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Richard pinched his lower lip as he thought. He looked down at the bones, wondering what this wizard had been doing in this room, and what had kept it sealed, and worse yet, what had unsealed it.

Richard twisted back to her. "Berdine! That book upstairs — I know that book. I know the story. If I helped you, telling you what I remember of what it says, could that help you decipher the words, and then use those translated words to help translate this journal?"

As she considered, her face brightened. “If we worked together, it might. If you could tell me what a sentence says, then I would be able to know the meaning of words I don't recognize. We might be able to do it."

Richard carefully closed the journal. "You hold on to this with your life. I'll hold the light. Let's get out of here. We have what we came for."

When he and Berdine came through the doorway, Cara and Raina practically leapt out of their skin with relief. Richard even saw Ulic and Egan close their eyes with a sigh and a silent thank-you to the good spirits for a prayer answered.

"There are mriswith in the Keep," Berdine told the other two women at their tumbling questions.

Cara gasped. "How many did you have to kill, Lord Rahl?"

"None. They didn't attack us. We weren't in danger from them. But there were enough other dangers." He waved off her furious questions. "We'll talk about it later. With Berdine's help, I found what I was looking for." He tapped the journal in Berdine's hands. "We need to get back and start translating it." He picked up the book from the table and gave it to Berdine.

As he started for the doorway out, he stopped and turned back to Cara and Raina. "Uh, while I was down there, and I was thinking that I could be killed if I did something wrong, it came to me that I didn't want to die without telling you two something."

Richard put his hands in his pockets as he stepped closer. "I realized when I was down there that I never told you that I was sorry for the way I treated you both."

"You did not know Berdine was under a spell, Lord Rahl," Cara said. "We don't blame you for wanting to keep us all at arm's length."

"I didn't know Berdine was under a spell, but I do now, and I want you to know that I wrongly thought ill of you. You never gave me cause. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

Smiles warmed Cara and Raina's faces. He didn't think they had ever looked less like Mord-Sith than at that moment.

"We forgive you, Lord Rahl," Cara said. Raina nodded her agreement. "Thank you."

"What happened down there, Lord Rahl?" Raina asked.

"We had a talk about friendship," Berdine answered.

At the base of the Keep road, where the city of Aydindril started and other roads joined to come into the city, stood a small market, nothing like the one on Stentor Street, but it looked to serve those arriving with a variety of goods.

As Richard was moving past, with his five bodyguards around him and his escort of troops marching behind, something caught his eye in the fading light and he came to a halt before a small, rickety table.

"Would you like one of your honey cakes, Lord Rahl?" a small, familiar voice asked.

Richard smiled down at the little girl. "How many do you still owe me?"

The girl turned. "Grandmamma?"

The old woman rose to her feet, clutching the tattered blanket to herseif as her faded blue eyes fixed on Richard.

"My, my," she said with a grin, showing the gaps from missing teeth. "Lord Raht can have as many as he wants, dear." She bowed her head. "So good to see you well, my Lord Rahl."

"You, too…" He waited for her name.

"Valdora," she said. She stroked a hand down the little girl's light brown hair. "And this is Holiy."

"Pleased to see you again, Valdora and Holly. What are you doing here instead of Stentor Street?"

Valdora shrugged under her blanket. "With the new Lord Rahl making the city safe, more people are coming all the time, and perhaps there will even be activity at the Wizard's Keep once again. We hope to catch some of these new people."

"Well, I don't think I'd put my hopes in the Keep thriving again any time soon, but you will certainly have first chance at those come new to Aydindril." Richard surveyed the cakes on her table. "How many do I still have coming?"

Valdora chuckled. "I would have a lot of baking to do to catch up with what we owe you, Lord Rahl."

Richard winked at her. "Tell you what. If I could have one for these five friends of mine, and one for myself, we will bargain it as even."

Valdora's gaze passed over his five guards. She bowed her head again. "Done, Lord Rahl. You have brought me more satisfaction than you could know."


As Verna hurried toward the gate to the Prelate's compound, she noticed Kevin Andellmere standing guard in the darkness. She was impatient to get to the sanctuary, to tell Ann that she had at last figured it out, and she now knew almost every one of the Sisters loyal to the Light, but she hadn't seen Kevin in weeks. Despite her heart-pounding rush, she stopped.

"Kevin, is that you?"

The young soldier bowed. "Yes, Prelate."

"I haven't seen you around for quite a time, have I?"

"No, Prelate. Bollesdun, Walsh, and I were called back to our command."


Kevin shifted his weight. "I'm not sure, exactly. My commander was curious about the spell over the palace, I think. I've know him for near to fifteen years, and he's aged. He wanted to see with his own eyes if it were true that we hadn't. He said Bollesdun, Walsh, and I look the same as we did when he first saw us, fifteen years ago. He said he had doubted it when he heard it said, but he believed it, now. He had his commanders who knew us come look for themselves."

Verna felt her forehead break out with beads of perspiration. With a cold wash of understanding, she knew why the emperor was coming to the Palace of the Prophets. She had to tell the Prelate. There was no time to lose.

"Kevin, are you a loyal soldier of the Empire, of the Imperial Order?"

Kevin slid his hand up on his pike. His voice hesitated. "Yes, Prelate. I mean, when the Order conquered my homeland, I had little choice; I was made a soldier in the Order. I fought for a time up north, near the wilds, Then, when the Order took over our kingdom, I was told I was a soldier for the Order, and assigned to the palace.

"Can't get a better guard job than this. I'm glad to be back guarding your compound. Bollesdun and Walsh are glad to be back, too, to their posts at the Prophet's compound.

"My officers have always treated me decent, at least, and I always get paid. It's not much, but it always comes, and I see plenty of people who have no work, and have a hard time eating."

Verna put a gentle hand to his arm. "Kevin, what do you think of Richard?"

"Richard?" A grin came over his face, "Hiked Richard. He bought me expensive chocolates for me to give my lady."

"Is that all he means to you? Chocolates?"

He scratched his eyebrow. "No… I didn't mean it that way. Richard was.. a good man."

"Do you know why he bought you those chocolates?"

"Because he was nice. He cared about people."

Verna nodded. "Yes, he did. He hoped that by giving you chocolates, when the time came for him to escape, it would make you see him as a friend and keep you from fighting him so he wouldn't have to kill you. He didn't want you as an enemy trying to kill him."

"Kill him? Prelate, I would never have — "

"If he hadn't been kind to you, you might have been loyal to the palace first, and tried to stop him."

He glanced to the ground. "I've seen him use his sword. I guess the gift was more than chocolates."

"That it was. Kevin, if a times comes, and you have to choose — Richard, or the Order — which would you choose?"