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They didn’t drive far before finding a decent beach. Tourist season was starting to die down, and while it was impossible to find complete solitude, they did find an area unpolluted by sunbathers. Tim’s crutches kept sinking into the sand, so they backtracked to solid ground and parked themselves there, enjoying the view. The sky changed its flavor to tropical orange as the sun steadily made its descent, seagulls calling out to each other above the crashing waves.

“This is the first time I’ve ever seen the ocean,” Tim said. “Or gulf or whatever.”

“I guess there’s nothing like this in Kansas,” Ben replied. “I figured that you traveled a lot with your parents, though.”

“Not really. They like to take trips on their own, but I have been to Mexico City half a dozen times. My mom’s family all live there.”

“What’s it like?”

“Beautiful. Very different from here. That’s what I like about it.” A far-away look came into Tim’s eyes as he remembered. “I always make them take me to the volcano, Popocatépetl.”

“Popo-what?” Ben snorted.

Popocatépetl,” Tim repeated.

This sent Ben into a fit of laughter.

“That’s what it’s called,” Tim insisted, before starting to laugh himself. “I guess it does sound kind of goofy.”

“I love how you say it with the accent and everything,” Ben said once he had calmed down. “Can you speak Spanish at all?”

“Fluently. I was raised bilingual.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious at this point that you’re bi,” Ben teased.

“I’m not,” Tim protested. “I just get really horny sometimes.”

Ben tried not to laugh at this but couldn’t help himself. Tim looked insulted so Ben shoved him playfully and told him to stop taking everything so seriously.

“I don’t care what you are,” he said bravely, reaching out to pat Tim on the back. He let his hand linger there. “I like you for who you are.”

“It’s not the sports car, then?” Tim asked as Ben began to run his hand up and down his back. “Or the movie star good looks?”

“Are you kidding me? I can barely stand to look at you. The car, on the other hand, is pure sex.”

“That she is,” Tim grinned.

Coche bonita!” Ben tried. He was pretty sure it meant ‘beautiful car.’ He suddenly wished he had paid closer attention in school. “Say something to me in Spanish.”

“Like what?”

“Something nice.”

Tim thought for a while before clearing his throat. He turned and looked Ben directly in the eye before speaking. “Enséñame a volar, mi mariposa hermosa.”

The smile faded from Ben’s face. He didn’t understand all of it, but one word had stood out. “Something nice,” he complained.

“Sorry if you didn’t like it,” Tim responded, appearing offended.

“Well I know what ‘mariposa’ means, and I’m sick of hearing it.”

Tim scrunched up his face in confusion. “Who’s been saying mariposa to you?”

“Everyone in my Spanish class,” Ben told him. “We had a substitute and someone asked how to say faggot in Spanish--”

“It’s not!” Tim protested. “Oh, man. How could I be so stupid? Mariposa means butterfly.”

“It does? So it’s not homophobic?”

“Yeah. Well, no.” Tim thought about it for a second. “It’s just like the word ‘fairy’ in English. You can say it all day long and it doesn’t mean anything bad, but call someone that in the right context and it can be offensive.”

“Oh.” That explained why Mrs. Vega hadn’t reacted when the students kept using that word. In a way it was kind of cool. Basically everyone was saying ‘butterfly’ to him. Big deal! Knowing this would make it easier not to react in the future. “So what did you say to me then?” Ben asked.

“Forget it,” Tim said dismissively. “I should have chosen my words better.”

“No, tell me!”

“Maybe later.”

Ben begged him to reveal what he had said a few more times, but Tim was adamant. Instead he started digging around in the sand, looking for shells that weren’t broken to take as souvenirs. This led to them digging a moat, followed by the inevitable building of a sand castle. It wasn’t the right kind of sand though, so all they could build was a shapeless mound of sand. Ben made a limp flag out of some seaweed and a stick and stuck it in the top, dubbing it Popocatépetl.

The night had finally arrived in full, the temperature dropping. Ben was about to suggest they leave when a laugh came from further down the beach. Raucous voices soon joined it as a group of silhouettes moved toward them. Ben hoped not to be noticed in the dark, but as the strangers passed there were puzzled murmurs before one of the voices called out. Tim answered, causing a few to scream and the others to giggle.

The group walked toward them, the distant streetlights illuminating five girls, all college age or older. Each had a beer in hand, two of them carrying half-empty twelve-packs in the other. The girls were all boney clones of each other, except for one who was stocky and confident. She was the first to speak to them in a thick Bronx accent.

“What are you two doing out here? On a date or something?”

“No,” Tim laughed. “What about you?”

“We’re not lezzes! Ew!” mocked one of the girls in the background to the others’ amusement.

“That one is kind of cute,” murmured one of the voices.

“How old are you guys?” challenged the ringleader.

“Old enough,” Tim retorted to their delight.

“You guys want a beer?”

“Yeah, I need to sit,” whined a girl with bleached blonde hair. “Let’s drink one with them.”

The girls jostled for position on the sand, ending up forming a circle like some strange council. The ringleader sat directly in front of them while the two prettiest flocked to Tim’s side. Nearest Ben was a fair-haired girl with timid posture who risked a sympathetic glance in his direction before looking away.

Tim eagerly accepted the beer. Ben turned it down, as the designated driver, which caused a round of laughter. They handed him one anyway. He sipped at it moodily, not drinking more than the bare minimum.

“You guys go to college around here?” asked the brunette nearest to Tim.

“Yeah, we sure do.” He turned and winked openly at Ben.

“Which one?”

Tim paused. He hadn’t been in Texas long enough to bluff his way through this one.

“Texas A&M,” Ben filled in for him. The college wasn’t remotely local, but the girls didn’t react, proving they were here on vacation. They barely acknowledged his response. All attention was focused on Tim, like dogs eyeing a juicy piece of meat. Ben hoped this wasn’t how he usually appeared.

They continued grilling Tim through his first beer. By his second they were trying to outdo each other to gain his approval. Some told of their raunchy exploits back home. One tried humor and failed miserably. The girl nearest to Tim relied on physical charm, finding excuses to make bodily contact with him. So far she seemed to be in the lead. Only the bashful girl next to Ben refrained from these games. She started a cautious conversation with Ben about what life was like in Texas, which he found hard to focus on while keeping an eye on the proceedings.

When Tim stood to answer a call of nature, the brunette rose with him, wrapping an arm around his torso to help him walk. This caused a chorus of “oooohs” from the other girls that set Ben’s teeth on edge. He tried to follow them with his eyes as they left, but they were soon lost to the dark.

It was hard to judge how much time passed before they came back, but every minute was grueling. When Tim did show his face again, he was grinning.

“I’m afraid, ladies, that we must take our leave,” he said.

“No way! Come and party at our hotel!” the brunette insisted.

“Tell us where you’re staying and we might come by later,” he suggested.

Ben couldn’t wait to leave as they all clamored to give Tim the information. He didn’t say anything further until they were back on the ferry, looking over the edge at the churning water below.