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The mother scarcely ever went out for more than ten minutes excepting on Sundays, and on that day took Betsy with her. — A month elapsed before the Great Eastern, to whom I spoke in the street, and had named a post office where she might write to me, mentioned a day that the mother was going a long way, to visit her sick sister. I was at the lodgings before the time, and after a short chat Betsy was called, and fetched bottled ale, then the knowing lass locked the younger children in their rooms below (she was left in charge), and came to us looking quite modest, yet with a half grin on her face, for she knew what she was to do and get. “Look sharp,” said Great Eastern who seemed anxious, “for your mother may come back soon, tho it's not likely.” Turning she knelt on the bed, I threw up her clothes and exposed her huge buttocks, which Betsy stared at. — “Show me yours darling,” said I. “Get on the bed quick,” said Great Eastern. In another minute Betsy did. — Great Eastern pulled her clothes up and her tender backside was on view. — How I gloried in the sight of her sweet round bum cheeks, and the little split between them. It certainly was a most unique, libidinous, luscious spectacle to see the two. My prick stood, I pulled it out and thought of frigging but restrained myself, and with difficulty restrained myself from touching Betsy's person as I'd promised, tho nearly mad to look at her virginity again, which I could not see with her legs nearly closed as they were as she knelt, even tho she widened them a little at my request.

I could bear it no longer. “Ain't you seen enough? I can't kneel any longer, the blood's getting in my head,” and so saying the Great Eastern got off the bed, the lass following suit. — “I've not looked a minute.” “You've been five minutes and more.” — I gave the lass money, she kept staring at my prick. — “I'll give you another half crown, Betsy; if you'll feel this,” pointing to my erection. She looked at the Great Eastern and burst out laughing. “Shall I,” said she. “Yes, I won't tell, and no one will know.” — She stood still hesitating by the side of the Great Eastern, I walked up to her, “Feel it my love” and, taking hold of her hand I put it round it. Then female curiosity and nature asserted itself, and whilst encouraging her with gentle lascivious words, she felt it to my heart's content and to her evident enjoyment, laughing in a low tone all the time, getting red in the face and excited. — “Ah my darling, you'll have one like that up your sweet little cunt one day, I'd give twenty pounds to do it to you, My God I'm bursting, let us fuck,” said I to the Great Eastern. — “All right,” said she walking to the bed, she was in her chemise. I called her Mary, but it was not her name.

The girl let go my prick and walked quickly to the door, and was going. I stopped her. — “Look at us fucking dear and I'll give you another half crown.” — She looked at the Great Eastern. “You may stop this time, but never tell it to any one, will you?” I was now mad for fucking and could think of nothing else, the delight of showing the operation to the girl was in-tense. The idea of her looking at my prick going up the big one's cunt, of showing myself naked to her, excited me madly, and I stripped rapidly. “Look my darling,” and lifting my shirt I showed my tooleywag in its pride. “Come close, you can't see there,” and to the Great Eastern, “Come to the side of the bed.” “You can't poke there well,” she replied.

It was a bitterly cold winter's afternoon, we had but two candles and the room looked dark. I stirred the fire to a blaze and put the candles on a table by the bedside, to throw light on our fucking. The Great East-ern placed herself on the bedside with thighs widish apart, the girl stood far off still. “Come here and look darling.” “Come if you want to see,” said Great East-ern. — Slowly she came to the bedside. Great Eastern then hoisted up her huge thighs, I pulled apart the thick, dark hedged lips, and slowly as my irritated overflowing ballocks would let me, put my prick up her cunt, the girl looking eagerly, her head bent over us. Somehow the fatness and weight of the thighs and bum prevented me fucking. I had never tried the bedside with her in that attitude before. “I told you so, come on the bed, and Betsy will see better.” Uncunting me, she moved herself with quickness (her agility for her size was really great) on to the bed, and then upon her, my prick plunged up her. —We turned when prick and cunt were well joined, slightly on to one side, and she lifted the thigh high up which was nearest to Betsy. — [Voluptuousness is the joy of life, as much to a whore in her heyday as any one else, and I now feel sure that the Great Eastern enjoyed the idea of the lass looking on.] Clasping her gigantic buttocks I fucked. “Hold the candle and look Betsy,” gasped the Eastern. — Her young eyes were good enough without that, nor did she hold the candle, but her head came nearer and nearer to the Great Eastern's backside. Then her dear little virgin notch with the little flood opening for her menses came into my mind and fetched me at once. Plunging my prick deep up the Great Eastern's cunt, “I'm spending, my spunk's coming,” I sighed. “Oh — fuck — go on,” cried she shaking her huge arse, and as the lewed words sobbed out of our mouths, our soft spendings mingled in her cunt, and we wriggled our genitals slowly in the overwhelming die-away pleasure of the discharge.

