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All this spoken into the air at high volume by a gangling, frizz-haired Art Garfunkel-y man in his forties, out walking a brindled dog. It was a moment before Solanka saw the cell-phone headset through the halo of ginger hair. These days we all come across like rummies or crackpots, Solanka thought, confiding our secrets to the wind as we stroll along. Here was a striking example of the disintegrated contemporary reality that was preoccupying him. Dog-walking Art, existing for the moment only in the Telephone Continuum-lingering in the sound of silence-was quite unaware that in the alternative, or Seventieth Street Continuum, he was revealing his deepest intimacies to strangers. This about New York Professor Solanka liked a lot—this sense of being crowded out by other people’s stories, of walking like a phantom through a city that was in the middle of a story which didn’t need him as a character. And the man’s ambivalence to his wife, Solanka thought: for wife, read America. And maybe I’m still walking over to the settee.

The day’s newspapers brought unexpected comfort. He must have turned on the TV too late to hear the day’s main developments in the Sky-Ren-Bindy murder investigation. Now with lifting heart he read that the team of detectives—three precincts had joined forces on this inquiry—had hauled the three beaux in for questioning. They had later been released, and no charges had been filed for the moment, but the detectives’ demeanor had been grave and the young men had been warned not to head off in a hurry for any Riviera yachts or Southeast Asian beaches. Unnamed sources close to the investigation said that the “Mr. Panama Hat” theory was being heavily discounted, which clearly implied that the suspect boyfriends were thought to have cooked up the mysterious stalker between them. Stash, Horse, and Club looked, in the photos, like three very scared young men. Press comment, wasting no time, instantly linked the unsolved triple murder to the Nicole Brown

Simpson killing and the death of little JonBenet Ramsey. “In such cases,” one editorial concluded, “it’s wisest to keep the search pretty close to home.”

“Can I talk to you?” When he got back to the apartment, giddy with relief, Mila was waiting for him on the stoop, sans entourage, but holding in her arms a half-life size Little Brain doll. The transformation in her manner was startling. Gone was the street-goddess swagger, the queen-of-the-world attitude. This was a shy, gawky young woman with stars in her green eyes. “What you said at the movies. Are you, it has to be you, right? You’re that Professor Solanka? ‘Little Brain created by Prof Malik Solanka.’ You brought her into being, you gave her life. Oh, wow. I even have all the videotapes of Adventures, and for my twenty-first birthday my dad went to a dealer and bought me the first-draft script of the Galileo episode, you know, before they made you cut all the blasphemy out?, that’s like my most treasured possession. Okay, please say I’m right, because otherwise I’m making such a fool of myself my cool is totally blown forever. Well, it’s pretty blown anyway, you have no idea what Eddie and the guys thought of me coming over here with a doll, for Chrissake.” Solanka’s natural defenses, already lowered on account of his lightened heart, were overwhelmed by such extreme passion. “Yes,” he conceded. “Yes, that’s me.” She screamed at the top of her voice, leaping high in the air about three inches away from his face. “No way!” she then hooted, unable to stop hopping up and down. “Oh my God. I have to tell you, Professor: you totally rock. And your L.B., this little lady right here, has been my like total obsession for most of the last ten years. I watch every move she makes. And as you spotted, she’s only the basis and inspiration for my whole current personal style—” She stuck a hand out. “Mils. Mila Milo. Don’t laugh. It was Milosevic originally, but my dad wanted something everyone could say. I mean, this is America, right? Make it easy. Mee-la My-lo.” Stretching the vowels out exaggeratedly, she pulled a face, then grinned. “Sounds like, I don’t know, farm fertilizer Or maybe cereal.”

He felt the old anger surge in him as she spoke, the huge, unassuaged Little Brain anger that had remained unexpressed, inexpressible, all these years. This was the anger that had led directly to the episode of the knife… He made an immense effort and forced it down. This was the first day of his new phase. Today there would be no red mist, no obscene tirade, no fury-induced memory blackout. Today he would face the demon and wrestle it to the mat. Breathe, he told himself. Breathe.

Mila was looking worried. “Professor? Are you okay?” He nodded rapidly, yes, yes. And briefly said: “Come inside, please. I want to tell you a story.”

Part One


His earliest dolls, the little characters he had made, when younger, to populate the houses he’d designed, were painstakingly whittled out of soft whitewoods, clothes and all, and afterward painted, the clothing in vivid colors and the faces full of tiny but significant details: here a woman’s cheek swollen to hint at toothache, there a fan of crow’s-feet at the corners of some jolly fellow’s’ eyes. Since those distant beginnings he had lost interest in the houses, while the people he made had grown in stature and psychological complexity. Nowadays they started out as clay figurines. Clay, of which God, who didn’t exist, made man, who did. Such was the paradox of human life: its creator was fictional, but life itself was a fact.

He thought of them as people. When he was bringing them into being, they were as real to him as anyone else he knew. Once he had created them, however, once he knew their stories, he was happy to let them go their own way: other hands could manipulate them for the television camera, other craftsmen could cast and replicate them. The character and the story were all he cared about. The rest was just playing with toys.

The only one of his creations with whom he fell in love—the only one he didn’t want anyone else to handle—would break his heart. This was, of course, Little Brain: first a doll, later a puppet, then an animated cartoon, and afterward an actress, or, at various other times, a talk-show host, gymnast, ballerina, or supermodel, in a Little Brain outfit. Her first, late-night, series, of which nobody expected much, had been made more or less exactly as Malik Solanka desired. In that time-traveling quest program, “L.B.” was the disciple, while the philosophers she met were the real heroes. After the move to prime time, however, the channel’s executives soon weighed in. The original format was deemed much too highbrow. Little Brain was the star, and the new show had to be built around her, it was decreed. Instead of traveling constantly, she needed a location and a cast of recurring characters to play off. She needed a love interest, or better still a series of suitors, which would allow the hottest young male actors of the time to guest-star on the show and wouldn’t tie her down. Above all, she needed comedy: smart comedy, brainy comedy, yes, but there must definitely be a great many laughs. Probably even a laugh track. Writers could, would, be provided to work with Solanka to develop his hit idea for the mass audience that would now come into contact with it. This was what he wanted, wasn’t it—to move into the mainstream? If an idea didn’t develop, it died. These were the facts of televisual life.

Thus Little Brain moved to Brain Street in Brainville, with a whole family and neighborhood posse of Brains: she had an older brother called Little Big Brain, there was a science laboratory down the street called the Brain Drain, and even a laconic cowboy movie star neighbor (John Brayne). It was painful stuff, but the lower the comedy stooped, the higher the ratings soared. Brain Street wiped out the memory of The Adventures of Little Brain in a minute and settled in for a long, lucrative run. At a certain point Malik Solanka bowed to the inevitable and walked off the program. But he kept his credit on the show, ensured that his “moral rights” in his creation were protected, and negotiated a healthy share of the merchandising income. He couldn’t watch the show any longer. But Little Brain gave every indication of being happy to see him go.