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The next twenty or thirty pages relate to two young harlots named Nelly L**l*e and Sophy S**h —. I occasionally visited Nelly for many years, the other rarely, tho for as long a time or nearly so. My libidinous amusement with them were all of the ordinary kind, which I have practised with hundreds of the frail sisterhood, and with many who were not frail in a financial sense. They were as usual, described by me at length in my original manuscript, but the repetition of salacious tricks seems tedious now, so I have carefully weeded out, arranged in some order, condensed, abbreviated this part of my narrative, to about one fifth of its original length; leaving only certain episodes worth retaining for their variety, which I shall put in their chronological order nearly.]

Going along L*c**tr Square one evening I saw a shortish female in front of me. She had short petticoats (worn then), Balmoral boots, a small foot, and shapely calf. — The movement of haunches and legs told me she had the class of form I loved; I can tell by the pose of the foot, and the swing of the bum, what sort of thighs and rump are moving underneath petticoats — I passed and looked at her. She had a quite young, modest face, white and pink complexion, dark eyes, and looked healthy, fresh and enticing. I stopped, turned, and she passed me. She is modest I thought. — Bah! what does modesty do here by itself at eight o'clock p.m.? —So I accosted her, wondering at her steady bum swing which looked twenty-one at least, whilst her face looked but seventeen or thereabouts. “May I go home with you?” “Yes if you like,” and she looked back. “Where do you live?” — “I live at — oh I forget, but it's just over there.” “Go on and I'll follow.” — She hesitated, but turned back. — Up came another female, taller, with flaxen hair, and a nearly white face. — “The gentleman wants to know where we live, what's the name of the street?” “Tibble, Tickle, Tish, or something like it I forget, but I know the way.” —Then both laughed heartily. — “Well go on,” I said (for we had stopped), “I only want this lady and not you.” — I never like talking long to gay women in the streets. “It's Pickle Street,” said my selected one, laughing. “Cross over.” — Both crossed, I following, when a short, sallow, Jewish looking woman there stopped them. — “What is it my dear,” said she. “The gentleman wants to know the name of the street.” “Oh, it's T***f***d Street, sair — I will shows the vay,” and off she walked rapidly with the girls, I following at a little distance behind them. It was the baud who was giving them their first lesson in street walking, and following them in view.

She opened the door with a latch key — “I only want this dark haired girl,” said I, “and I'm only going to give her a sovereign.” “Vel, vel, go in, sair.” — I went in and upstairs to two handsomely furnished rooms — a lamp was already lighted, and she lit two candles, the girls stood still, silent, and staring at me, I stood thinking — I hate making these arrangements with second or third parties — a baud, and a couple of whores are a match for the Devil.

“I only want this lady,” I repeated, “and can only give her a sovereign.” “Oh you must give her two sovereigns — it's her first night in London, she's never been out before. Oh she must have two sovereigns.” “No.” “Vel dare is no harm done, sair, you see vat nice young ladies they be, and these handsome rooms but if you won't, you won't — vel go out again my dears.” — It was all very civilly said. — No bullying. — She blew out the two candles, not a word had either girl spoken and she opened the door. Said the woman as I moved towards the door, “I can't let her for luck's sake start like that, I brought em both to London the day before yesterday, they've never seen London streets till an hour ago.” I paused — I had noticed in the street the girl Nelly staring about in a strange way, instead of cock hunting with the steady glances of a regular strumpet — besides the girl looked so very fresh and so modest, that my prick was standing, and I felt a violent lust for her. — “Well let her stay, I'll give it her, but if I have her another night I can only give a sovereign.” — “All right, sair.” “But I shall stop a long time.” “You may stop as long as you likes, mayn't he Nelly?” “I don't care,” said the girl.

