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we both sensed that the timely intervention was neither

accidental nor a mistake. Someone had deliberately

pulled the crowd off our backs. Before we celebrated

our good fortune, we wanted to know who and why.

A pair of figures appeared at the mouth of the alley.

"You can come out now," one of them called.

"Sorry to interfere, but it looked like so much fun we

just had to play, too."

I'd know that voice anywhere, even if I didn't

recognize the figure as well as the unmistakable form of

her brother.

"Tananda! Chumley!" I shouted, waving to pinpoint

our position. "I was wondering when you'd show up."

The sister-brother team of Trollop and Troll hastened

to join us. For all their lighthearted banter, I can think

of few beings I'd rather have on or at my side when

things get tight.

"Are you all right?" Tananda asked, stopping to help

Massha to her feet.

"Really never had much dignity," my apprentice

responded, "and what little I did have is shot to hell.

Except for that I'm fine. I'm starting to see why you Big

Leaguers are so down on mechanical magic."

Chumley seized my hand and pumped it vigorously.

"Now don't be too rough on your little gimmicks,

ducks," he advised. "That little ring you left us was just

the ticket we needed to get here in time for the latest in

our unbroken string of last-minute rescues. Except for

the typical hash you've made of your end-game, it looks

like you've done rather well without us. We've got all

present and accounted for, including Aahz, who seems

remarkably unscathed after yet one more near-brush

with disaster. Seems like all that's left is a hasty retreat

and a slow celebration ... eh, what?"

"That's about the size of it," I agreed. "It's great

having the two of you along to ride shotgun on our exit,

though. Speaking of which, can you find the castle from

here? I've gotten a little turned around...."

"Hold it right there!" Aahz broke in. "Before we get

too wrapped up in congratulating each other, aren't

there a few minor details being overlooked?"

The group looked at each other.


Robert Asprin

"Like what?" Tananda said at last.

"Like the fact that I'm still wanted for murder, for

one," my partner glared. "Then again, there's the three

fugitives we're supposed to be bringing back to Deva

with us."

"Oh, come on, Aahz," the Trollop chided, poking

him playfully in the ribs. "With the reputation you

already have, what's a little thing like a murder war-


"I didn't do it," Aahz insisted. "Not only didn't I

kill this Vic character, nobody did. He's still around

somewhere laughing down his sleeve at all of us. Now

while I'll admit my reputation isn't exactly spotless, it

doesn't include standing still for a bum rap ... or let-

ting someone get away with making a fool of me!"

"Of course, saving the money for paying the

swindlers' debts plus the fines involved has nothing to

do with it, eh, Aahz?" Chumley said, winking his larger


"Well... that, too," my partner admitted. "Isn't it

nice that we can take care of both unpleasant tasks at

the same time?"

"Maybe we could settle for just catching Vic and let

the others go," I murmured.

"How's that again, partner?"

"Nothing, Aahz," I said with a sigh. "It's just that

... nothing. C'mon everybody. If we're going to go

hunting, it's going to require a bit of planning, and I

don't think we should do it out here in the open."