“Keep my prick well in you,” I said, when my pleasure was over and we kept joined. There stood the girl, her face within a foot of Great Eastern's arse, never moving nor cutting a word, but greedily looking, her eyes staring like those of a waxwork figure, at the side view of the Great Eastern's backside and quim, and my prick stem just showing with its balls hanging out-side the cunt; and so stood still my prick flopped out. Then she drew back. — “What do you think of it, Betsy?” said Great Eastern. — The girl suddenly turned her head and listened. — “Oh my mother's come home,” and running to the door, she bolted quickly down stairs. “There will be a damned fine row if it is,” said the Great Eastern, anxiously going on to the landing in her chemise and listening.

It was a false alarm. — The girl came back, I believe hoping to see more, I washed my prick, made her feel it again, gave her money, and Great Eastern sent her away. Baudy questions put to her, she only laughed at and made no reply to.

We couldn't get the girl to come up and stop again, tho she fetched us more ale. — I talked for an hour or so, and then asked the Great Eastern to gamahuche me. She had never done so before. — Now my desire was for her to kneel over me and suck which she did, but being so tall, her big rump was too close to my face to see it well. So she laid along the bed at its side, her head on the edge of the pillow, one foot resting on the under thigh, which opened her gap well to my feel. Then standing, I put my prick in her mouth, and with my right hand clasping the surface of her fresh washed cunt — a complete handful and more it was — I gave her my libation, aiding the movements of her mouth, by myself fucking into it. — It was an expensive afternoon, tho Betsy got so little, — but with the young ones, half crowns go as far as sovereigns.

I could think of nothing else, and went there a day or two afterwards. Betsy gave me a saucy laugh, but the Great Eastern would not permit me any liberties; no money tempted her, she was frightened, for the girl's mother was at home, and Betsy could not stay in the room more than a minute. In that minute I showed her my prick at which she looked lewedly. — “If ever a girl wanted fucking, she does,” said Great Eastern, “she'll get it soon from some one.”

I wouldn't go to the Great Eastern but met her purposely in the streets, and offered her more to get me the girl naked again. Steadily she refused till one night about a fortnight after, when she told me that the parents were going to the sister's funeral. At the time arranged I was there, and all the spectacle was repeated. Standing with prick nearly bursting, whilst the two backsides were before me — “I must kiss it,” said I, and put my lips on Betsy's little buttocks, spite of Great Eastern's objection. “Turn round again, Mary.” She did, and there again were the two back-sides together nearly touching. Quick as lightning a letch came. Talking to the Great Eastern who, with head on pillow, could not see, and did not anticipate my action, I frigged myself rapidly, put my prick close, and spent over Betsy's bum, some of my sperm hitting her sweet little pouting cunt. As she felt it, the girl turned quickly round, saying, “Oh.” — So did Great Eastern, and seeing what I had done, swore great oaths, and pulling Betsy's clothes up again, wiped off my spendings to prevent her dirty little chemise being stained. Soon after I bum-basted the big woman to Betsy's edification, and departed.