The old woman relighted the candles. — “Have Sophy too,” said she. I never liked fair haired women. — “No.” “Do — it's her first night as well — don't make them jealous of each other, they're friends now. — Do, and I needn't go out again tonight.” — That struck me as so funny that I laughed. “When you see em both quite naked together, you vil say you never see sich fine gals.” “I won't be naked,” said one, I don't recollect which. — “Now my dearee, you must please gentle-mens if you vants to make friends — Didn't I tell ye now — didn't I tell ye — I'm not a going to keep yer — you've got to sleep yourself.” Then turning to me, “They will be all right when she knows you, sair; have Sophy, do — she's as white as snow, her thighs and body is, and she is formed beautiful, and her hair's the same color there, one's black and the other yaller,” and the old woman winked at me again with a leer. The contrast was extreme — “black cunt, flaxen cunt” — thought I. “Well, let her stay too — but I'm not going to pay you.” — “Oh! all rights, all rights, sair, you can stop all night vith dem. I knows a gentlemans vhen I speak vid him, all rights, sair, my name is S***k*n*us, and I've been here five years, I'm a dress-maker, sair.” (I had some idea that I was going to be bilked.) “Now my dearees mind vot I as tell you, and I'm sure he'll be a friend to you both,” and nodding her head at the girls she went out. I bolted the door. She was a German woman I found, perhaps Jewish, but who had been some time in England, actually worked with a sister at dressmaking, and let her upper floors to quiet gay women, and had now by some chance got these two young women, to introduce to the pavй of London.

“Take off your things, my darlings.” — The girls giggling and whispering to each other began slowly to do so; it was perfectly clear that they'd not yet un-dressed as Paphians before a man for pay. Gradually two pairs of splendid calves and lovely white breasts appeared. “Of with your chemises.” “I shan't,” said one, and the other did not obey. — I pulled them both to me, putting my hands on to their fat backsides, and kissed their large white breasts alternately. I hitched up the chemises of both at the same time whilst they struggled a bit, and saw fine round thighs on both; nearly black hair on one cunt, almost invisible hair on the other. “My prick's so stiff,” said I, and getting up I stripped to my shirt, pulled it up to my waist, and showed a red headed magnificent erection.

Both burst into laughter, which astonished me. I pulled dark haired Nelly on to one thigh as I sat down, and began feeling her cunt. Flaxen haired Sophy sat down on a low stool opposite us, holding her cheeks and her chin with her hands, whilst her elbows rested on her thighs, like an old Irish woman sitting on a door step. A vulgar, low look the girl had, yet she was of a most uncommon peculiar style of face, certainly handsome, yet of a class I didn't like. Then I noticed that she had white eye lashes, and very light eyebrows, and for the moment she reminded me of an albino, who to me is very ugly.

Now I talked baudy. “Show me your cunt,” to Nelly, who had been feeling my prick. — “Ho! ain't he rude,” said she giggling and looking at Sophy. — “Do.” “Shan't.” — I lifted her chemise to her armpits suddenly. She struggled and cried out, “No, no.” — I got vexed and swore, for I hate a struggle with a sham modest whore, and hadn't quite arrived at the belief that it was her first night's harlotry. — “Isn't she a fool Sophy?” “She knows best,” was the reply made in a coarse, raw, nasty voice. — I had not heard her speak before. I let Nell go. — “Let's feel your cunt,” said I dragging up Sophy from the stool. — She offered no resistance. Her cunt was reeking wet as my fingers went between the lips, and she opened her thighs to let my fingers up. I pulled up her chemise, her cunt seemed nearly hairless, there was hair, but the color was so light, and it was so small in quantity, that it scarcely showed. Her thighs and belly were as white as milk, her form exquisite. — Nelly rearranged her tumbled hair, for in a small struggle with her it had fallen, came close up to us and said to Sophy, “You seem to like it.” “I don't mind much, he's a nice chap,” croaked Sophy. [Nelly, I found in after years, was jealous of any woman being noticed before her — even when she had brought the woman herself to me for fucking.] Nelly was jealous now of Sophy's pleasing me by her willingness.