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I found out from my friends as we smoked our cigars in the gardens after breakfast, that she, with another American lady, and themselves, were going for a long tour, and had been touring for some weeks in Europe. She was the wife of a gentleman who owned plantations, and had gone back to America; intending to rejoin his wife at Paris at Christmas. The lady with the very hairy armpits and her husband were intimate friends of my friends.

I found this party were travelling my road, and I agreed to wait at * * * * as long as they did. We met at meals; I joined in their excursions, and took much notice of her children who got quite fond of me. She seemed to avoid me at first, but in two or three days showed some sympathy. I guessed that my history had been made known to her, and found out at a latter day that it had. “A married man travelling without his wife is dangerous,” said she to me one day when we were a merry party. “A married woman without her husband is a danger to me,” I replied, and our eyes met, and said more than words.

I objected to my room, and in a few days the hotel-keeper showed me some better rooms. I had then ascertained which hers were, and pointed out the room next to them. “That,” said he, “won't do — it's large, and has two beds.” “Oh! it's so hot, I want a large room, — show it me.” He did. “It's double price.” “Never mind,” — and I took it at once. Luck, thought I. Her own room was next, and adjoining it a room in which her two children slept. A half-governess, half-maid who travelled with her, was on another floor, — why I don't know, — perhaps because the next room to the children's was a sitting-room.

My new room had as usual a door communicating with hers. I listened one or two nights and mornings, and heard the slopping of water and rattle of pots, but with difficulty; and nothing sufficiently to stir my imagination or satisfy my curiosity. There were bolts on both sides of the doors, and double doors. I opened mine, and tried if hers was fastened. It was. But I waited my opportunity, intending to try to have her, thinking that a woman who had not had a man for months, and might not for some months more, would be ready for a game of mother and father if she could do so safely.

She was not very beautiful, but was fine, tallish, handsomely formed, with a large bust, and splendid head of hair. Her complexion had the olive tint of some Southerners. One might almost have supposed there was a taint of Negro blood in her, but her features were rather aquiline and good. The face was coldish and stern, the eyes dark and heavy, the only sensuous feature of her face was a full, large-lipped mouth, which was baudy in its expression when she laughed. I guess she was a devil of a temper.

After a day or two I gave up all hope, for she would not understand double entendres, coldly returned my grasp when I shook hands with her, and gave no signs of pleasure in my company, excepting when I was playing with her children. Yet when she looked into my face when laughing; there certainly was something in her eye, which made me think that a pair of balls knocking about her bum would delight her. I used to think much of what a friend of mine, a surgeon in a crack regiment in which I had some friends, used to say, which was this.

“All animals are in rut sometimes, so is a woman, even the coldest of them. It's of no use trying the cold ones, unless they have the tingling in their cunts on them; then they are more mad for it than others, but it doesn't last. If you catch a cold woman just when she is on heat, try her; but how to find out their time, I never knew, — they are damned cunning.” So said the surgeon.

I must have caught Mrs. O*b***e on heat I sup-pose, and it came about soon. We went out for some hours on the lake in a boat. She was timid, and when the boat rocked I held her, squeezed her arm, and my knees went against hers. Another time my thigh was close against hers. I put one of her children on to her lap. The child sat down on my hand, which was between her little bum and her mother's thighs. I kept my hand there, gradually moving it away, creeping it up higher and higher, and gripping the thigh as I moved it towards the belly, but so delicately, as to avoid of-fence, and I looked her in the face. “Minnie is heavy, isn't she?” I said. “She is getting so,” she replied, looking with a full eye at mine.

Now I felt sure from her look, that she knew I was feeling her thigh. I had stirred her voluptuousness. The water got rougher. “I shall be sick,” said she. “What! on such a lake!” “Oh! I'm a bad sailor.” Placing my arm round her for a minute I pulled her close to me. It became calm, and lovely weather again. The water always upset her, it seemed to stir her up, she said. “I'd like to see you stirred up,” said I. Then to avoid remark I changed sides with a lady, and sat opposite to Mrs. 0*b***e. We faced each other, looking at each other. I pushed my feet forward, so as to rub my foot against her ankle. She did not remove her foot, but looked at me.

Arrived at * * * we dined, and sat afterwards in the garden. It grew dusk, and we separated into groups. I sat by her side, and played with her children. One child said, “Play with me like Papa, — play with Mamma like Papa does.” “Shall I play with you like Papa?” said I to Mrs. O*b***e. “I'd rather not,” said she. “I'd break an arm to do so,” I replied. “Would you?” said she. “Oh! put the children to bed Margaret,” — and the governess with the children and Mrs. O*b***e walked off. I for a minute joined my friends smoking, then cut off by a side-path leading to that through which Mrs. O*b***e would pass. She had just bid the children good night. “I shall come up to see you directly,” said she to them, — and to me, “I thought you were going into town.” “Yes I think I'll make a night of it, — I'm wild. — I want company.” “Fine company it will be, I dare say.” “Let me keep you company then.” No one was near, I kissed her. She took it very quietly. “Don't now, you'll compromise me.” It was now quite dusk. I kissed her again. “I'm dying to sleep with you,” I whispered. “You mustn't talk like that, — there now, they will see you,”

— then I left her.

I had noticed her habits, and knew that usually she went up to her children soon after they had gone to bed, so I waited at the foot of the stairs. Soon she came. “What, you here?” “Yes, I'm going to bed like you.” It was a sultry night, everybody was out of doors, the hotel servants lolling at open windows. No one met us as we went upstairs. “Why that's not your room, — it's next to mine.” “Yes it is, — I've been listening to you the last two nights.” “Oh! you sly man, — I thought you were sly.” “Look what a nice room it is,” said I opening the door. There was a dim light in the corridors, none in my room. She looked in, I gave her a gentle squeezing push, and shut the door on us.

“Don't shut the door,” said she turning sharply round. I caught and kissed her. “Stop with me, my darling, now you're here, — I'm dying for you, — kiss me, do.” “Let me go, — there then, — now let me go, — don't make a noise, — oh! if my governess should hear me, what would she think!” “She is not there.” “Sometimes she stays till I go up to the children, — oh! don't now, — you shan't.” I had her up against the wall, my arm round her, I was pressing my hand on her belly outside her clothes. She pushed my hand away, I stooped and thrust it up her clothes on to her cunt, and pulling out my prick, pushed her hand on to it. “Let me, — let's do it, — I'm dying for you.” “Oh! for God's sake don't, oh! no — now, you'll compromise me, — hish! if she should be listening.” For a moment we talked, she quietly struggled, entreating me to desist; but my fingers were well on to her cunt, frigging it. I don't recollect more what she said, but I got her to the side of the bed, pushed her back on it, and thrust my prick up her. “Oh! don't compromise me — don't now.” Then she fucked quietly till she gasped out, “Oho — oho,” as a torrent of my sperm shot into her cunt.