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Some of my doings with both of those Cyprians will be told in their place.

At mid-day on a very hot day, tho towards the end of the summer of this year, I was walking along one of the main highways which lead to the suburbs of Lon-don, and was at a spot at some distance from the centre, when I passed two young girls who were sauntering idly along. The taller of the two had her arm round the other's neck, and looked not sixteen, the other perhaps a year younger. They were dressed poorly like the children of artisans. The taller was nibbling a piece of hay, which I saw her pull out of a truss on the pavement by a corn chandler's shop, and staring about her idly and rudely. I was voluptuously inclined that morning, was thinking of the charms of youthful cunts, and gave a loving glance and winked at the taller as I passed them. She returned the glance saucily yet half shyly, and instinct told me at once that if the girl had not had a prick up her cunt, she knew pretty well what a cock and a cunt did when they met. The idea fired my lust.

After passing them I stopped and looked back. They had stopped, and the tall one was looking back, but seeing me stopping they immediately resumed their sauntering. I should like to fuck her thought I, for she has such bright eyes, and turning I followed them quickly, and as I again passed them said aloud, “I'd give a shilling each to kiss you two pretty girls.” Again I caught the tall one's saucy inviting eye. When I had gone ahead some distance, I returned and met them face to face again. They were half looking in at a shop window, half in my direction. Encouraged, I stopped at the shop, and looking at the window and askant only at them, so as to avoid attracting notice, said, “Come and have a ride in a cab with me.” Immediately the tall one said, “I don't mind.” The other only stared at me. The taller one then whispered something to her.

I stood without further noticing them, waiting for a four wheel cab to pass, nor they noticing me. At length one came by, I hailed it and it stopped. I half abandoned my intention whilst waiting, for there was a-considerable foot traffic, but it was at a part where the road passed through a poor neighbourhood, the traffic was mostly of humble people, poor girls were hanging about, hucksters were in the road, the pedestrians (mostly working people) seemed hurrying and probably to their dinners, none of the well to do were out, nor in-deed were there many I expect at any time just there.

Quickly I entered the vehicle, the elder girl needed no further invitation to follow, but the younger hesitated. “Come on Sally, he says he'll gie us a ride,” and she pushed the shorter one in, following herself. I shut the door and told the cabman to drive to * * * * *. It was a long way off, but the road I knew would be a quiet one. The girls made no objection even if they heard, but seemed delighted at a ride. The cabman I am sure knew my game, for he grinned.

Excitement and the broiling sun had made me hot, and for a minute I could only wipe off my perspiration, but lust soon stirred up. I looked at the elder, who sat opposite to me staring half saucily, I wondered what from her saucy look that she was game. “I'm in a sweat.” “Ain't yer just,” said she. “Aren't you?” “Not much.” “Your cunt's in a sweat isn't it now?” “He, he,” she giggled. “Here's a shilling, let me feel it.” — I offered her the shilling and not waiting for her to take it or reply, pulled her rapidly on to my knee, kissed her, and in a second my fingers were on her split. — “Don't do that now sir,” but beyond slightly closing her thighs she made no resistance. My fin-gers were well between the lips, and her cunt felt quite sticky. — Young girls I notice don't seem to wash their quims much, for I have usually found them sticky when I have suddenly felt them. I rubbed it with my fingers, and she seemed to like it, for her struggling was a mere sham, yet she kept exclaiming. — “Oh ain't he a going on Sally. — Don't now sir.” — Sally sat staring at my doings.

I felt her cunt for a minute, then gave her the shilling. She held it in her open hand for Sally to see, before she pocketed it. —Then I offered Sally a shilling to feel her cunt, but she refused and resisted. “Have you got any hair on your cunt Sally?” “Shan't tell you.” — “She ain't, she ain't fourteen, but it's a comin,” said her friend. “Feel my cock,” and I pulled it out. Both laughed and refused, but Carry soon repented, and felt it, with much gratification. “Isn't it big and stiff,” said I. “I don't know.” “You do.” — Seizing her, I put my mouth to her ear and whispered, “You little devil, you know you've had a prick in your cunt, let me fuck you.” “I ain't,” and she giggled. — I went on whispering about fucking. “What's he a telling yer?” said Sally, who seemed curious at the whispering. — “I'm telling her I'll give you a shilling to feel your cunt.” “Shan't,” said Sally. “Feel my prick then.” “Feel it, it won't bite yer,” said her friend. The girl refused. — “Have you ever felt a man's cock?” “No,” said she, boldly and postively. “Oh yer lie — yer have — you've twice felt Jack's.” — Sally made no reply, was shut up, and looked stupid.

In a little time Sally, by my continued requests, and at the advice of Carry, got her shilling, and not only felt my cock, but let me feel her bum. I had Carry on one side, and Sally on the other, both standing up with their backs to the doors of the cab, both feeling my standard whilst I was feeling their little backsides.

It was delightful to handle their buttocks, but I wanted further satisfaction. “Show me your cunt Carry and I'll give you another shilling.” She wouldn't, she should be seen, but that at length was arranged. Sally stood looking out of one cab window, whilst I with a little resistance threw up the other's petticoats as she sat on the seat opposite to me, and disclosed soiled underlinen, and stockings dirty enough to have shocked my prick if it had had eyes. — But it hadn't, and stood stiffer than ever, when a very little triangular bit of flossy brown shewed at the bottom of the girl's belly. To get a better view I seized hold of her legs, and pulling them up, tilted her back. She kept laughing but asking me to leave off. Then Sally turned her head and seeing my game, uttered a solemn, — “Hoh! ain't he agoing on.”

I had my look and wanted another feel, so got Carry on to my knees again and my finger on her cunt, — 273 whispering that I'd give her half a crown to fuck her. — “Oh no,” — she couldn't. — “She'll tell perhaps, and the people will see us when passing.” — But she sat feeling my cock, longing for it to be up her, whilst I rubbed at her clitoris till she wriggled her bum. “You rub this till you get pleasure don't you?” “Some-times,” said the slut laughing. “Oh don't — leave off.”

Again I tried it on with Sally, and at length succeeded in feeling her little cunt whilst she kept her legs closed, but nothing induced her to let me look, and as she got noisy — “No I shan't then, I don't care if she do — I shan't, then — leave off” — I desisted.

“Take us back,” said Carry suddenly. “If mother goes out afore I get there, I shan't get nothing to eat — and she'll row me tonight when she comes in.” — She was very much in earnest. — “Let me fuck you then and I'll go back at once.” — We were just then at a spot where there was very little traffic. She refused. Sally might tell — I refused to go back and increased my offer.

At length, promising another shilling to Sally to keep standing and looking out of the window, I pushed my legs well forward to the front seat, and between Carry's thighs, who was standing up in front of me. She was almost too short, her cunt was a small mark to hit, but the little bitch was in heat, and earnestly and silently aided my efforts. My prick was in such a state that it would have pierced a board, and directly it got its tip on her split, with a heave up of my arse, it was fixed as tightly up her cunt as if she'd been pegged. Then I clasped her little buttocks and fairly lifted her off the floor, she came forward, her arms round my neck, her face near mine, and I began fucking with short thrusts; my prick never moved more than an inch backwards and forwards, the position would not enable long strokes, but it was enough. — “Do you like it Carry?” “Y-hes,” she whispered. “It's up your cunt.” “Y-hes — a-har.” “Are you coming?” “Aha — Y-hes — soon,” and then with delicious short wriggling movements we both spent, and Carry's head fell over my left shoulder.