woman fetch a dildo from her room, then laying them on the bed put dildoes up two cunts leaving the centre woman without one. Then turning them with rumps towards me I did the same. With prick still glowing I would not fuck again yet, but walked about the room admiring the different sizes of the buttocks of the three, and the pouting lipped notches, fledged and hedged with crisp curly hair of different colours between them. One woman's thicket nearly hid her bum furrow, little crisp curls growing up to her bum bones. Then I made Nelly stand on the bed over the center bitch stooping to show her buttocks and cunt like the others, and forming an unique group — one I had certainly not had before, many as are the combinations of postures I have seen women in.