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She stared at me, pulled down her clothes, and tears began to run down her cheeks. What a lot of women I have had cry at such times “Don't cry my darling.” She turned on to her face, and hid it. For a quarter of an hour, I talked, but she did not answer. I told her she had spent, that I knew she had had pleasure. Then I pushed my fingers up her cunt; still she did not speak, but let me do just what I liked, keeping her eyes shut. So soon as my rammer was up to the mark, up her it went fucking, and again I felt it's stern well wetted. She was a regular streaming spunker.

After that, “I am going downstairs”, said she. “I'll come.” “No don't.” “You only want to piddle.” “Yes”, said she faintly. “Piddle here, — what will it matter?” “I can't.” “I'll go out if you won't bolt the door.” “It's no good bolting the door, you have ruined me.” I went outside, closed the door, and heard the rattle in the pot. When I re-entered she was sitting at the side of the bed crying quietly; she did nothing but look at me, but without speaking. “Arrange yourself in case any one comes to the door.” “No one will come.” “The milkman?” “He will put it down inside the porch.” She sat down the picture of despair. Never had I felt more lewd, I was mad that day with lewdness. “Let's feel your cunt”, said I. “I have spent in it three times.” “I don't care what you do, you may do what you like, — it's of no consequence.” I felt up her cunt, she hung her head over my shoulders whilst I paddled my fingers in the wet. “Don't hurt me”, said she. “I have not hurt you.” “Yes you have.” “Let's look.” That roused her. “Oh! no, — no, — no, — you shan't.” “Wash your cunt.” I fetched the sherry, but she had not washed her cunt. “You should wash it out.” “Oh ? — oh !” said she. “if I should be with child I shall never be married.”

She drank more sherry, and promised to wash. Then I went downstairs, fetched up the broach and the ten sovereigns, and gave them to her. “How shall I say I got it?” “Does he know how much you have saved?” “Yes.” “Is it a year's wages?” “Yes”,-and she began to cry again. “What shall I say about the broach?” “That you bought it, — let's lay down and talk.” She yielded instantly, I threw up her clothes, she pushed them down. Then I lay feeling her quim, and got out her bubbies, she submitted, laying with her eyes closed, till my rubbing on her clitoris made her sigh. Then up her, I felt her wetting my prick-stem, and shot my sperm into her at that intimation of her pleasure.

It was about seven o'clock, I had been nearly five hours at my amusements, and was tired; but had that day an irrepressable prick. It began to stiffen almost directly it left her cunt. I went down with her to tea, there I pulled her on to my lap, and we began to look at Fanny Hill. I could not get a word out of her, but she looked intently at the pictures. I explained their salacity. “Hold the book dear, and turn over as I tell you.” Then I put my fingers on her cunt again. How sensitive she was. “Let's come upstairs.” “No”, said she, reluctantly, but up we went, and fucked again. Then she groaned, “Oh ! pray leave off,—I'm almost dead, — I shall have one of my fainting fits.” “Lay still darling, I shall come soon”, — but it was twenty minutes hard grinding before my sperm rose. Then she laid motionless and white through nervous exhaustion, excitement, and loss of her spermatic liquid, which I kept fetching and fetching in my long grinding. She told me afterwards that she could not tell how often she spent. I had never been randier or stronger, nor enjoyed the first of a woman more.

She was a most extraordinary girl. After the first fuck she was like a well-broken horse; she obeyed me in everything, blushed, was modest, humbled, indifferent, conquered, submissive; but I could get no conversation out of her excepting what I have narrated. She cried every ten minutes, and looked at me. After each fuck she laid with her eyes closed, and mouth open, and turned on her side directly, putting her hand over her quim, and pulling her clothes just over her buttocks. Then after I had recovered and began to talk, a tear would roll down her cheek.

About nine o'clock she said. “Do go, my sister will be here, — and the bed wants making.” At the door I put her against the wall and rubbed as well as I could my flabby cock between her cunt-lips. She made no resistance. “We'll fuck again to-morrow Jenny.” “I'll never let you again”, said she, “for you shan't come in”, — and she shut the door on me with a slam.

Chapter XIX

My soiled shirt. • Jenny's account of herself. • Fucking and funking. • Poor John ! • Of her pudenda. • It's sensitiveness. • Erotic chat. • Startled by a caller. • Her married sister's unsatisfied cunt. • How she prevented having children. • Doubts her husband's fidelity. • Jenny taught the use of a French letter. • Hickery-pickery, and catamenial irregularities.

When I got home I looked at my linen; never had it been in such a mess after female embraces. I had taken no care about it, it was be-spunked in an unusual degree, and lots of thinnish stains were on the tail which made me think that one or both of us must have spent copiously. Then I recollected that Jenny's cunt seemed very wet to me when I felt it after I had spermatized her. There were no signs of blood, and taking stock of the sensations I had experienced, “Jenny has had it before”, I said to myself. Then came a fear that her discharge was from a clap, but I dismissed that from my mind. I had only once had the clap from a woman not gay.

So I washed the tail of my shirt, laid it under my arse to dry, gave it a natural stain of piss, and wen: to bed reflecting and wondering who had first penetrated Jenny's privates.

A day or two afterwards I went to see her and shammed a knock. She opened the door. “Oh I” she exclaimed as I entered, “now you shan't, you shan't again.” “I shan't what my dear?” “I know why you came here, — but you shan't.” “I want a chat, — don't be foolish, — come here, — I won't do anything, — I don't want anything,-but come here.”

I got her into the parlour, and on to the sofa, then talked, then got baudy. “Do just let me feel your thighs, — what harm can it do when I have been between them.” “No”. “Just a feel,-there I won't put my finger further, — oh! Jenny you like my finger, — be quiet dear, — just let me feel it.” Half an hour after she had said, “Now you shan't”, my prick was in her. No woman can refuse the cock which has once stretched her cunt, she is at its mercy. We spent an-other afternoon in talking and fucking, and she partly in crying and bemoaning her evil deeds.

I had not only opened her cunt, but opened her heart and mouth at the same time. She was the funniest, frankest little woman I ever knew. She told me all her past life, her future expectations, asked my ad-vice, deplored her wickedness to her young man, and all in an hour. She spoke the same incessantly after wards. In a fortnight I knew everything about her from her birth, and about all her family; it was as if for the first time in her life she had had a confident.

“What shall I do with your money?” “Put it with the rest.” “But he knows what I've got, — we always tell each other.” “Keep it to get a good stock of clothes before you are married.” “But he knows all about my clothes.” “Put it in a little at a time, or don't tell him till you are married; then say you kept him in ignorance for a pleasant surprise, or tell him nothing at all about it, — you will have more than that.” “I don't want your money, I fear it will bring me harm.' “Well give it back to me Jenny.” But Jenny did not seem to see the advantage of that; so she kept it, and had more besides in time.

“What will become of me and poor John? — he'd die if he knew how ill I behave to him, — now don't, — you do upset a body so a talking, and putting your fingers there, — oh ! leave me alone, — no no more.” “Once more dear, — how hot your little; cunt is, — it's longing for a prick.” “Oh ! take care of my cap, you will tear it, — I'll take it off.” “What a fat backside you've got jenny, — how wet your cunt is, shove, shove, fuck, — where is my prick Jenny now?” But Jenny became speechless always after three cock-shoves, and began moistening the intruder with all her cunt-power.