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Tim’s black hair was messy and sticking up, probably from when he and Krista had been messing around. His silver eyes sheepishly considered Ben’s own, before looking away and down at his own body. Ben followed his gaze, over the sea blue tank top to the white shorts where it was more than obvious that he was aroused. The silver eyes found his again, all hesitation in them replaced by lust.

“C’mere,” he invited.

Ben went to him and sat down on the couch. As much as he had fantasized about touching Tim, he found it ironic that he now didn’t know how to proceed. He concluded that there was nothing left but to do it. He reached out toward Tim’s crotch, but his hand was caught by the wrist.

“What’s the rush?” Tim laughed, pulling on the wrist to draw Ben closer to him.

With his other hand, Tim reached behind Ben’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips met clumsily before they readjusted and found the perfect fit. Tim kissed him passionately, taking full control which was good because Ben was at a loss. This isn’t how it usually went at all! Strange as it was, considering the number of guys he had blown before, this was Ben’s first kiss.

He breathed in through his nose, taking in Tim’s smell as he enjoyed the sensation of the tongue darting into his mouth. Ben’s hand was released and so he used it to feel the chest he had spent so much time admiring. Tim moaned in approval and broke their kiss so he could take off his shirt. He leaned back and placed Ben’s hand back on his pecs. Ben rubbed his hand over them and Tim smiled cockily, enjoying having his impressive physique worshiped so transparently.

Ben worked his hand downward, Tim squirming beneath his touch in anticipation of where he was going. Ben wanted to draw it out and tease him longer, but he couldn’t control himself and grabbed Tim’s cock through his shorts.

“Wow!” Ben gasped. He been with a few guys slightly bigger than himself before, but Tim was significantly thicker.

He pumped his hand up and down, enjoying the look of bliss on Tim’s face. His eyes were closed and his mouth was open. Ben burned the image into his mind as one of the most beautiful things he had even seen. He never wanted to forget it.

Ben reached his fingers under the elastic band of Tim’s athletic shorts and pulled them back. Tim tensed and sat up, an uncomfortable expression on his face. Ben looked down to see and was startled. It was uncut! So that’s what all the fuss was about.

“The European standard?” Ben inquired.

“It’s normal over there,” Tim said apologetically.

“It’s gorgeous,” Ben said. He meant it, too. He liked that it was different than his own. It was exotic, and like the body it was attached to, breathtakingly attractive.

“You don’t mind?” Tim asked, still adorably uncertain.

Ben answered by taking it into his mouth. Tim tensed up but then immediately relaxed again, letting himself enjoy the sensations Ben was giving him. Tim was certainly one of the most appreciative recipients of his favors. He moaned approvingly and ran his fingers through Ben’s hair as he worked.

Soon Tim’s hips began thrusting and his moans became louder and more insistent. He bucked wildly as he came, Ben struggling to keep him inside his mouth.

“No more, no more, stop!” Tim panted, pulling Ben off of him.

Ben unwillingly receded. This was the part that he hated the most. His own cock was painfully begging for release, both from the confines of his jeans and sexually, but his mind was already troubled by the awkward moment to come. Sometimes the guy just went back to pretending he was asleep, or if it had started when they were awake, would find some pretense to distance himself. Any second now Tim would say he had to use the restroom or feign some other important thing that he had to do, anything to get away from the gay guy he had just used.

“Fuck, that was good,” Tim said, still trying to catch his breath. “Man. I have to take a piss.”

“That’s cool,” Ben said casually as Tim pulled his shorts back up and left the room.

He pondered leaving as he waited. It was usually less awkward that way. The toilet flushed and Tim’s crutches squeaked their way back over to the couch.

“I guess I should get back,” Ben said, starting to stand.

“What?” Tim laughed. “You’re crazy.” He shoved Ben back onto the couch and tossed his crutches aside, falling with his full weight onto Ben. He growled menacingly and wrestled Ben onto his back, kissing him again.

Ben’s heart swelled with happy surprise, but not as much as his cock did when Tim’s hand suddenly grabbed onto it.

“Your turn,” he whispered seductively into Ben’s ear.

Tim slid to the side, pulled up Ben’s shirt and undid his jeans, ripping them along with Ben’s underwear down to his knees in a motion that was anything but gentle.

“Nice,” he said appreciatively as he took hold of Ben with one strong hand and began pumping.

He pushed Ben’s shirt up further and licked one of his nipples before moving upward to kiss him on the mouth. Their tongues danced together as Ben struggled to breathe. He was getting close and opened his eyes, wanting to tell Tim what was going to happen. He found Tim’s eyes locked fiercely on his own and didn’t last long after that, soaking his stomach and even his chest.

Tim grinned. “I’ll grab a towel,” he said. “And then you’re going to cook for me,” he added matter-of-factly.

Ben watched him go, his head still spinning from all that had just happened. The sex had been incredible, but what really sent his heart soaring had been the kissing. He felt certain that he had, after all these years of yearning and wanting, finally met someone who could love him back.

* * * * *

Nothing had happened between Ben and Tim, or so it felt. They passed the evening much as they always did. A horror movie about killer puppets entertained them while they ate chili. Afterwards Tim put on a few CDs while they talked; a B-side collection of Nirvana followed by the Smashing Pumpkins. Ben barely heard the music; instead he pondered how Tim was taking it all in stride.

The subject didn’t come up again. Inside, Ben felt like he was going to explode. So many emotions were stirring within him, all of them positive and excited. If Tim felt something similar, he managed to hide it well.

Sleep didn’t come easy that night. Tim didn’t want to struggle with the stairs, so he stayed on the couch. Ben made himself a bed of blankets, placing them as near the couch as possible. As he listened to the sound of Tim’s slow, rhythmic breathing, he fantasized about sharing a bed with him. They would whisper pleasantries to each other before kissing goodnight and holding each other in sleep.

The next morning Ben found himself roused by his friend and then quickly aroused. Tim pulled him forcibly onto the couch, kissing him deeply and grinding against him, leading to a replay of the day before.

“Guess we should get the place cleaned up,” Tim said once they had both caught their breath.

“I wish your parents were going to be gone another week,” Ben sighed wistfully.

“Yeah, me too.”

Tim felt well enough by now that he was able to help with the chores. By noon the house was as tidy as could be expected when left in the hands of a teenager.

“You should probably get going. Just in case they catch an early flight or something.”

Dread stirred in Ben’s stomach. He had his own parents to face today, and he was sure it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Look,” Tim began, but it was almost a minute before he continued. “What happened between us, well…”

Ben perked up, giving him his full attention.

“It’s probably best we keep it a secret,” Tim said, reaching behind to scratch his head while grinning nervously. “I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”

“Wrong idea?” Ben repeated.