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“Fuck Nellie whilst he fucks me,” said Lizzie, as if she enjoyed the idea. — “There's no room.” — “Yes if you get on the top of her.” — I refused, being en- grossed with the idea of feeling his big prick. My blood was boiling with that desire, and impatiently I got into bed — Lizzie seemed thoughtful on a sudden, went to the door and shouted to Nellie to come back, and then, “Tell him I want my five quid first.” —Nellie went and in a few minutes brought the gold. During her absence I felt Lizzie's cunt. — “Tell him to come in, and you put out the light, Nell.” “You must be quite naked, and he will be so as well,” he said. — Up sat Liz, and drew off her chemise — I threw off my shirt and cuddled her. — She felt my prick. — “Don't now, wait for him.” Nellie then put out the gas, we were in total darkness, and she went off to fetch Captain Blank.

In a second, led in in the dark by Nellie, he was at the bed side. He was screwed, but knew what he was about, for he scarcely spoke, and then in a feigned, whispering voice. — He instantly put his hand to Liz' cunt, and met mine there. I removed it quickly, and stretching across her naked belly, felt for his prick and grasped it. It seemed big, and was as stiff as a horn. How I longed to see it. In a second he was between Lizzie's thighs, kneeling, then dropped down on her, and at once I felt the jog of her thighs and the oscillation of his rump, as he rammed up her like a steam engine.

Nellie just then in tilt dark came round to my side and said, “Let us do it” — and laid hold of my prick. — But I said, “No,” — for the couple fucking engrossed me. I felt him all over, then knelt up, and putting my hand between his thighs and under his balls, felt his prick as it moved up and down, I squeezed his balls gently and felt delighted. I don't believe that he even knew that in his pleasure, which seemed to absorb him directly, his prick was in her.

Both indeed were too wrought up in lewedness for their pleasure to last long, or let me long enjoy libidinous amusement and curiosity. He soon sobbed out, “Cunt — fuck,” — and she, — “Oh — fuck me — spunk in me — oh — you beast — aha,” — all came jerking out of her mouth, mixing with his lewed ejaculations and murmurs. Then the gentle wriggles of his arse, as I felt them in the dark, told me all was over, whilst I still held his balls, and her naked thigh laid motionless against my knees.

Then I cried, with lustful desire which seized me suddenly. — “Come Nellie, get on the bed, let's fuck.”

— “Shan't then — come along Jack.” — Without a word, Jack got off and left the room with her, leaving me and Liz together. —Disappointed of Nellie. — “Liz

— wash dear, and let me fuck you.” — “Oh — I'm so sleepy I can't get out. — Fuck me, it's all right.” Saying that, she laid hold of me with one hand, pulled me to her and with the other laid hold of my rigid prick. — “Oh! it's as big as his, fuck me.” — “Did you spend with him.” — “Yes, and want it again. Do it.”

— “I shan't — wash.” — “I won't, it's cold, and I'll frig you if you don't.” — Nearly wild with lewedness, the next instant I was fucking in Jack's sperm, and few seconds afterwards we were both asleep. She had spent with delight, her pleasure, from her ejaculations, I believe were increased by thinking about the state of her cunt. I thought of my prick being where Jack's had just been, and not about his sperm being in her.

I awakened soon I think, she was snoring. Awakening her, we fucked again. Then I fell into the deep slumber which follows late hours, dancing, a good sup-per, plenty of wine, and fucking, that healthiest of exercises and sleep givers.

It was quite dark when we were awakened by heavy footsteps and loud voices; no servant was up. — “Who is that?” — shouted Lizzie. — “The Captain's obliged to get to parade, I'm letting him out.” — The footsteps went down stairs, the street door banged, and then into our bedroom came Nellie in the dark. — Lizzie asked what the Captain had given her, and “Did he do you much?” — “No, he was screwed, and went to sleep directly he got into bed, after he'd had you. He only did me once, just before he left.” — “Come into bed,” said Lizzie. I joined in the request, and all three were soon in bed together, I in the middle.

I put out my hands and felt both cunts at once. — What a charming sensation to feel the palms of my hands full of crisp hair, and my middle fingers rubbing over two soft clitorises. — Nellie was fresh to me. — “I'll fuck Nellie.” — Said Liz, — “Fuck away.” — Nellie declined, resenting my previous refusal. “Don't be a fool Nell, let him, and let us go to sleep.” — Nellie opened her thighs, and the next minute we were fucking. — Her cunt felt moist as I pushed up her. — “Did you wash?” — “I hadn't time, he only did me the minute before he went down stairs.” Twice I'd fucked after the Captain, and this time in innocence. The Captain's sperm and mine had mixed in both their cunts. Then Lizzie turned her rump to me, my belly was to her rump, and Nellie's belly to mine, and in a minute we were all in oblivion. It was a cold night, and the warmth of the two beauties was deliciously soothing.

It was some hours afterwards and day light before I awakened. The women were asleep. Turning on to my back I felt Nellie's quim which roused her, and that awakened Liz. — “Get out and wash, both of you,” said I. — “Why?” — “I've been beast enough to fuck you both after Captain Blank.” — “What of that, it's not the first time you've fucked after a man, tho perhaps without knowing it,” said Liz — We discoursed on the subject. Little Nellie, who had not been long out, listened whilst Liz, who with her six years' experience, told a tale of three men once having had her one after the other, and each time she had only given her cunt a dry rub with the towel, and neither man discovered that sperm was still in her cunt when they fucked her. “It makes me lewed when I think of it,” said Liz grabbing my prick. — Nellie felt it as well, and for a minute we were silent. — Both women wanted fucking, Liz got out and pissed, Nelly followed suit, and I pissed after them.

We lighted gas, and both washed their cunts. We got into bed again, and I looked at both their carnal man traps. Then I fucked Nellie, feeling Liz's cunt at the same time. She frigged herself. Then we got up and had breakfast.

The night's fun pleased me. Liz wanted her little friend to go away, but I offered a dinner and to stop the next night. Nellie went to her home and came back. I took them both to dine, and we afterwards passed the evening at Liz's playing cards and drinking champagne. They were both swell women. I made lascivious suggestions to them, which they were very indignant about seemingly. — It's the sham way with some of the upper class courtesans. — But a woman's a woman, most of them like lasciviousness and delight in a baudy novelty. Before the evening was over, they'd both pissed over my hand, I'd frigged Liz, and she had frigged Nellie. We went to bed together, and I fucked Liz. When I awakened again, Nell I found had gone to the other room. I went to her there. She said she couldn't sleep three in the bed, for every movement awakened her. I fucked her, fell asleep, and was awakened in the morning by Liz, who had sought me. She was very ill tempered about my behaviour, and jealous, but got over it when I fucked her again. It was a very pleasant two nights and a very expensive one.

I several times had Liz afterwards, and we always talked about Captain Blank's letch, his big prick, and my poking twice in his sperm. — Liz said she liked the second fuck with her cunt full of it, but begged me not to tell any of the harlots whom we both knew. — I told her about Gertrude, who had been fucked by the soldiers twelve times. It was then quite fresh in my mind, for I had not long parted with Gertrude for ever. — Liz professed to believe it, after saying for a long time that she did not, but I doubt whether she really to the last did believe me quite. Gay women tell such lies themselves that they distrust others largely. She used to say that I made up the story to excite her, and it had that effect certainly. “Put it into me,” — was soon said, whenever we talked about Gertrude.