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One night a fine looking, white-haired old man, I suppose sixty years old — brought in a young woman resembling a servant. — She sat herself down solemnly, and let him take off her bonnet and shawl without a word. “This is one of those houses,” said she when she first spoke. — He tried to feel her and she resisted. — There was a mild scene. — “Oh my goodness! what would Mrs. * * * * say if she knew I was here?” “She never will,” said the old buck, “and I will be a friend to you for life — now don't be foolish — have I not got your father out of debt, have I not helped you all?” — He was a big fellow, walked round her, undid her dress which at length she pulled off, and then he attempted a grope. — She resisted, and in the scuffle sank on the floor at the foot of the bed. — He dropped on his knees and put his hand up her clothes. “Oh for God sake, sir. — No. I won't let you. — I am sorry I came, I didn't mean to come.” — The old boy then apparently got a finger or two in her cunt, for she gave a small shriek. — Then he spoke angrily. — “If you don't, I'm damned if you stop with us another week.” — He left off, puffing and glowing with the struggle, and got up. There she sat on the floor crying, her bosom was bare as he had pulled it open, her clothes up so that I saw to her knees — and that she had striped, dark stockings on, thin legs.

After a little time he lifted her up, and they sat on two chairs, he with his arms round her coaxing, kissing, and talking, but I could hear but little. — Some-times he got in a temper and then he talked loud and threatened. — “There is a virginity,” I said to Sarah. — She thought at first it was all a sham, and that the woman knew what she was about, that she would — “humbug the white haired old cove” — but as time went on, came to the conclusion that the old cove had got one of his servants into a trap. — Soon afterwards, he got his hand up her clothes again, and after a time by coaxing, hugging, and handling, got her on to the bed and himself there too. — She had only taken off her dress, he only his coat.

When on the bed, for a minute she buried her head in his breast. The old boy had then got his hand seemingly round her bum, but her clothes covered it, and I could not see exactly where his hand was. — But he soon took it away, and I saw him fumbling between himself and her, and knew he was getting his cock out of his trowsers. She was now silent, passive. Then holding her close to him with his left arm, which was under her, he managed with his right hand to pull his trowsers quite down. — I saw his large fat haunches, but not his tool. Then he pulled up her clothes — nestled his belly against hers, and rolled over on to her. She turned quite on to her back. — He kissed her. — “Now be a good girl, I shall not hurt you — or do you any harm — be a good girl.” — She laid quietly with eyes closed. “Now be a dear good girl, there's a dear,” and he pressed on her and gave a shove. — She gave immediately a cry, quite a loud one — and only one. — He put his hand right over her mouth, rammed quickly, and soon his wriggles told of his consummation. Then his head sank by her side. The girl was crying violently. I both saw and heard.

He lay on her such a time endearing her, to all of which she made no reply that I could hear. Then he got off in a temper. For half a minute she lay still scarcely moving, and then got off the bed still crying, which seemed to disconcert him. He sent for brandy, and made her take some with water. Then he sat her on his knee and they talked. Then he looked at the tail of his shirt and said triumphantly and loudly. “You have bled a little, never mind — it's all over, you'll be all right to morrow — do wash dear — do — you needn't mind me now — wash your thing my dear.” She went to the side of the bed and put the basin down on the floor. The old boy began at once frigging away at his prick with the view of it making it stiff again — but it seemed no go. — The girl washed and sat down looking at the fire, and began crying again. — He then washed and soaped his prick and recommenced frigging it, turned round with it quite stiff, and for the first time I saw it. — He walked up to her with it stiff. “Look dear, that's what has done the mischief,” and sat down with his back towards me, but he kept at times frigging his cock I could see.

The landlady knocked at the door, she was always interrupting couples. — “Shall you soon have done?” said she. — He started up putting his shirt over his stiff cock. — She started up seemingly in terror. — “I shan't be long,” said he, and then turning round. “Dam the woman for frightening me so.” — They both went away soon after. — She still crying, and he saying he would be a friend to her as long as he lived. — Sarah remarked. “Well, — I really think the old boy had had the first of her, and he's old enough to be her grandfather. — I'll warrant that the old beggar has a large family, he looks it — there is no trusting any man.”

One night a fine looking man with a dark moustache, looking not forty years old, came in with a poorish looking woman. — They talked for some time, then he said, “I will give you five shillings extra if you'll suck me.” — After refusal, and a declaration that she had never done it before, she agreed to it. — I told Sarah and let her look. — “I know that woman, let me see her do it, I never saw a man's prick in a woman's mouth in my life.” — He gave her ten shillings and said he would give the five when she had sucked him, took off his coat, and feeling in the pocket took out a paper, from which he produced a round handled tooth brush, and put it in his waistcoat pocket. — Then in the centre of the room he dropped his trowsers down. — She laid hold of his tool which was quite flabby, and pulled the skin back, and squeezed it. “Wash it first.” — He scuffled with his trowsers down his ankles to-wards the wash stand, washed and came back. She dropped on her knees. He had refused to lay on the bed as she asked him. — If they had placed them-selves so as to let me look at them, they could not have placed themselves better.

She took it into her mouth, ane moving her head backwards and forwards fucked his prick so to speak with her lips. Then she spat on the floor, then into her mouth his prick which had begun to swell again went. As it came out it was now quite big.

She stopped, looked up and said. — “You must not spend in my mouth, tell me when you are coming.” “Yes I must — there is no pleasure unless I finish.” “Oh I can't.” She left off and stood up. — After an altercation, he agreed to give her ten shillings instead of five, if she would let him, and she to make sure, had the money first.

She stood besides him for a time, holding his cock and frigging it — for unless a woman loves a man, or is really fond of having a prick in her mouth, as some are, she likes to make the prick suction short, and bring it as much forward by fist-fucking as she can. “Do you never fuck?” said she. “I was wounded some years ago, and have never been able to fuck since.” — It was not clear to me why a man whose prick already stood, could not put it into a woman's cunt, as well as into her mouth. — He had then taken the tooth brush out of his pocket. — “What are you going to do with that,” said the girl. “I tickle my bum hole with that, it increases my pleasure, you will see.”

She dropped on her knees — and his prick which had drooped again, got stiff under her sucking — but she had to go on for such a time, that she rested and said, “Oh you can't spend.” He said he could. — Then I saw him wet the handle of the tooth brush with spittle, and laying hold of it by the bristly end he pulled up his shirt and passing his hand to the rear, began to move it rapidly. — “Have you put it up your arse hole?” said the girl, leaving off.

“Yes — yes — go on — suck — I shan't be long.” — On they went, her head bending up and down as his prick came in and out, his hand bobbing from his back-side. — He was just beginning to shiver with pleasure, when the landlady knocked at the door. — “Make haste please, we want the room.” — I have heard her do this several times when the couples seemed too long — but this couple had been but a short time in the chamber.